
嫪丽切拉函数(Lauricella functions)是1893年意大利数学家Giuseppe Lauricella首先研究的三元超几何函数

其中 |x1| + |x2| + |x3| < 1

其中 |x1| < 1, |x2| < 1, |x3| < 1

其中|x1|½ + |x2|½ + |x3|½ < 1

其中 |x1| < 1, |x2| < 1, |x3| < 1.

其中阶乘幂 (q)i 为:

通过解析延拓,可将 x1, x2, x3等变数扩展到其他数值.

Lauricella指出,另外还有十个三元超几何函数: FE, FF, ..., FT Saran 1954.

n 元推广


n = 2,时 the Lauricella 超几何函数化为二元阿佩尔函数 :

n = 1, a则化为超几何函数:




  • Appell, Paul; Kampé de Fériet, Joseph. . Paris: Gauthier–Villars. 1926. JFM 52.0361.13 (法语). (see p. 114)
  • Exton, Harold. . Mathematics and its applications. Chichester, UK: Halsted Press, Ellis Horwood Ltd. 1976. ISBN 0-470-15190-0. MR 0422713.
  • Lauricella, Giuseppe. . Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. 1893, 7 (S1): 111–158. JFM 25.0756.01. doi:10.1007/BF03012437 (意大利语).
  • Saran, Shanti. . Ganita. 1954, 5 (1): 77–91. ISSN 0046-5402. MR 0087777. Zbl 0058.29602. (corrigendum 1956 in Ganita 7, p. 65)
  • Slater, Lucy Joan. . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 1966. ISBN 0-521-06483-X. MR 0201688. (there is a 2008 paperback with ISBN 978-0-521-09061-2)
  • Srivastava, Hari M.; Karlsson, Per W. . Mathematics and its applications. Chichester, UK: Halsted Press, Ellis Horwood Ltd. 1985. ISBN 0-470-20100-2. MR 0834385. (there is another edition with ISBN 0-85312-602-X)
  • Erdélyi, A. "Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables." Acta Math. 83, 131-164, 1950.


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