
谢尔宾斯基地毯(、波蘭語),是由波蘭數學家瓦茨瓦夫·谢尔宾斯基()于1916年提出的一种分形,是自相似集的一种。它的豪斯多夫维是 log 8/log 3 ≈ 1.8928。门格海绵是它在三维空间中的推广。




 Decides if a point at a specific location is filled or not.
 @param x is the x coordinate of the point being checked
 @param y is the y coordinate of the point being checked
 @param width is the width of the Sierpinski Carpet being checked
 @param height is the height of the Sierpinski Carpet being checked
 @return 1 if it is to be filled or 0 if it is not
 */  int isSierpinskiCarpetPixelFilled(int x,int y,int width,int height)
     // base case
  if (x<1)
       return 0;
   // general case
      If the grid was split in 9 parts, what part(x2,y2) would x,y fit into?
    int x2 = x*3/width; // an integer from 0..2 inclusive
    int y2 = y*3/height; // an integer from 0..2 inclusive
      if (x2==1 && y2==1) // if in the centre squaure, it should be filled.
         return 1;
      /* offset x and y so it becomes bounded by 0..width/3 and 0..height/3 
        and prepares for recursive call
  return isSierpinskiCarpetPixelFilled(x,y,width/3,height/3);


  1. . 创意中国. [2010-02-09]. (原始内容存档于2010-01-03).
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