
联盟、进步和民主西班牙語:[29][30][31][32][33][34][uˈnjon, pɾoˈɣɾeso i ðemoˈkɾaθja],简称UPyD[upeiˈðe][note 1])是西班牙的一个中间派政党,成立于2007年9月26日。该党奉行社会自由主义路线,反对西班牙国内各种形式的分离主义运动。该党成立之初,发展迅速,但近年来逐渐式微。

Unión Progreso y Democracia
发言人Cristiano Brown
成立2007年9月26日 (2007-09-26)

官方色彩  洋紅色
1 / 54
128 / 67,511
4 / 8,122
政党 · 选举



  1. 英文名称:,官方名称不包含逗号[35]


  1. (西班牙文) Cristiano Brown es elegido nuevo líder de UPyD, El Español
  2. Medina, Lucía. (pdf). Working Paper. Vol. 334 (Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials (ICPS)). 2015: 4 [3 Feb 2016]. ISSN 1133-8962. and Union, Progress and Democracy (a progressive party founded in 2007 and strongly characterized by its rejection of the peripheral nationalisms
  3. Miftari 2015, p. 32: "The center oriented and progressive UPyD"
  4. Lansford 2014, p. 1337: "Founded in 2007, the UPyD is a liberal, progressive party that advocates expanded federalism, including restoring central control over education and health care"
  5. Sánchez-Cuenca & Dinas 2016, p. 144: "Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD– a progressive party in favour of the unity of Spain)"
  6. Seoane Pérez 2010, p. 266: "The anti-nationalist, progressive UPyD failed to become the third political force, as some polls had predicted, but still won its first seat in the EP with 2.9 per cent of the vote"
  7. . andalucia.com. [25 August 2015]. Formed in 2007, the UPYD is a social liberal party that rejects nationalism in all forms and wants to adopt a system of symmetric federalism with political centralization as a territorial model
  8. Mateos, Araceli; Penadés, Alberto. (pdf). Revista de ciencia política (Santiago). 2013, 33 (1): 175 [January 12, 2016]. ISSN 0718-090X (西班牙语). Unión Progreso y Democracia (5 escaños) es un partido de centro, con una combinación de ideología social liberal y de centralismo territorial, enemigo del nacionalismo periférico en España
  9. Painter 2013, p. 208: "The leftist ‘United Left’ and the moderate social liberal party Union, Progress and Democracy, saw their support increase by 3 per cent and 3.5 per cent, respectively"
  10. Wolfram Nordsieck. . Parties and Elections in Europe. [15 August 2015]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-23). Unión, Progreso y Democracia (UPD): Social liberalism
  11. UPyD. Ideology: centralism, social liberalism. Political Position: Centre 页面存档备份,存于, European Social Survey
  12. Ávila López 2015, p. 85: "Party: UPyD: Unión Progreso y Democracia (Union, Progress & Democracy). President / Leader: Andrés Herzog. Ideology: Centralism, secularism, European federalism"
  13. Dorange 2013, p. 100: "Partido españolista, republicano, nacional y laico, defiende la igualdad ciudadana en contra de los hechos diferenciales del nacionalismo considerados discriminatorios"
  14. The Democratic Society. . demsoc.org. [3 Feb 2016]. The party is rigidly secularist, and declares itself to be neither left nor right
  15. Leonisio, Rafael; Strijbis, Oliver. (PDF). Spanish Journal of Sociological Research (REIS). 2014, (146): 56 [2017-09-04]. ISSN 0210-5233. (原始内容 (pdf)存档于2017-08-11) (西班牙语及英语). UA had disappeared and a centralist and centrist party had emerged: UPyD (Union Progress and Democracy)
  16. Fernández-Albertos, José. . The Conversation. May 19, 2014 [February 20, 2015]. and the liberal-reformist and centralist Union Progress and Democracy (UPyD)
  17. Vaquer, Jordi. (pdf). 2015 [November 13, 2016]. and the centre reformist UPyD (6.5%)
  18. Vidal & Jiménez Losantos 2012: "cualquier acuerdo con UPyD, la única fuerza reformista española"
  19. The Democratic Society. . demsoc.org. [3 Feb 2016]. The party is the most pro-European in Spain, and supports a federal Europe, which it sees as an important guarantor of individual rights
  20. . 经济学人. 6 November 2008 [9 June 2011]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-03). Mr Savater and Rosa Díez, a former Basque Socialist leader, have set up a new party of the radical centre called Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD), in an effort to combine social liberalism with a defence of the idea of Spain
  21. Dvořáková, Monika. (pdf). Masarykova univerzita: 19. 2012 [February 3, 2016] (捷克语). UPyD je považována za stranu radikálního centrismu
  22. Azagra Ros & Romero González 2012, p. 120: "más el radical-centrismo de UPyD"
  23. Navarro, Pedro Antonio. (PDF). El siglo de Europa. No. 1068. 2014: 18 [3 Feb 2016]. ISSN 2254-9234. (原始内容 (pdf)存档于2016-03-06) (西班牙语). Por su parte, UPyD, por boca de su jefa de filas, Rosa Díez, sorprendía en su intervención, no por el sentido de su pronunciamiento, que ya había sido anunciado con anterioridad, sino por la dureza de su exposición cuando aludía a la forma de Estado republicana, recurriendo a comparaciones como las de la República Popular de Corea o la República Islámica de Irán para denostar esta modalidad de Estado. Su confesión monárquica iba más allá, cuando dedicaba encendidos elogios a Juan Carlos I, de quien aseguró que “supo aprender de la sociedad española, aprender de fracasos y se puso del lado de los que queríamos construir una España plural y democrática”
  24. Rivero, Borja. . Cafébabel. 26 May 2015 [April 9, 2016]. ISSN 2110-5669 (西班牙语). UPyD o Unión Progreso y Democracia, partido de centro político, socio-liberal, progresista, centralista y monárquico
  25. Rodríguez Teruel, Juan; Barrio, Astrid. (pdf). South European Society and Politics (Routledge). 2016, 21 (4): 587–607. ISSN 1360-8746. doi:10.1080/13608746.2015.1119646. In September 2007, Unión Progreso y Democracia had been created in Madrid. The new party had many similarities to Ciudadanos in terms of party agenda and strategy. It defended Spanish patriotism and criticised the evolution of decentralisation in Spain and the role of Catalan and Basque nationalism in Spanish politics
  26. (法文) Un parti centriste irrite les grands partis, Le Temps
  27. Armada, Alfonso. . ABC. 4 July 2008 [14 April 2016] (西班牙语).
  28. Bonet i Martí 2015, p. 127: "Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD, a Spanish anti-nationalist party)"
  29. Encyclopædia Britannica 2014, p. 488: "and Union, Progress and Democracy (UPD, 7.7%) on the centre-right"
  30. Ugarriza & Caluwaerts 2014, p. 68.
  31. Bel i Queralt 2012, p. XVII.
  32. Field & Botti 2013, p. 10.
  33. Ross, Richardson & Sangrador-Vegas 2013, p. 77.
  34. Ştefuriuc 2013, p. XII.
  35. Ministerio del Interior de España. . Registro Oficial de Partidos Políticos. [12 May 2017] (西班牙语).


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