

出生Douglas Elton Thomas Ullman
配偶Anna Beth Sully(1907年-1919年結婚)
Edith Louise Sylvia Hawkes(1936年-1939年結婚)
儿女Douglas Fairbanks Jr. (1909年—2000年)



年份 譯名標題 原名標題 職位
角色 監製 編劇 導演
1915 - The Lamb Gerald
- Martyrs of the Alamo Joe / Texan Soldier
- Double Trouble Florian Amidon / Eugene Brassfield
1916 - His Picture in the Papers Pete Prindle
- The Habit of Happiness Sunny Wiggins
- The Good Bad Man Passin' Through
- Reggie Mixes In Reggie Van Deuzen
- The Mystery of the Leaping Fish Coke Ennyday / 他自己
- Flirting with Fate Augy Holliday
- The Half-Breed Lo Dorman (Sleeping Water)
不可思議 Intolerance Man on White Horse (French Story)
- Manhattan Madness Steve O'Dare
- American Aristocracy Cassius Lee
- The Matrimaniac Jimmie Conroy
- The Americano Blaze Derringer
1917 - All-Star Production of Patriotic
Episodes for the Second Liberty Loan
- In Again, Out Again Teddy Rutherford
- Wild and Woolly Jeff Hillington
- Down to Earth Billy Gaynor
- The Man from Painted Post "Fancy Jim" Sherwood
- Reaching for the Moon Alexis Caesar Napoleon Brown
- A Modern Musketeer Ned Thacker/達太安
1918 - Headin' South Headin' South
- Mr. Fix-It Dick Remington
- Say! Young Fellow The Young Fellow
- Bound in Morocco George Travelwell
- He Comes Up Smiling Jerry Martin
- Sic 'Em, Sam Democracy
- Arizona Lt. Denton
1919 - The Knickerbocker Buckaroo Teddy Drake
- His Majesty, the American William Brooks
- When the Clouds Roll By Daniel Boone Brown
1920 - The Mollycoddle Richard Marshall III, IV and V
- The Mark of Zorro 狄亞哥·德·拉·維加 / 梭羅
1921 - The Nut Charlie Jackson
- The Three Musketeers d'Artagnan
1922 - Robin Hood 羅賓漢
1923 - Hollywood 他自己
1924 月宮寶盒 The Thief of Bagdad 巴格達大盜
1925 - Don Q, Son of Zorro Don Cesar Vega / Zorro
賓虛 Ben-Hur 雙輪戰車比賽的人群
1926 - The Black Pirate The Black Pirate
1927 - A Kiss from Mary Pickford 他自己
- The Gaucho The Gaucho
1928 - Show People 他自己
1929 - The Iron Mask d'Artagnan
- The Taming of the Shrew Petruchio
1930 - Reaching for the Moon Larry Day
1932 - Mr. Robinson Crusoe Steve Drexel
1934 - The Private Life of Don Juan 唐璜
1937 - Ali Baba Goes to Town 他自己


  1. 世界人名翻譯大辭典》,906頁,「Fairbanks, Douglas」條。


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