
美国古典音乐范畴中,五大 Big Five 指五个被认为最重要及最有成就的交响乐团。这个术语从1950年代起就广为流传,被音乐评论家们所使用。[1] "五大乐团 Big Five", (根据时代周刊1983年编纂的创建年份列表)是:[2]


五大是五個對北美音樂歷史有重大影響的管弦樂團之美譽,當今美國最高水準的管弦樂團為數眾多,持續使用五大而將其他管弦樂團劃入下一個等級的這種區分法可能會過時,但是仍然是標誌著北美樂團的素質。许多管弦乐团都曾被音乐评论家提及,认为其水平高超可以加入五大管弦乐团的名单与之并列。这些乐团包括洛杉矶爱乐乐团[8] 旧金山交响乐团[8]亚特兰大交响乐团[9] 匹兹堡交响乐团[10] 休斯顿交响乐团[10] 巴尔的摩交响乐团[11] 国家交响乐团 (美国)[12] 明尼苏达管弦乐团[13] 以及圣路易斯交响乐团[14]


  1. Kirshnit, Fred, "New York Drops Off the List Of 'Big Five' Orchestras", New York Sun, December 5, 2006. Retrieved 18 July 2010.
  2. Walsh Michael; Griggs, Lee; Shepherd, James; "Music: Which U.S. Orchestras Are Best?", Time, April 25, 1983. Retrieved 18 July 2010.
  3. History of the New York Philharmonic 存檔,存档日期2007-04-28. (official website). Retrieved 18 July 2010.
  4. History of the Boston Symphony Orchestra 页面存档备份,存于 (official website). Retrieved 18 July 2010.
  5. History of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (official website)
  6. History of the Philadelphia Orchestra 存檔,存档日期2010-06-20. (official website). Retrieved 18 July 2010.
  7. History of the Cleveland Orchestra (official website). Retrieved 18 July 2010.
  8. Mark Swed, "Time to get on the stick", Los Angeles Times, August 14, 2005. Retrieved 18 July 2010.
  9. Glynn, Mary Ann, "Maestro or Manager? in Joseph Lampel, Jamal Shamsie, Theresa K. Lant (eds.), The business of culture, Routledge, 2006, p. 65. ISBN 0805855823
  10. Time, "Orchestras: The Elite Eleven", Apr. 8, 1966. Retrieved 16 April 2010.
  11. Kosman, Joshua, "New Music for a New Century", The Arts Today, USIA, Vol. 3., No. 1, June 2008, p. 25. ISBN 1428967346
  12. Kosman, Joshua, "New Music for a New Century", The Arts Today, USIA, Vol. 3., No. 1, June 2008, p. 25. ISBN 1428967346
  13. Time, "Orchestras: Big Five Plus One?", November 10, 1967. Retrieved 18 July 2010.
  14. Dyer, Richard, "The Big 5 orchestras: Do they still reign supreme?" 页面存档备份,存于 The Boston Globe, August 29, 1993. Retrieved via subscription 18 July 2010.


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