史提芬·伊宏思()是一位著名的基督教宗教哲學家及歷史學家,耶魯大學哲學博士。伊宏思專門研究祁克果的哲學思想,並在25年內著有六本相關著作,當中打響他的知名度的是《Subjectivity & Religious Belief》。他曾在美國密西根州加爾文學院教授哲學多年,現時是得克萨斯州貝勒大學的哲學與人文學教授[1]。
- Preserving the Person: A Look at the Human Sciences (InterVarsity Press, 1977; Baker Reprint, 1982)
- Subjectivity and Religious Belief: An Historical, Critical Study (Eerdmans, 1978)
- Kierkegaard's Fragments and Postscript: The Religious Philosophy of Johannes Climacus (Humanities Press, 1983; reprinted by Humanity Books, an imprint of Prometheus Books, 1999)
- Existentialism: The Philosophy of Despair and the Quest for Hope (Zondervan, 1984; reprinted Probe Books, 1989). A revised edition of Despair: A Moment or a Way of Life? (InterVarsity Press, 1971)
- Philosophy of Religion: Thinking About Faith (InterVarsity Press, 1985). Spanish translation: Filosofía de la Religion (Editorial Mundo Hispano, 1990). Macedonian translation 2004.
- Wisdom and Humanness in Psychology (Baker Books, 1989)
- Søren Kierkegaard's Christian Psychology (Zondervan, 1990)
- Passionate Reason: Making Sense of Kierkegaard's Philosophical Fragments (Indiana University Press, 1992)
- Why Believe? Reason and Mystery as Pointers to God (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1996). A revised version of The Quest for Faith: Reason and Mystery As Pointers to God (InterVarsity Press, 1986).).
- 中文版本:《信仰的尋問-理性與奧秘的指示》(Why Believe? Reason and Mystery as Pointers to God)translated by Daniel Kwok-Tung Cheung (Hong Kong: FES Press, 2002. ISBN 962-8266-88-8
- The Historical Christ and the Jesus of Faith: The Incarnational Narrative as History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996)
- Faith Beyond Reason (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998; and Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1998)
- Pocket Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion and Apologetics (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2002). Translated and published in Portuguese by Editora Vida, 2003. Translated and published in Macedonian, 2003. Spanish translation published by Editorial Unilit in 2007.
- Kierkegaard’s Ethic of Love: Divine Commands and Moral Requirements (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004)
- Kierkegaard on Faith and the Self: Collected Essays (Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2006)
- Kierkegaard: An Introduction (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
- Natural Signs and Knowledge of God: A New Look at Theistic Arguments (Oxford University Press, 2010)
- . [2012-11-16]. (原始内容存档于2010-01-10).
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