

巴克豪森的實驗工具的複製品。包括由銅線環繞的鐵長條,而銅線被接駁至一個真空管放大器(圖左)及耳機(圖中沒有顯示)。 當馬蹄形磁鐵 (右方) 轉動,流經鐵長條的磁場方向發生改變,所產生像炸裂的「巴克豪森聲噪」(Barkhausen noise)將能夠從耳機被聽見。
Magnetization (J) or flux density (B) curve as a function of magnetic field intensity (H) in ferromagnetic material. The inset shows Barkhausen jumps.
Origin of the Barkhausen noise: as a domain wall moves it gets caught on a defect in the crystal lattice, then "snaps" past it, creating a sudden change in the magnetic field.



  1. Fukumoto,Yoshiyk,Kamijo(February 2002)"Effect of Milling Depth of the Junction Pattern on magneticproperties and yield in magnetic Tunnel Junctions" Jpn.J. Appl. Phys.41:L183-L185.
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