
荷马诗颂(古希腊语: Ὁμηρικοὶ Ὕμνοι, Homērikoi Hymnoi)是一部由33篇佚名作者写的古希腊颂诗组成的作品集。每篇颂诗都歌颂一位古希腊神灵。颂诗是“荷马化”的,因为他们和荷马史诗《伊利亚特》、《奥德赛》采取了同样的史诗格律:抑扬六步格,并且使用了大量相同的范式和相同的方言。根据修昔底德, 这些作品在古代并不完全归于荷马名下。此作品集在整体称呼时只能被称作“荷马式”的,[1]所以它们被贴上“荷马”这一标签应该不早于它们集结成书之时。


  1. "致狄俄倪索斯",21 行
  2. "致得墨忒耳",495 行
  3. "致阿波罗",546 行
  4. "致赫耳墨斯",580 行
  5. "致阿佛洛狄忒",293 行
  6. "致阿佛洛狄忒",21 行
  7. "致狄俄倪索斯",59 行
  8. "致阿瑞斯",17 行
  9. "致阿耳忒弥斯",9 行
  10. "致阿佛洛狄忒",6 行
  11. "致雅典娜",5 行
  12. "致赫拉",5 行
  13. "致得墨忒耳",3 行
  14. "致诸神之母",6 行
  15. "致狮心赫拉克勒斯",9 行
  16. "致阿斯克勒庇俄斯",5 行
  17. "致狄奥斯库洛伊兄弟",5 行
  18. "致赫耳墨斯",12 行
  19. "致潘神",49 行
  20. "致赫淮斯托斯",8 行
  21. "致阿波罗",5 行
  22. "致波塞冬",7 行
  23. "致宙斯",4 行
  24. "致赫斯提亚",5 行
  25. "致缪斯阿波罗",7 行
  26. "致狄俄倪索斯",13 行
  27. "致阿耳忒弥斯",22 行
  28. "致雅典娜",18 行
  29. "致赫斯提亚",13 行
  30. "致盖亚,万物之母",19 行
  31. "致赫利俄斯",20 行
  32. "致塞勒涅",20 行
  33. "致狄奥斯库洛伊兄弟",19 行


  1. A. W. Verrall. "The Hymn to Apollo: An Essay in the Homeric Question". The Journal of Hellenic Studies 14 (1894:1–29) p. 2.


  • Allen, Thomas W., William R. Halliday, and Edward E. Sikes, eds. 1936. The Homeric Hymns. 2d ed. Oxford: Clarendon.
  • Clay, Jenny Strauss. 2006. The Politics of Olympus: Form and Meaning in the Major Homeric Hymns. London: Duckworth.
  • De Jong, Irene J. F. 2012. "The Homeric Hymns." In Space in Ancient Greek Literature: Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative. Edited by Irene J. F. De Jong, 39-53 Leiden; Boston: Brill.
  • Depew, Mary. 2001. "Enacted and Represented Dedications: Genre and Greek Hymn." In Matrices of Genre: Authors, Canons, and Society. Edited by Mary Depew and Dirk Obbink, 59–79.
  • Faulkner, Andrew. 2011. "Modern Scholarship on the Homeric Hymns: Foundational Issues." In The Homeric Hymns: Interpretative Essays. Edited by Andrew Faulkner. 1–25. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • García, J. 2002. "Symbolic Action in the Homeric Hymns: The Theme of Recognition." Classical Antiquity 21.1: 5-39.
  • Hoekstra, Arie. 1969. The Sub-Epic Stage of the Formulaic Tradition: Studies in the Homeric Hymns to Apollo, to Aphrodite and to Demeter. Amsterdam: Hakkert.
  • Janko, Richard. 1981. "The Structure of the Homeric Hymns: A Study in Genre." Hermes 109:9–24.
  • Nagy, Gregory. 2009. "Perfecting the Hymn in the Homeric Hymn to Apollo." In Apolline Politics and Poetics. Edited by Lucia Athanassaki, 17-42. Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture: European Cultural Centre of Delphi.
  • Richardson, Nicholas, ed. 2010. Three Homeric hymns: To Apollo, Hermes, and Aphrodite. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Sowa, Cora A. 1984. Traditional Themes and the Homeric Hymns. Chicago: Blochazy-Carducci.
  • Webster, T. B. L. 1975. "Homeric Hymns and Society." In Le Monde Grec. Pensée, Littérature, Histoire, Documents. Hommages à Claire Préaux. Edited by Jean Bingen, 86-93. Bruxelles: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles


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