

Postcard of Imperator Pavel I underway with original cage masts
次型 甘古特级战列舰
建造期 1904–1911
服役期 1911–1924
规划数 2
完成数 2
报废数 2
技术数据as built
艦級 Predreadnought battleship
  • 17,320長噸(17,600公噸)
  • 18,580長噸(18,880公噸) deep load
全長 460英尺0英寸(140.2米)
全寬 80英尺0英寸(24.38米)
吃水 27英尺0英寸(8.23米) at standard displacement
動力輸出 17,600 ihp(13,100 kW)
  • 2 shafts, Vertical triple-expansion steam engines
  • 25 coal-fired Belleville water-tube boilers
速度 18.5(34.3每小時;21.3英里每小時)
續航距離 2,100 nmi(3,900 km;2,400 mi) at 12節(22每小時;14英里每小時)
乘員 956
  • 2 × 2 – 12-inch (305 mm) guns
  • 4 × 2, 6 × 1 – 8-inch (203 mm) guns
  • 12 × 1 – 120 mm(4.7英寸) guns
  • 4 × 1 – 47 mm(1.9英寸) guns
  • 2 × 1 – 18.0-英寸(457-) torpedo tubes, 6 torpedoes
  • Belt: 4–8.5 inches (102–216 mm)
  • Upper belt: 3.1–5 inches (79–127 mm)
  • Casemates: 3.1–5 inches (79–127 mm)
  • Conning tower: 4–8 inches (102–203 mm)
  • Main gun turrets: 8–10 inches (203–254 mm)
  • Main gun barbettes: 4–5 inches (102–127 mm)
  • Secondary gun turrets: 5–6 inches (127–152 mm)


  1. Chronologically, the Black Sea Fleet Evstafibattleships were approved for construction after the Borodinobattleship. The Andrey Pervozvanny class, built for the Baltic Fleet, were preceded by the Borodino class in their intended theatre of operations.
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