
共递归在计算机科学重视一类操作,与递归在范畴论上对偶。因而递归是分析地工作,把数据分解为更小的数据直至达到基本情况。共递归是合成地工作,从基本情况构造出数据。共递归的数据是自己一点一点构造出来的。一个类似但不同的概念是生成式递归(generative recursion)。



  • Bisimulation
  • 余归纳
  • 递归
  • Anamorphism


  1. Not validating input data.
  2. More elegantly, one can start by placing the root node itself in the structure and then iterating.
  3. Post-order is to make "leaf node is base case" explicit for exposition, but the same analysis works for pre-order or in-order.
  4. Breadth-first traversal, unlike depth-first, is unambiguous, and visits a node value before processing children.
  5. Technically, one may define a breadth-first traversal on an ordered, disconnected set of trees – first the root node of each tree, then the children of each tree in turn, then the grandchildren in turn, etc.
  6. Assume fixed branching factor (e.g., binary), or at least bounded, and balanced (infinite in every direction).
  7. First defining a tree class, say via:
    class Tree:
        def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
            self.value = value
            self.left  = left
            self.right = right
        def __str__(self):
            return str(self.value)
    and initializing a tree, say via:
    t = Tree(1, Tree(2, Tree(4), Tree(5)), Tree(3, Tree(6), Tree(7)))
    In this example nodes are labeled in breadth-first order: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  8. Intuitively, the function iterates over subtrees (possibly empty), then once these are finished, all that is left is the node itself, whose value is then returned; this corresponds to treating a leaf node as basic.
  9. Here the argument (and loop variable) is considered as a whole, possible infinite tree, represented by (identified with) its root node (tree = root node), rather than as a potential leaf node, hence the choice of variable name.


  1. Barwise and Moss 1996.
  2. Moss and Danner 1997.
  3. Smyth and Plotkin 1982.
  4. Gibbons and Hutton 2005.
  5. Doets and van Eijck 2004.
  6. Leclerc and Paulin-Mohring, 1994
  7. Hettinger 2009.
  8. Allison 1989; Smith 2009.
  9. Jones and Gibbons 1992.
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  • Geraint Jones and Jeremy Gibbons. (Technical report). Dept of Computer Science, University of Auckland. 1992 [2017-12-01]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-06).
  • Jon Barwise; Lawrence S Moss. . Center for the Study of Language and Information. June 1996 [2017年12月1日]. ISBN 978-1-57586-009-1. (原始内容存档于2010年6月21日).
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  • Kees Doets; Jan van Eijck. . King's College Publications. May 2004 [2017-12-01]. ISBN 978-0-9543006-9-2. (原始内容存档于2019-05-11).
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  • M. B. Smyth and G. D. Plotkin. . SIAM Journal on Computing. 1982, 11 (4): 761–783. doi:10.1137/0211062.
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