



美國沒有對「大规模枪击事件」採用固定的定义[8]。2003年1月,美国国会通过了一项有关暴力犯罪的法案(The Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012),该法案定义“大规模杀害事件”为除凶手自身以外,至少三人死亡的事件[9][10][11]。2015年,美国国会研究服务定义大规模枪击事件为“在事件發生及其相邻区域内,至少四名受害者被枪击杀害的多重杀人犯罪”[12]。非营利组织“枪支暴力档案”所使用的宽泛定义则是“除凶手自身以外,至少四人被枪击(无论死亡与否)的事件”[13],而此定义也往往为新闻界和非盈利组织所采用[14][15][16][17][18]



1 拉斯维加斯袭击201759 (包括枪手)槍傷的超過400
2 奥兰多夜店枪击案201650 (包括枪手)53半自动步枪[19][20]
3 弗吉尼亚理工大学校园枪击案200733 (包括枪手)23手枪[19]
4 桑迪·胡克小学枪击案201228 (包括枪手)02半自动步枪和手动步枪[19]
5 萨瑟兰泉教堂枪击案201727 (包括枪手)20半自动步枪[22][20]
6 露比餐厅枪击案199124 (包括枪手)27手枪[19]
7 聖思多羅麥當勞大屠殺198422 (包括枪手)19多种武器[19]
8 University of Texas tower shooting196618 (包括枪手)31多种武器[19]
9 2018年佛罗里达校园枪击案20181717半自动步枪[23]
10 2015年圣贝纳迪诺枪击案201516 (包括枪手)24半自动步枪[19][20]
11 Edmond post office shooting198615 (包括枪手)06手枪[19]
哥伦拜恩校园事件199915 (包括枪手)24多种武器[24]
13 宾厄姆顿枪击案200914 (包括枪手)04手枪[24]
14 Camden shootings19491303手枪[24]
Wilkes-Barre shootings19821301半自动步枪[24]
华盛顿海军工厂枪击事件201313 (包括枪手)08散弹枪和手枪[24]
維珍尼亞州灘市大型槍擊案201913 (包括枪手)04手枪待更新
15 2012年奥罗拉枪击事件20121270多种武器[24][20]
16 Geneva County massacre200911 (包括枪手)待更新半自动步枪[24]
17 GMAC shootings199010 (包括枪手)待更新半自动步枪[19]
Atlanta shootings199910 (包括枪手)12手枪[19]
红湖高中校园枪击案200510 (包括枪手)待更新多种武器[24]
安普瓜社区学院枪击案201510 (包括枪手)待更新手枪[24]
2019年代頓槍擊案201910 (包括枪手)16半自動步槍待更新



  1. .
  2. U.S. Leads World in Mass Shootings. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved: October 2, 2017.
  3. Why the US has the most mass shootings. CNN. Retrieved: October 2, 2017.
  4. Why the U.S. is No. 1 – in mass shootings. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved: October 2, 2017.
  5. The United States Has Had More Mass Shootings Than Any Other Country. Mother Jones. Retrieved: October 2, 2017.
  6. Berkowitz, Bonnie; Gamio, Lazaro; Lu, Denise; Uhrmacher, Kevin; Lindeman, Todd. . Washington Post. 5 October 2017 [5 November 2017].
  7. Blair, John Pete; Schweit, Katherine W., (PDF), Washington DC: Texas State University and Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2014
  8. Greenberg, Jacobson & Valverde, Jon, Louis & Miriam. . Tampa Bay Times. February 14, 2018 [20 February 2018]. As noted above, there is no widely accepted definition of mass shootings. People use either broad or restrictive definitions of mass shootings to reinforce their stance on gun control. After the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting, Congress defined "mass killings" as three or more homicides in a single incident. The definition was intended to clarify when the U.S. Attorney General could assist state and local authorities in investigations of violent acts and shootings in places of public use.
  9. . United States Congress. [20 February 2018]. (I)the term mass killings means 3 or more killings in a single incident;
  10. Ingraham, Christopher. . Washington Post. 3 December 2015 [5 November 2017]. But starting in 2013, federal statutes defined "mass killing" as three or more people killed, regardless of weapons.
  11. Follman, Mark. . Mother Jones. [August 9, 2015]. In January 2013, a mandate for federal investigation of mass shootings authorized by President Barack Obama lowered that baseline to three or more victims killed.
  12. Krouse, William J. (pdf). Congressional Research Service. July 30, 2015 [21 February 2018].
  13. . [21 February 2018].
  14. Nichols, Chris. . 4 October 2017 [21 February 2018].
  15. Christensen, Jen. . CNN. August 28, 2015.
  16. . [13 June 2016]. (原始内容存档于2018-01-04).
  17. . 13 June 2016 [13 June 2016]. Cites Mass Shooting Tracker
  18. Axelrod, Jim. . 6 November 2017 [21 February 2018].
  19. . CNN. [5 November 2017].
  20. . NY Daily News. [2017-11-07] (英语).
  21. https://m.lasvegassun.com/news/2018/jan/19/sheriff-to-provide-update-about-strip-mass-shootin/
  22. Carissimo, Justin. . CBS News. 6 November 2017 [6 November 2017].
  23. Emanuella Grinberg; Eric Levensen. . CNN. February 14, 2018 [February 14, 2018].
  24. . johnstonarchive.net. [6 November 2017].
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