ABC (程式語言)
ABC,一種程式語言與編程環境,起源於荷兰数学和计算机科学研究学会,最初的設計者為Leo Geurts、Lambert Meertens與Steven Pemberton。程式風格受到ALGOL-68的影響,最初用來取代BASIC、Pascal與AWK,目標是在教導非專業的程式設計師學習如何開始寫程式。
多范式:指令式、过程式、结构化 | |
設計者 | Leo Geurts, Lambert Meertens, Steven Pemberton |
實作者 | CWI |
穩定版本 | 1.05.02
) |
型態系統 | 强类型, 类型多态性 |
網站 | ![]() |
啟發語言 | |
SETL, ALGOL 68[1] | |
影響語言 | |
Python |
程式語言Python的設計風格,有許多源自於ABC語言。Python的创立者Guido van Rossum在1980年代中期曾为ABC系统工作了很多年[2][3]。
完全的ABC系统包括使用语法制导编辑、提示、持久变量和多工作空间的编程环境,并可获得为解释器/编译器,当前版本是1.05.02,已经移植到了Unix、DOS、Atari和Apple Macintosh。
HOW TO RETURN words document: PUT {} IN collection FOR line IN document: FOR word IN split line: IF word collection: INSERT word IN collection RETURN collection
- "He was clearly influenced by ALGOL 68's philosophy of providing constructs that can be combined in many different ways to produce all sorts of different data structures or ways of structuring a program." - Guido van Rossum Federico Biancuzzi; Shane Warden. . O'Reilly Media. April 2009: 32 [December 14, 2009]. ISBN 0-596-51517-0.
- The A-Z of Programming Languages: Python 页面存档备份,存于. "...I figured I could design and implement a language 'almost, but not quite, entirely unlike' ABC, improving upon ABC's deficiencies...", Computerworld (2008-08-05). Retrieved on 2014-07-08.
- An Interview with Guido van Rossum 页面存档备份,存于. "... in my head I had analyzed some of the reasons it had failed..." Retrieved on 2013-07-08.
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