




  • 主要象徵主義是筆劃在頁面中所反映的意義。
  • 主要象徵主義指依據筆劃所繪製的圖畫所透露出的意義。例如,約翰·韋恩的簽名顯示了熏黑了的部分,代表他的肺癌。






  1. . Ask the Scientists. Scientific American Frontiers. [2008-02-22]. (原始内容存档于2015-04-05). "they simply interpret the way we form these various features on the page in much the same way ancient oracles interpreted the entrails of oxen or smoke in the air. I.e., it's a kind of magical divination or fortune telling where 'like begets like.'"
  2. . British Columbia Civil Liberties Association. 1988 [2008-02-22]. (原始内容存档于2008-02-17). "On the other hand, in properly controlled, blind studies, where the handwriting samples contain no content that could provide non-graphological information upon which to base a prediction (e.g., a piece copied from a magazine), graphologists do no better than chance at predicting the personality traits"
  3. entry in The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience.
  4. Thomas, John A. . North Texas Skeptics. 2002 [2008-02-22]. "In summary, then, it seems that graphology as currently practiced is a typical pseudoscience and has no place in character assessment or employment practice. There is no good scientific evidence to justify its use, and the graphologists do not seem about to come up with any."
  5. James, Barry. . New York Times. 3 August 1993 [18 September 2010]. (原始内容存档于2013年5月17日).
  6. Frazier, Kendrick. . Skeptical Enquirer. Committee for Skeptical Enquiry: Volume 22.6. November/December 1998 [18 September 2010].
  7. Driver, Russel H.; M. Ronald Buckley and Dwight D. Frink, , International Journal of Selection and Assessment, April 1996, 4 (2): 78–86, doi:10.1111/j.1468-2389.1996.tb00062.x.
  8. Furnham, Adrian; Barrie Gunter, , Personality and Individual Differences, 1987, 8 (3): 433–435, doi:10.1016/0191-8869(87)90045-6.
  9. Roy N. King and Derek J. Koehler, , Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 2000, 6 (4): 336–348, doi:10.1037/1076-898X.6.4.336.
  10. Fluckiger, Fritz A, Tripp, Clarence A & Weinberg, George H, , Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1961, 12: 67–90, doi:10.2466/PMS.12.1.67-90.
  11. Lockowandte, Oskar, , Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 1976, (6): 4–5.
  12. Nevo, B Scientific Aspects Of Graphology: A Handbook Springfield, IL: Thomas: 1986
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