白虎 (電影)

白虎》(俄语:Белый тигр;英语:White Tiger),是2012年的电影,由卡伦·沙赫纳扎罗夫执导,阿列克谢·维特科夫主演。该电影在2013年的第85屆奧斯卡金像獎中获得奥斯卡最佳外语片奖提名。[1]

White Tiger
Белый тигр
片长104 分鐘
产地 俄罗斯


  • 伊万·纳季亚诺夫,由阿列克谢·维特科夫扮演
  • 朱可夫,由瓦列里·格列什科扮演
  • 沙里波夫,格拉西姆·阿尔希波夫扮演
  • 希特勒,由卡尔·科兰茨科夫斯基扮演



It’s not just simply lost, Europe has been routed. 不僅僅失去戰爭 整個歐洲都陷落了

But can you possibly imagine what tomorrow will bring ? 但你能想像明天嗎?

An unhappy Germany ! 一個悲傷的德國!

They will blame her for all mortal sins, the German people will be the scapegoat for everything. 他們會將所有罪過它 德國人民將成為代罪羔羊

Thousands of books will be written, 成千的書將被出版

thousands of ridiculous documents will be found, 成千荒謬的檔案將被挖掘

hounders of memories thought up, 成百的記憶被捏造

and we, Germany and I, 而我們 德國與我

will be brought before the world, 將被帶至全世界

like unprecedented monsters of humanity, 好比史無前例的怪獸

like devils incarnate! 似同惡魔再現

But we simply found the courage to carry out what Europe dreamed of doing. 但我們只是有勇氣 實現歐洲的夢寐以求

We said, since you’re thinking about it, let’s once and for all just do it ! 我們說出你們的心聲 就一次 讓我們一起

It’s like a surgical operation. 好比外科手術

It’s painful at first, but then the body heals. 在一開始很痛 但身體會漸漸痊癒

Didn’t we bring about the secret dream of every European citizen ? 我們難道不是帶出了全歐洲人民的難以啟齒的夢想?

Wasn’t that the principle behind our victories ? 難道不是之前戰勝背後的原因?

After all, everyone realized : 在這之後 公眾將明白

the things they were afraid to tell even their own wives, 他們連妻子都不敢告訴的事

we announced clearly and openly as befits a courageous and whole people. 我們卻勇於昭告天下

They never loved the Jews ! 他們從未喜愛過猶太!

Their whole lives they were afraid of Russia, 他們的人生都在畏懼俄羅斯

that somber, gloomy country in the east, that centaur wild and alien to Europe ! 那陰鬱 晦暗 那充滿怪物 異於歐洲 的東方國度

I simply said: let’s solve these two problems, let’s solve them once and for all. 我只說 就此解決這兩問題 從此一勞永逸

Did we really come up with something new ? No ! 我們有想出新方法 ?不 !

We simply brought clarity to those questions for which all Europe was seeking clarity. 我們只不過讓歐洲看清他們一直想看清的問題

That is all. 這就足矣了

As long as the earth revolves around the sun, 只要地球還繞著太陽轉

as long as cold and heat, storms and sunshine exist, 只要寒 熱 暴雪 和 陽光存在

there will always be struggle, including struggle between people and nations. 將不斷拉扯 掙扎 於人民和國家之中

If people were to live in heaven, they would rot. 如果人們曾安於天堂 也會腐朽

Mankind became what it is thanks to struggle. 人類因掙扎成為現在這模樣

War is a natural, ordinary thing. 戰爭是自然不過的事

War is eternal and everywhere. 戰爭永恆且無處不在

It has no beginning and no end. 沒有起始 亦未終竭

War is life itself. 戰爭就是生命

War is the original human state. 戰爭是人類原始的狀態


  1. Karen Shakhnazarov’s “White Tiger”nominated for Oscar - PanARMENIAN.Net
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