
直鏈乙炔碳(Linear Acetylenic Carbon),也称卡拜(Carbyne)、线型碳(Linear carbon),碳的一种同素异形体,[1]具有-(CC)n-类型的结构。[2]其中每个碳都是sp杂化,碳碳单键三键交替。这种类型卡拜的杨氏模量是已知天然最硬材料——鑽石的40倍,同時也是奈米碳管的兩倍,因此将是很好的纳米材料[3]


  1. Dangerously Seeking Linear Carbon, Ray H. Baughman, Science 19 May 2006: Vol. 312. no. 5776, pp. 1009 - 1110.
  2. Carbyne and Carbynoid Structures Series: Physics and Chemistry of Materials with Low-Dimensional Structures, Vol. 21 Heimann, R.B.; Evsyukov, S.E.; Kavan, L. (Eds.) 1999, 452 p., Hardcover ISBN 0-7923-5323-4
  3. Harder than Diamond: Determining the Cross-Sectional Area and Young's Modulus of Molecular Rods, Lior Itzhaki et al, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 7432-7435.
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