

制作国家/地区 瑞士(第1-4季)
HIT Entertainment(2003–2006)
Hot Animation(2003–2006)
发行公司SF DRS(1990–2000)
HIT Entertainment(2003–2006)
首播频道SF DRS(第1-4季)
BBC Two(第5-6季)
播出国家/地区 瑞士(第1-4季)
播出日期1990年3月7日 (1990-03-07)-2006年3月3日 (2006-03-03)



  • Pingu:本動畫主角
  • Pinga:Pingu的三歲妹妹(英文版維基是sister)
  • Vater:Pingu的爸爸
  • Mutter:Pingu的媽媽
  • Opa:Pingu的爺爺
  • Robby:Pingu的海豹朋友
  • Pingi:Pingu的女友
  • Pingo,Pingg和Punki:Pingu的朋友兼死對頭


集數列表 (未完成)

第一季 (1990)

1Hello Pingu淘氣的 Pingu
2Pingu Delivers the Mail臨時小郵差
3Pingu Looks After the Egg淘氣的頑皮蛋
4The New ArrivalPinga 的誕生
5Pingu Goes FishingPingu 釣魚去
7Hide and Seek捉迷藏
8Barrel of FunPingu 受傷了
9Pingu Plays Fish Tennis頂魚遊戲
10Skiing滑雪遊戲 1
11Sledging滑雪遊戲 2
12Lost Baby妹妹失蹤了
13Ice Hockey曲棍球遊戲
14Pingu Runs Away受驚嚇的Pingu
15Building Igloos蓋雪屋
16Pingu and Pinga Stay Up媽媽累壞了
17Music LessonsPingu 玩手風琴
18Little Accidents天才媽媽
19School TimePingu 上學去
20Pingu's Ice Cave冰宮驚魂記
21Pingu's Dream夢中驚魂記
22Grandpa is Ill兄妹假裝生病
23Pingu and Pinga at Home兄妹鬧翻天
25Pingu and the Barrel OrganPingu 的愛心行動
26Pingu's CircusPingu 的表演秀

第二季 (1991 - 1994)

1Pingu at the Doctor'spingu看醫生
2Pingu's Admirer班上來了新同學
3Pingu and the Seagull頑皮的海燕
4Pingu Goes Ice SurfingPingu洗床單
5Pingu's First Kiss花式溜冰
6Pingu's Curling Game擲遠比賽
7Pingu the Icicle Musician冰宮音樂會
8Pingu the Chef兄妹爆玉米花
9Pingu's Family Celebrate Christmas聖誕夜
10Pingu Goes Away阿姨家作客
11Pingu the PhotographerPingu學照相
12Pingu's New Kite兄妹放風筝
13Pingu and the Many Packages送生日禮物
14Pingu the Conjurer's ApprenticePingu表演魔術
15Pingu's Birthdaypingu生日快樂
16Pingu at the Funfair全家遊兒童樂園
17Pingu the Babysitter天才小保姆
18Pingu Cannot Lose打保齡球
19Pingu and the Game of Fish整人風波
20Pingu Gets a Bicycle相親相愛
21Pingu's Visit to the Hospital探病妙方
22Pingu on the School Excursion戶外教學
23Pingu and Pinga at the Kindergarten陪妹妹上幼稚園
24Pingu and the Strangers海燕捉魚
25Pingu Helps His Mother幫媽媽做家事
26Pingu Builds a Snowman堆雪人

第三季 (1995 - 1996)

1Pingu Goes Cross Country Skiing滑雪比賽
2Pingu at the Museum參觀美術館
3Pingu's Grandpa Comes to Stay爺爺來了
4Pingu's Long Journey長途旅行
5Pingu Pretends to Be Ill裝病
6Pingu the Painter小畫家
7Pingu's Trick捉弄鄰居
8Pingu and the Mother Bird有愛心的Pingu
9Pingu Quarrels With His Mother和媽媽吵架
10Pingu and the Message in the Bottle尋寶遊戲
11Pingu Has an Idea天才Pingu
12Pingu and the Broken Vase扮家家酒
13Pingu and the Paper Plane鬧學記
14Pingu Takes Revenge自作自受
15Pingu Makes a Mistake粗心的Pingu
16Pingu and the Toy玩具弄壞了
17Pingu the Superhero小王子與小超人
18Pingu and the Fishing Competition釣魚比賽
19Pingu and the Letter神秘卡片
20Pingu Feels Left Out不受歡迎
21Pingu Wins First Prize幸運
22Pingu and the Ghost惡作劇
23Pingu and the Postcard美麗的明信片
24Pingu's Discovery意外發現
25Pingu and the Baker犯錯
26Pingu and the Lost Ball皮球不見了

第四季 (1998 - 2000)

1Pingu's Disadvantage遊戲作弊
2Pingu Refuses to Help拒絕做家事
3Pingu the Mountaineer登山記
4Pingu and the Big Fish合作釣大魚
5Pingu Shows What He Can Do愛現的Pingu
6Pingu Clears the Snow替爸爸蓋車庫
7Pingu Has a Day Off良心發現
8Pingu the Archer烏龍弓箭手
9Pingu Gets a Warning風箏不見了
10Pingu and the Magnet投機取巧
11Pingu Gets Help小風帆
12Pingu in Paradise夢中樂園
13Pingu's Dangerous Joke可怕的惡作劇
14Pingu the Pilot小小飛行員
15Pingu Teases Pinga戲弄妹妹
16Pingu's Wish美夢成真
17Pingu is Curious神秘的禮物
18Pingu Gets Organised親子遊戲
19Pingu Builds a Tower南極斜塔
20Pingu the KingPingu大帝
21Pingu the Baker妙妙小廚師
22Pingu and the Doll有樣學樣
23Pingu Helps Grandfather爺爺受傷了
24Pingu Has a Bad Day倒霉的一天
25Pingu Loses the Bet痛失玩具
26Pingu and His CupPingu的獎盃

第五季 (2003 - 2004)

1Pingu's Bouncy FunPingu 的彈力堡
2Pingu Finishes the Job椅子完成了
3Pingu Digs a HolePingu 的地窖
4Pingi's Valentine Card情人節到了
5Pingu Wants to FlyPingu 飛上天了
6Pingu's Windy Day刮大風的日子
7Pinga's Lost Rabbit兔子不見了
8Pingu's Moon Adventure去月球探險
9Pinga SleepwalksPinga 夢遊
10Pingu the Snowboarder一起來滑雪
11Pinga Has Hiccups打嗝打不停
12Like Father Like PinguPingu 釣大魚
13Pingu's Ice SculpturePingu 的冰雕
14Pinga's BalloonPinga 的氣球
15Pingu and the Knitting Machine神奇的針織機
16Pingu's Balancing Act保持平衡
17Pingu Gets Lost迷路了
18Pingu and Pinga Go Camping我們去露營
19Stinky PinguPingu 好臭
20Pingu and the Band我們的樂隊
21Pingu and the Snowball我們來打雪球仗
22Pingu's Stick UpPingu 的貼紙
23Pingu and the Doorbell有趣的門鈴
24Pingu Plays Tag捉人遊戲
25Pingu's Pancakes動手作薄餅
26Pingu's Bedtime Shadows上床時間到了

第六季 (2005 - 2006)

1Pingu's Sledge AcademyPingu 在雪橇学院
2Pingu and the HosePingu 与软管
3Pottery PinguPingu 的陶器
4Pingu and the LitterPingu 与垃圾
5Mother's New Hat妈妈的新帽子
6Poor PingaPinga 生病了
7Pinga in a Box盒装 Pinga
8Pingu and the PresentPingu 与礼物
9Pingu and the ToyshopPingu 与玩具店
10Pingu and the Paper MachePingu 与纸浆
11Sore Tummy PinguPingu 肚子痛
12Pingu Gets Carried AwayPingu 被车子牵着走
13Pingu and the School PetPingu 与学校宠物
14Pampering Pingu任意妄为的 Pingu
15Green Eyed Pingu嫉妒心重的 Pingu
16Pingu Wraps UpPingu 包扎記
17Pingu and the Fish FlutePingu 与鱼笛
18Pingu BoogalooPingu 在跳舞
19Pingu and the Daily IglooPingu 与雪屋日报
20Pingu and the Rubberband PlanePingu 与橡皮飞机
21Pingu and the BracesPingu 与丫叉
22Pingu's Big CatchPingu 钓大鱼
23Pingu and the New ScooterPingu 与新车
24Pingu and the PaintPingu 与图画
25Pingu Makes a Big Splash飞濺吧! Pingu
26Pingu and the Abominable SnowmanPingu 与雪人


2017年10月7日,由日本製作,新推出《Pingu in the City》,描寫Pingu進入了大城市過生活的新故事。


GAME BOY遊戲:企鵝家族世界健康企鵝1號(B-AI 企鵝家族),以及Nintendo DS遊戲:Pingu的興奮♪ 狂歡節!(SQUARE ENIX 酷兒·恩尼克斯)。


  1. . The Guardian. 2016-01-11 [2018-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-26).


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