

出生 (1979-12-03) 1979年12月3日
教育程度Oakton High School, Chantilly High School
净资产 $16億(2011)[1]





1996年,帕克入读弗吉尼亚的Oakton High School 中学,在那里完成了初中和高中学业[2]。 这段时期,帕克写信给校董会,请求把自己用在电脑编程上的时间计入外语语言课[2]。因此,直到1998高中毕业,帕克把大部分时间用于编程和创办公司[2]。高中时,他在网上认识了Mark Pincus(Zynga的CEO),并创办了FreeLoader[3],一家位于华盛顿特区的初创企业。他编写的网络爬虫赢得了Virginia的州级编程大赛,因此被CIA招募。高中结束时,由于他参与的项目众多,他每年薪水达$80,000[4][4] ,因此他的父母同意他不上大学,直接开始自己的创业生涯。

童年时期,帕克已经是一位狂热的阅读者,这是他“自学成才”之路的开始[5][6]。因此,很多媒体称帕克是一位天才 [7] [8][9] [10] [11] 16岁时他在网上认识了当时15岁的Shawn Fanning(NAPSTER创办人)。1999年,当18岁的Shawn Fanning说要成立在線音樂服務NAPSTER时,肖恩決定參與,自己單獨從弗吉尼亚州前往加州的旧金山。NAPSTER後來受到藝術團體和唱片公司指控。[12][13]在2002年,他和两个好友创立PLAXO,他因為和投資方產生紛爭而離開公司。[14] 他把自己在Napster的时光称为自己的大学教育,名曰“Napster大学”。得益于此,他精通于法律、金融合作、企业等方面 [15]


2004年6月,肖恩開始與Facebook的創辦者們同住,並成為他們非正式的顧問。其後他協助重組Facebook,並引入Peter Thiel的投資。成為Facebook第一任總裁,及佔董事會的一席(Peter Thiel佔一席,马克·扎克伯格佔兩席),得到7%的股份。[16]在2005年8月,肖恩以藏有海洛因的罪名被捕,但證據不足,沒有被正式起訴。Facebook當時最大投資方Accel Partners認為他不能再擔任總裁一職。最後肖恩自願離職,被逼放棄一半股份。但他堅持要把其董事會的席位交予Facebook的創辦者马克·扎克伯格。[17]

在2006年肖恩作為執行合夥人加入Peter Thiel的Founders Fund。




  1. Brian Womack and Douglas MacMillan, Goldman Sachs Said to Invest $450 Million in Facebook, Bloomberg, January 3, 2011.
  2. . [February 20, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2010-10-06).
  3. Tsotsis, Alexia. Mark Pincus Used To Be Sean Parker’s Boss. TechCrunch. October 18, 2011.
  4. DealBook. . New York Times. Sept 7, 2010 [11/01/2011].
  5. Estes, Adam Clark. The Overripe Fruits of Sean Parker's Labor on Twitter 页面存档备份,存于. The Atlantic. October 27, 2011.
  6. Gastaldo, Evann. Meet Facebook 'Genius' Sean Parker 页面存档备份,存于. Newser. September 8, 2010.
  7. Bertoni, Steven. Sean Parker: Agent of Disruption 页面存档备份,存于. Forbes. September 21, 2011. "Question the audiophile about the best brand of headphones and you first learn how sound waves are registered by our tympanic membranes."
  8. Kirkpatrick, David. . Vanity Fair. October 2010 [July 1, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-30). "There is hardly a topic—literary, political, medical, or technological—about which he cannot offer an informed and nuanced opinion in his rapid-fire patter. (Don’t get him started on Ben Franklin’s role as a media pioneer.)"
  9. Kirkpatrick, David. . Vanity Fair. October 2010 [July 1, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-30). "He's always talking about the potential of computers to generate algorithms for likable melodies, and we have this ongoing argument: he believes it’s only a matter of time before computers will be able to create listenable tunes."
  10. . BBC News Online. 2000-07-27 [2009-05-18]. (原始内容存档于2009-01-11).
  11. . BBC News Online. 2002-03-26 [2009-05-18].
  12. Jardin, Xeni. . Wired. 2002-11-12 [2009-05-18].
  13. Bertoni, Steven. Sean Parker: Agent of Disruption 页面存档备份,存于. Forbes. September 21, 2011. "I kind of refer to it as Napster University—it was a crash course in intellectual property law, corporate ­finance, entrepreneurship and law school. Some of the e-mails I wrote when I was just a kid who didn’t know what he was doing are apparently in [law school] textbooks."
  14. Rosen, Ellen. . The New York Times. 2005-05-26 [2009-05-18].
  15. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2010/05/14/businessinsider-facebooks-first-president-was-fired-over-a-cocaine-arrest-2010-5.DTL 页面存档备份,存于


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