

Samuel L. Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson in Hollywood California - June 2019
出生Samuel Leroy Jackson
(1948-12-21) 1948年12月21日
配偶LaTanya Richardson(1980年結婚)

事業初期演出的多是吸毒的癮君子及反派,1990年代得以轉型,開始演出一些正派角色,現時多飾演很強勢的二線配角角色。曾於1991年憑《色慾森林》在康城電影節獲一個為他特設的最佳男配角獎,也曾在1995年憑《危險人物》贏得英國電影學院獎最佳男配角和獲得奧斯卡最佳男配角獎金球獎最佳男配角提名,亦曾於1998年憑《黑色終結令》(Jackie Brown)在柏林電影節贏得最佳男演員銀熊獎



全名Samuel Leroy Jackson,1948年出生於美國華盛頓哥倫比亞特區,母親Elizabeth Jackson(閨姓Montgomery)當時為工廠女工。積遜幼時母親因工作關係把他送往田納西州查塔努加與她的父母(即森姆的外祖父母)同住,因此積遜上的小學及中學均是種族隔離學校。積遜從三年級起到中學畢業,一直在學校樂團中吹法國號小號


積遜於大三那年轉到戲劇系,並創立了一個名叫「只是我們」(Just Us)的劇團。1969年,積遜與一班同學將莫爾浩司學院校董會的成員扣押起來,要求他們改善學院的行政及課程方向。學院最後的確作出改變,但積遜仍被控二級重罪非法禁錮」(unlawful confinement),定罪後更被學院停學兩年。最後積遜於1972年畢業,獲戲劇系文學士學位。




積遜讀大學時遇上同是演員的LaTanya Richardson,不久後開始約會;他們於1980年結婚,並於1982年生下一名女兒Zoe。




年份 電影 角色 備註
1972 Together for Days Stan [3] First feature film for Jackson and Schultz.
1978 The Trial of the Moke[4]
1981 Ragtime [5] Gang Member No. 2 [6]
1987 Eddie Murphy Raw [7] Eddie's uncle [7] In a sketch that precedes concert footage.[7]
Uncle Tom's Cabin George
1988 《來去美國》 Coming to America [6] Hold-Up Man [6]
學校萬花筒 School Daze [8] Leeds [8]
1989 為所應為 Do the Right Thing[9] Mister Señor Love Daddy [9]
驅魔人第三集 The Exorcist III [10] Blind Dream Man [11]
午夜驚情 Sea of Love [10] Black Guy [11]
Dead Man Out[12] Calvin Fredricks[13]
1990 盜亦有道 Goodfellas Parnell Steven "Stacks" Edwards [14]
爵士風情 Mo' Better Blues [15] Madlock [13]
Def by Temptation[16] Minister Garth [13]
Betsy's Wedding[11] Taxi Dispatcher[11]
A Shock to the System[13] Ulysses[13]
The Return of Superfly [17] Nate Cabot[13]
1991 Strictly Business[18] Monroe[13]
色慾森林 Jungle Fever[19] Gator Purify [19]
1992 Juice [3] Trip [13]
天網追擊 Patriot Games [20] LCDR Robby Jackson[20]
White Sands [21] Greg Meeker[22]
Jumpin' at the Boneyard[3] Mr. Simpson [23]
Johnny Suede[24] B-Bop [25]
Fathers & Sons[26] Marshall[26]
1993 浪漫風暴 True Romance [27] Big Don [3]
社會威脅 Menace II Society Tat Lawson[28]
Loaded Weapon 1 [3] Sgt. Wes Luger [3]
黑白追緝令 Amos & Andrew[29] Andrew Sterling [29]
侏羅紀公園 Jurassic Park [3] John Raymond Arnold [3]
The Meteor Man[13] Dre[13]
1994 Fresh [30] Sam [30]
危險人物 Pulp Fiction [31] Jules Winnfield [31] 英國電影學院獎最佳男配角
Against The Wall[32] Jamaal Television movie.[32]
The New Age[33] Dale[33]
Hail Caesar[34] Mailman[13] 客串[34]
Assault at West Point: The Court-Martial of Johnson Whittaker[35] Richard Theodore Greener[35]
1995 致命佈局 Kiss of Death [36] Calvin Hart [36]
虎膽龍威第三集 Die Hard with a Vengeance [37] Zeus Carver [37]
Losing Isaiah[38] Kadar Lewis [38]
再世人狗緣 Fluke [39] Rumbo [39] Voice.[39]
Shaquille O'Neal: Larger than Life[40] Narrator[40]
1996 拳壇大老千 The Great White Hype [41] Rev. Fred Sultan [41]
殺戮時刻 A Time to Kill [3] Carl Lee Hailey [29] 提名金球獎最佳電影男配角
特工狂花 The Long Kiss Goodnight[42] Mitch Henessey [42]
賭國驚爆 Hard Eight [43] Jimmy[43]
Trees Lounge [29] Wendell
Teens and Guns: Preventing Violence[13] For use in schools.[44]
The Search for One-eye Jimmy[45] Colonel Ron[45]
1997 187:死亡代號 One Eight Seven[46] Trevor Garfield [46]
仲夏夜玫瑰 Eve's Bayou[3] Louis Batiste [3] Debut as a producer.[3]
黑色終結令 Jackie Brown[47] Ordell Robbie [3] 最佳男演員銀熊獎
Off the Menu: The Last Days of Chasen's[13]
The Directors: John Frankenheimer[48]
1998 深海圓疑 Sphere[49] Harry Adams [49]
冇數講 The Negotiator [50] Lt. Danny Roman [50]
紅提琴 The Red Violin [51] Charles Morritz [51]
至激關係 Out of Sight[52] Con man[52] Uncredited cameo[52]
1999 星球大戰前傳:魅影危機 Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 魅使·雲度
水深火熱 Deep Blue Sea
Forever Hollywood[13]
2000 烈血的規條 Rules of Engagement Col. Terry L. Childers
殺戮戰警 Shaft[53] John Shaft II[53]
不死劫 Unbreakable [54] Elijah Price [55]
2001 迷離感應 The Caveman's Valentine[56] Romulus Ledbetter [56] Executive producer.[3]
2002 連鎖導火線 Changing Lanes [57] Doyle Gipson[57]
星球大戰前傳II:複製人侵略 Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones 魅使·雲度
3X反恐暴族 xXx [3] Agent Augustus Gibbons [3]
毒家交易 The 51st State (Formula 51)[58] Elmo McElroy [58]
Fighting for Freedom: Revolution & Civil War[13] Narrator[13]
The Art of Action: Martial Arts in the Movies[59] Host[59]
Unchained Memories: Readings from the Slave Narratives[60]
2003 基本懸兇 Basic [61] Sergeant Nathan West [61]
《》 S.W.A.T. [62] Sgt. Dan 'Hondo' Harrelson [62]
追風特警 No Good Deed [63] Jack Friar [63]
2004 一夜情殺 Twisted[64] John Mills [64]
追殺比爾 Kill Bill Vol.2[3] Rufus [3]
超人特攻隊 The Incredibles[65] Lucius Best/Frozone[65] Voice.
In My Country [66] Langston Whitfield [66]
Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson[67] Jack Johnson[67] Voice.[67]
The N-Word[68] Himself[68]
2005 熱血教練 Coach Carter [69] Coach Ken Carter [69]
3X之特種叛變 xXx: State of the Union[3] Agent Augustus Gibbons [3]
星球大戰前傳III:黑帝君臨 Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 魅使·雲度
芭樂拍檔 The Man [70] Derrick Vann [70]
2006 迷失森淵 Freedomland [71] Lorenzo Council [71]
毒蛇嚇機 Snakes on a Plane Neville Flynn [3]
Home of the Brave [72] Will Marsh [72]
Honor Deferred[73] Narrator[73]
2007 Farce of the Penguins [74] Narrator [74] Voice[74]
緣來自枷鎖 Black Snake Moan[75] Lazarus Woods [76] Also sang on the soundtrack[3]
1408 1408[77] Gerald Olin [77]
Resurrecting the Champ [78] Bob Satterfield [78]
清潔工 Cleaner [79] Tom Cutler [80]
Respect Yourself: The Stax Records Story [81] Narrator[81]
Stax 50th Anniversary Concert [82]
2008 越空行者 Jumper [83] Agent Roland Cox [84]
鐵甲奇俠 Iron Man [85] 尼克·福瑞[85] Uncredited cameo[85]
星際大戰動畫:複製人戰爭 Star Wars: The Clone Wars 魅使·雲度 Voice
合法侵入 Lakeview Terrace [86] Abel Turner [86]
靈魂歌手 Soul Men [87] Louis Hinds[87]
幽靈奇俠 The Spirit [88] The Octopus [88]
2009 愛在你左右 Mother and Child Paul
阿童木 Astro Boy Zog Voice only
希魔撞正殺人狂 Inglourious Basterds Narrator Voice only, uncredited
Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey [89] Fear Voice only, post-production
Blown [90] Julian Lezard [90] Pre-production
Vengeance: A Love Story [91] John Dromoor Pre-production
2010 戰略特勤組 Unthinkable Henry Harold 'H' Humphries
鋼鐵人2 Iron Man 2 尼克·福瑞
B咖戰警 The Other Guys [92] Detective Highsmith Post-production.
2011 Running Wild TBA Pre-production
雷神索爾 Thor 尼克·福瑞
美國隊長:復仇者先鋒 Captain America:The First Avenger 尼克·福瑞
Sympathy for the Devil
2012 復仇者聯盟 The Avengers 尼克·福瑞
決殺令 Django Unchained Stephen
2013 渦輪方程式 Turbo 鞭策 配音
復仇 Oldboy Chaney
搜索戰 Reasonable Doubt Clinton Davis
2014 鐵甲威龍 RoboCop Pat Novak
美國隊長2:酷寒戰士 Captain America: The Winter Soldier 尼克·福瑞
風箏 Kite Karl Aker
總統遊戲 Big Game 總統
2015 金牌特務 Kingsman: The Secret Service 里奇蒙·范倫坦
復仇者聯盟2:奧創紀元 Avengers: Age of Ultron 尼克·福瑞
刺客学妹 Barely Lethal Hardman
芝拉克 Chi-Raq Dolmedes
八惡人 The Hateful Eight Major Marquis Warren
2016 科技浩劫 Cell Tom McCourt
泰山傳奇 The Legend of Tarzan George Washington Williams
怪奇孤兒院 Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Mr. Barron
2017 限制級戰警:重返極限 xXx: The Return of Xander Cage Augustus Gibbons
金剛:骷髏島 Kong: Skull Island Packard
殺手保鑣 The Hitman's Bodyguard Darius Kincaid
獨角獸商店 Unicorn Store The Salesman
2018 超人特攻隊2 Incredibles 2 Lucius Best / Frozone 配音
復仇者聯盟3:無限之戰 Avengers: Infinity War 尼克·福瑞 客串
2019 異裂 Glass Elijah Price / Mr. Glass
驚奇隊長 Captain Marvel 尼克·福瑞
復仇者聯盟:終局之戰 Avengers: Endgame 客串
新殺戮戰警 Shaft John Shaft
蜘蛛人:離家日 Spider-Man 2: Far From Home 尼克·福瑞
STAR WARS:天行者的崛起 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker 魅使·雲度 聲音客串
2021 死亡漩渦:奪魂鋸新遊戲 Spiral Marcus Banks
殺手老婆的保鑣 The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard Darius Kincaid
TBA 刀鋒劍客 Blazing Samurai Jimbo 配音


年份 劇集 角色 備註
1991 律政風雲 Law & Order Taggert Episode "The Violence of Summer"
1992 GhostwriterReggie Jenkins
1997 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child 市長(配音) Episode "The Pied Piper"
2001 The Proud Family Joseph (voice) Episode "Seven Days of Kwanzaa"
2005-2007 乡下人 The Boondocks Gin Rummy Voice for three episodes
2005 攝位人 Extras 本人 Episode "Samuel L Jackson"
2007 Afro Samurai Afro Samurai/Ninja Ninja Voice only; executive producer
2009 Afro Samurai: Resurrection Afro Samurai/Ninja Ninja Voice only; producer
Un-broke: What You Need to Know About Money Author of self-help books Television special
TBA 秘密入侵 Secret Invasion 尼克·福瑞


Year Title Role Notes
2004 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Officer Frank Tenpenny Video game
2010 Iron Man 2: The Video Game[93] 尼克·福瑞 forthcoming video game


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