曼哈頓維爾(英語:) [1]是位於紐約市曼哈頓區的一個地區,其北界是西134街,南界是西122街[1]。在19世紀時,曼哈頓維爾是繁忙的碼頭區。但隨著工業逐漸往紐約市內發展,曼哈頓維爾成為一個被邊緣化的工業區。2000年代早期,曼哈頓維爾成為哥倫比亞大學規劃的主要校區之一。紐約市立學院也位於此地。

- Garb, Maggie. . The New York Times. June 21, 1998.
The area [West Central Harlem], a slice of 19th-century brownstones, prewar walk-ups and small elevator buildings bounded by 122nd and 134th Streets, Morningside Park and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard, appears on city maps as the western part of Central Harlem. Some residents call it Manhattanville, the name of the post office on 125th Street near the boulevard.
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