皇家藍色騎兵團(Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons) (RHG/D) )是英國陸軍的騎兵團之一,也是皇家近衛騎兵團的構成兵團之一。皇家藍色騎兵團的名譽上校是伊麗莎白二世,名譽中校是安妮長公主。皇家藍色騎兵團也是英國陸軍第二高階的騎兵團。哈里王子在威廉王子的婚禮上穿著了皇家藍色騎兵團的制服。
- Alexander, Michael. . Fred Burnaby. 1957.
- Emerson, William. . Yale. 1951.
- Goulburn, Edward. . J Maynard. 1805.
- Horsley, John. . National Army Museum: privately in London. 1805.[1]
- Redgrave KBE MC, Major General Sir Roy. . Leo Cooper Pen and Sword Books. 2000.
- Warner, Philip. . Dent and Sons. 1984.
- Watson, J N P. . Leo Cooper Pen and Sword Books. 1993.
- White-Spunner, Barney. . Macmillan. 2006. ISBN 1-4050-5574-X.
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维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:皇家藍色騎兵團 |
- Household Cavalry Museum Website 页面存档备份,存于
- Official site 页面存档备份,存于
- Band of the Blues and Royals
- British Army Locations from 1945 British Army Locations from 1945
- a copy is in the repository National Army Museum, NAM 20301/92 HCR
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