
学院哥特式建筑(Collegiate Gothic)是哥特复兴式建筑的一种,吸取了英格兰的都铎式建筑哥特式建筑的特色。它在19世纪末至20世纪初流行于美国加拿大的大学和学院中,因而得名。21世纪初仍有许多大学建筑采用这种风格。[1]



美国的凯尼恩学院在1829年首次采用哥特复兴风格来建造校内的建筑[2]。随着亚历山大·杰克逊·戴维斯纽约大学建造的大学堂(University Hall,1833–37)等其他学校建筑的出现[3][4],哥特复兴式建筑开始大量出现于美国的大學校園中。1880年代开始,布林莫尔学院[5]宾夕法尼亚大学普林斯顿大学等许多大学也开始建造这类建筑。

“Collegiate Gothic”一词由亚历山大·杰克逊·戴维斯在1853年提出[6][7],不过直到1890年代开始这个词才开始流行起来。[8]


  1. Hawthorne, Christopher. . latimes.com. [2018-03-21]. (原始内容存档于2018-03-22).
  2. Rev. Norman Nash designed the building. Architect Charles Bullfinch was asked to review the plans, and designed the steeple. Marjorie Warvelle Harbaugh, "Charles Bullfinch," The First Forty Years of Washington DC Architecture, (Lulu, 2013), p. 362. 页面存档备份,存于
  3. Daniel Coit Gilman, "The Library of Yale College," The University Quarterly (October 1860), p. 9.
  4. Kenneth A. Breisch, Henry Hobson Richardson and the Small Public Library in America, (MIT Press, 1997), p. 60.
  5. . Bryn Mawr Library. [2019-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-03).
  6. Truettner, Julia M. . University of Michigan Press. 31 December 2002: 49 [16 March 2018].
  7. Golovin, Anne Castrodale. (PDF). Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Institution Press. [16 March 2018]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-08-09).
  8. Marter, ed., Joan M.; Regain, Melissa. . Oxford University Press. 2011: 362 [16 March 2018].
  • Bergin, T. G. Yale's Residential Colleges; the First Fifty Years. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1983.
  • Duke, Alex. Importing Oxbridge. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006. ISBN 0300067615
  • Lewis, Michael J., The Gothic Revival (London: Thames & Johnson Ltd., 2002). ISBN 0-500-20359-8
  • Robinson, Deborah and Edmund P. Meade. "Traditional Becomes Modern: the Rise of Collegiate Gothic Architecture at American Universities 页面存档备份,存于." Conference paper presented at 'Second International Congress on Construction History', Queens' College, Cambridge University; 2006.


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