
小帕米尔瓦罕语:,吉爾吉斯語波斯語转写:[1][2])是帕米尔高原八帕之一,位于瓦罕走廊最东端的山谷,是阿富汗最东部的领土。山谷东西向长100 km,南北宽10 km[3],北部为瓦罕岭

Little Pamir
View across Lake Chakmaktin towards Ak-Tash, Little Pamir
Little Pamir
坐标37°16′N 74°17′E

卡克马同提尼湖(9km长,2km宽)位于西端,托克满苏(Tegerman Su)山谷位于东端。发源于小帕米尔卡克马同提尼湖的阿克苏河(巴爾坦格河源流)及下游的穆尔加布河从卡克马同提尼湖东流穿过整个小帕米尔。湖西侧的Bozai Darya(也称小帕米尔河)向西流15 km与Wakhjir River汇合后成为瓦罕河[4]

小帕米尔是吉尔吉斯人牧民的夏季草场。1979年阿富汗战争开始后,当地约有200土著吉尔吉斯人牧民。[5] 2003年有140户牧民。[1]


  1. Felmy, Sabine; Kreutzmann, Hermann. (PDF). Erdkunde. 2004, 58: 97–117 [24 July 2010]. doi:10.3112/erdkunde.2004.02.01.
  2. Lonely Planet (2007):' Afghanistan p.170
  3. Aga Khan Development Network (2010): Wakhan and the Afghan Pamir 存檔,存档日期2011-01-23. p.3
  4. Some accounts state that the Bozai Darya also rises from Chaqmaqtin Lake. See Afghanistan Information Management Service: River basins and Watersheds of Afghanistan" (2004) 存檔,存档日期2011-07-06., p.5. The International Boundary Study of the Afghanistan-USSR Boundary (1983) 存檔,存档日期2014-08-17. by 美国{{ilh|lang={{langname|en"Bureau of Intelligence and Research}}|lang-code=en"Bureau of Intelligence and Research|1=情报研究局|2=情报研究局|d|nocat}}, p.10, calls the lake "a deeper and possibly marshy section within the Aq Su-Little Pamir River drainage divide".
  5. (PDF). [2014-10-02]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2016-03-03).
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