
過去完成時(英語:pluperfect tense,來自拉丁語 plus quam perfectum 更加完成),在英語中也叫做“past perfect”,是存在於多數印歐語言中一種完成性時態,用來指定在另一個過去行動之前就已經完成了的一個事件。



  • 狀態的過去完成時。把某個事件的結果關聯於在過去時敘述期間的這個事件:“He saw that the door had opened, and children were running through it.” 幾乎同於“...He saw that the door was open, and children...” 。狀態的過去完成時,在與這個行動事實的結合上,位於過去時態(the door opened yesterday) 和是過去分詞的表語形容詞(the door was open since yesterday)的中間。
  • 行動的過去完成時。一系列過去完成時句子傳達一個敘述。這種過去完成時更加密切的聯合於英語中平常的過去時態。它只充當把敘述放置於“更遠的過去”中,而不用確定它的特定時間或持續時間,比如:“He had risen early that morning and had drunk coffee earlier than usual.”


I had heardich hatte gehörtaudiveramauzisemouvira / tinha ouvido / havia ouvidohabía oídoavevo sentitoj'avais entendu
you had hearddu hattest gehörtaudiverāsauziseşiouviras / tinhas ouvido / havias ouvidohabías oídoavevi sentitotu avais entendu
he/she had hearder/sie hatte gehörtaudiveratauziseouvira / tinha ouvido / havia ouvidohabía oídoaveva sentitoil/elle avait entendu
we had heardwir hatten gehörtaudiverāmusauziserămouvíramos / tínhamos ouvido / havíamos ouvidohabíamos oídoavevamo sentitonous avions entendu
you had heardihr hattet gehörtaudiverātisauziserăţiouvíreis / tínheis ouvido / havíeis ouvidohabíais oídoavevate sentitovous aviez entendu
they had heardsie hatten gehörtaudiverantauziserăouviram / tinham ouvido / haviam ouvidohabían oídoavevano sentitoils avaient entendu




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