



根據資訊架構師和多媒體新聞記者 Mirko Lorenz 的說法,資訊新聞學是一個包含了下列這些元素的完整 workflow (工作流程) :將資料純淨化、結構化來「深入資料」,挖掘特定資訊來「過濾資料」,再將資料「視覺化」以做出報導。[2]另外也可以將這個過處理過程擴充加入其他步驟,使其適用於個人層面或是更廣的公共層面。

資料新聞學訓練員暨作家Paul Bradshaw用一種類似的方式來描述這種資料導向的新聞工作:必須要能夠使用像是MySQL或是Python等資料處理軟體來「找到」資料;然後「訊問」它,也就是要能夠理解當中的術語以及統計學;最後藉由開放原始碼工具將其「視覺化」及「混搭」。[3]

另外一個以結果導向來定義這個詞的資料記者暨網路趨勢研究者(web strategist)Henk van Ess (2012)[4]認為「資料導向的新聞工作使得記者能夠找到尚未被發現的事件,或是透過這套搜尋資料的流程來找到新的角度完成這份報導,也就是運用可行的開放原始碼工具對這些資料(可能是任何形式)加工並呈現出來。」Van Ess 認為一些資料導向的工作流程會使其產品「不在好敘事的範疇裡」,因為做出來的結果在於強調問題,而非闡述問題。「一個好的資料導向生產流程擁有不同的層面。它不只能夠讓你找到只對你重要,且個人化的內容,還能夠鑽到相關的細節裡讓你能夠廣覽全局。」




  1. Lorenz, Mirko. . Edited conference documentation, based on presentations of participants. 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹. 2010-08-24 [2012-11-18].
  2. Lorenz, Mirko. (2010). Data driven journalism: What is there to learn? Presented at IJ-7 Innovation Journalism Conference, 7–9 June 2010, Stanford, CA
  3. Bradshaw, Paul (1 October 2010). How to be a data journalist. The Guardian
  4. van Ess, Henk. (2012). Gory details of data driven journalism
  5. . [2011-08-17]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-24).
  6. http://www.niemanlab.org/2011/03/voices-news-organizations-must-become-hubs-of-trusted-data-in-an-market-seeking-and-valuing-trust/
  7. World Bank Data API
  8. http://needlebase.com/%5B%5D (accessed February 10, 2012)
  9. http://www.slideshare.net/searchbistro/harvesting-knowledge-how-to-crowdsource-in-2010/
  10. http://blog.ouseful.info/2008/10/14/data-scraping-wikipedia-with-google-spreadsheets/
  11. . [2012-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-23).
  12. http://timetric.com/
  13. http://blogs.journalism.co.uk/editors/2011/04/16/ijf11-lessons-in-data-journalism-from-the-new-york-times/
  14. http://www.poynter.org/latest-news/top-stories/95154/using-data-visualization-as-a-reporting-tool-can-reveal-storys-shape/
  15. http://www.rgraph.net/
  16. . [2011-08-17]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-12).
  17. http://helpmeinvestigate.com/
  18. http://www.kasabi.com/
  19. http://www.timetric.com
  20. http://www.propublica.org/nerds/item/pixel-ping-a-nodejs-stats-tracker
  21. https://github.com/documentcloud/pixel-ping
  22. Rogers, Simon (2011) http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2011/jul/28/data-journalism
  23. Evans, Lisa (2011) http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2011/jan/27/data-store-office-for-national-statistics
  24. Kabul War Diary, 26 July 2010, WikiLeaks
  25. Afghanistan The War Logs, 26 July 2010, The Guardian
  26. The War Logs, 26 July 2010 The New York Times
  27. The Afghanistan Protocol: Explosive Leaks Provide Image of War from Those Fighting It, 26 July 2010, Der Spiegel
  28. Afghanistan war logs: IED attacks on civilians, coalition and Afghan troops, 26 July 2010, The Guardian
  29. Text From a Selection of the Secret Dispatches, 26 July 2010, The New York Times
  30. Deathly Toll: Death as a result of insurgent bomb attacks, 26 July 2010, Der Spiegel
  31. Wikileaks Iraq war logs: every death mapped, 22 October 2010, Guardian Datablog
  32. UK riots: every verified incident - interactive map, 11 August 2011, Guardian Datablog
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