

Resinomycena saccharifera
界: 真菌界 Fungi
门: 担子菌门 Basidiomycota
纲: 傘菌綱 Agaricomycetes
目: 伞菌目 Agaricales
科: 小菇科 Mycenaceae
属: 脂小菇屬 Resinomycena
Redhead & Singer
Resinomycena rhododendri
Peck)Redhead & Singer


  • R. acadiensis
  • R. brunnescens
  • 日本脂小菇 R. japonica
  • 毛柄脂小菇 R. mirabilis
  • R. montana
  • R. pyrenaica
  • R. rhododendri
  • R. saccharifera


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  2. Redhead SA, Singer R. . Mycotaxon. 1981, 13: 150–170.
  3. Redhead SA, Nagasawa E. . Canadian Journal of Botany. 1987, 65: 972–976. doi:10.1139/b87-134.
  4. Kühner R. . Documents Mycologiques. 1985, 15 (59): 11–14.
  5. Miersch J, Dähncke RM. . Zeitschrift für Mykologie. 2010, 76 (2): 217–236.
  6. Antonín V, Noordeloos ME. . 2004.
  7. Bau T, Bulakh YM, Zhuang J-Y, Li Y. . Mycosystema. 2007, 26 (3): 349–368.
  8. Terashima Y, Takahashi H, Taneyama Y (编). . Tokai University Press. 2016.


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