查尔斯·朗·弗利尔奖章 (英語:)是美国史密森尼学会1956年设立的一项艺术奖。以弗瑞尔艺廊的创建者艺术收藏家查尔斯·朗·弗利尔的名字命名。奖牌间隔性地授予给学者,以表彰他们在艺术史上做出杰出的贡献。

- 第一位; 喜龍仁, 1956年2月15日[1]
- 第二位; Ernst Kühnel, 1960年5月3日[2]
- 第三位; 矢代幸雄, 1965年9月15日[3]
- 第四位; 田中一松, 1973年5月2日[4]
- 第五位; Laurence Sickman, 1973年9月11日[5]
- 第六位; Roman Ghirshman, 1974年1月16日[6]
- 第七位; 罗樾, 1983年5月2日[7]
- 第八位; Stella Kramrisch, 1985年
- 第九位; Alexander Coburn Soper III, 1990年[8]
- 第十位; Sherman Lee, 1998年[9]
- 第十一位; Oleg Grabar, 2001年[10]
- 第十二位; 高居翰, 2010年
- 第十三位; John M. Rosenfield, 2012年
- Freer Gallery of Art. (1956). (1956). First presentation of the Charles Lang Freer medal, February 25, 1956; "Swede to Receive First Freer Medal," New York Times. February 26, 1956.
- Freer Gallery of Art. (1960). Second presentation of the Charles Lang Freer medal, May 3, 1960.
- Freer Gallery of Art. (1965). Third presentation of the Charles Lang Freer medal, September 15, 1965. 页面存档备份,存于
- Freer Gallery of Art. (1973). Fourth presentation of the Charles Lang Freer Medal, May 2, 1973.
- Freer Gallery of Art. (1973). Fifth presentation of the Charles Lang Freer medal, September 11, 1973.
- Freer Gallery of Art. (1973). Sixth presentation of the Charles Lang Freer medal, January 16, 1974.
- Freer Gallery of Art. (1983). Seventh presentation of the Charles Lang Freer Medal, May 2, 1983.
- Soper, Alexander. (1990). A Case of Meaningful Magic.
- Freer Gallery of Art. (1998). Tenth Presentation of the Charles Lang Freer Medal, Sherman E. Lee.
- PBS (WNET, New York): Oleg Grabar, Big Ideas, TV program.
- Soper, Alexander. (1990). A Case of Meaningful Magic. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
- Freer Gallery of Art. (1960). The Charles Lang Freer medal, February 25, 1956. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
- __________. (1973). Fifth presentation of the Charles Lang Freer medal, September 11, 1973. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
- __________. (1956). First presentation of the Charles Lang Freer medal, February 25, 1956. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
- __________. (1973). Fourth presentation of the Charles Lang Freer Medal, May 2, 1973. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
- __________. (1960). Second presentation of the Charles Lang Freer medal, May 3, 1960. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
- __________. (1983). Seventh presentation of the Charles Lang Freer Medal, May 2, 1983. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
- __________. (1974). Sixth presentation of the Charles Lang Freer medal, January 16, 1974. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
- __________. (1998). Tenth Presentation of the Charles Lang Freer Medal, Sherman E. Lee. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
- __________. (1965). Third presentation of the Charles Lang Freer medal, September 15, 1965. 页面存档备份,存于 Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
- Roades, Katharine N. (1960). "An Appreciation of Charles Lang Freer (1859-1919)," Ars Orientalis. Vol. 2
- Smithsonian: Freer medal, obverse image; reverse image
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