陳建同(Chen Jiann-Thorng)(1962年-)是中華民國陸軍中將,生於台灣省花蓮縣花蓮市[1],現任國防部軍醫局中將局長,曾任國防部軍醫局少將副局長、國防醫學院上校教學副院長、醫學系主任、陸軍後勤指揮部軍醫處少將處長,畢業於花崗國中、花蓮高中、國防醫學院醫學系、獲得美國紐約州立大學哲學博士。三軍總醫院眼科部主治醫師。 中華民國眼科醫學會理事長[2][3] [4]。學術專長:分子生物學,細胞學,病理學,眼科。[5]
陳建同 Chen Jiann-Thorng | |
个人资料 | |
性别 | 男 |
出生 | 1962年(58-59歲)![]() |
国籍 | ![]() |
学历 | 美國紐約州立大學哲學博士 |
职业 | 軍醫 |
军事背景 | |
效忠 | ![]() |
服役 | ![]() |
军衔 | ![]() |
1998年,陳建同以論文.獲得紐約州立大學水牛城分校博士學位;指導教授是Dr.Samuel Gallant博士。[6][7][8][9][10]
因醫療糾紛,墮胎併發眼疾致失明,經法院判決,認定診治醫師陳建同在病情發生變化時,未重新檢查追查原因,延誤治療,改判三總及陳建同醫師判賠244 萬。經查證後,陳建同先生博士論文為內科高血壓之研究,非眼科,專業判斷受到質疑而導致醫療疏失。
陳建同博士所發表的論文,與Dr. Yu, Cheng-Ping之相似度高達百分之60,有學術剽竊plagiarism之可能性。由於近年來國軍高階將官論文抄襲事件層出不窮,前國防部長楊念祖閃辭,震驚全國,也啟動教育部對於高階將官博士論文之審查。[12] [13]陳建同博士論文。 但反方辯護,陳建同博士1998年發表的博士論文,只有在結構和實驗設計上與Dr. Yu 於1997年所發表的博士論文,有部分雷同之處,並無學術剽竊的事實。因為在撰寫論文時,結構體上過於相似,造成誤解。雙方論點,仍然需第三方學術單位公證。因此,有關論文爭議事件,完全屬於假設,並非事實。
"The Nature of the Resistance to Steroid Hypertension in Wistar Furth Rats"
於1997年,Dr. Yu 所發表的博士論文,題目如下:
"Studies of Steroid-induced Hypertension in Wistar and Wistar/Furth Rats"
Dr. Yu, 1997, Studies of Steroid-induced Hypertension in Wistar and Wistar/Furth Rats 論文摘要:
The mechanism of resistanec of the Wsitar/Furth(W/fu) rat to both mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid hypertension was investigated. Sodium handling by W/Fu rats is different from that by Wistar rats. Saline alone has a positive effect on blood pressure in Wistar, but no in W/Fu, rats. Mineralocorticoid treatment can induce saline polydipsia in both strains, but it is more severe in Wistar than in W/Fu rats. Also, hypermatremia develops in mineralocorticoid treated Wistar, but not in W/Fu, rats. These data indicate that, under conditions of sodium loading, W/Fu rats retain less sodium than Wistar rats do. The effects of mineralocorticoids on gene expressio of Na, K-ATPase, sodium channel, mineralocorticoid receptor, and glucocorticoid receptor are also different between these two strains. The data from our studies indicate that this lower sodium retention plays an important role in the resistance of W/Fu rats to mineralocorticoid hypertension, and that the basic mechanism for this resistance may involve a genetic difference in the susceptibility to salt between two strains. |
陳建同博士,1998年,The Nature of the Resistance to Steroid Hypertension in Wistar Furth Rats論文摘要:
The Nature of the resistance of the Wistar-Furth(W/fu) rat strain to steroid hypertension was investigated.The basal levels of renal kallikrein mRNA and kallikrein activity measured in intact or uninephrectomized animals were higher in W/Fu than in WI rats. The induction of renal kallikrein mRNA in response to DOCA treatment was similar in both strains. However Renal kallikrein activity increased progressively in W/Fu rats and declined in WI rats. Both urinary total and active kallikrein activities were higher in DOCA-treated W/Fu rats than in the similar treated WI rats. Co-adminstration of DOCA and Hoe 140, a bradykinin type 2 receptor antagonist, raised the blood pressure of W/Fu rats into the hypertension range. Furthermore, with this regimen W/Fu rats developed hypernatremia. These findings suggest that bradykinin(a product of kallikrein action) plays an important role in the resistance of W/Fu rats to mineralocorticoid hypertension. Collectively, these results suggest that W/Fu rats have a more active renal kallikrein-kinin system. |
- . [2013-12-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
- 中華民國眼科醫學會
- . [2013-12-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
- . [2013-12-05]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-17).
- 什麼是黃斑部病變?
- Associate Professor,Samuel Gallant
- Reference英文參考資料
- 參考文獻 Resistance of the Wistar/Furth rat to steroid-induced hypertension - response to mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids Kayes, Kathleen M.1995
- 參考文獻 Studies of steroid-induced hypertension in wistar and wistar/furth rats Yu, Cheng-Ping 1997
- 參考文獻Resistance of the Wistar-Furth rat to mineralocorticoid-induced hypertensive cardiovascular disease 1989
- 花蓮子弟出將官 陳建同升少將
- 參考文獻 Studies of steroid-induced hypertension in wistar and wistar/furth rats Yu, Cheng-Ping 1997
- http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2013/new/aug/7/today-t1.htm 學術剽竊
- 將官晉升沒有他!洪仲丘269旅新旅長 半年沒出事再說