James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher



故事起自有兩個學生,James(詹姆斯)和John(約翰)。他們曾經需要在一個英語考試上描述一個曾經着涼的人。約翰寫的句子是“The man had a cold”,這句在文法上不正確;而詹姆斯寫的句子在文法上正確:“The man had had a cold”。老師於是註記「由於詹姆斯的答案是正確的,所以它對於老師有一個較好的效果。」


James, while John had had "had", had had "had had"; "had had" had had a better effect on the teacher.[5]

(翻译:詹姆斯在当约翰用“had”时用了“had had”,老师认为“had had”的效果更好。)


James had had "had had", while John had had "had"; "had had" had had a better effect on the teacher.

(翻译:詹姆斯用了“had had”,而约翰用了“had”,老师认为“had had”的效果更好。)


這句子可以作為一個文法遊戲[6][7][8]或一條考試題目,[1][2]考生需要赋予合适的標點符號來明晰句子意思。汉斯·赖申巴赫(Hans Reichenbach)在1947年出版的《符号逻辑要素》一书中用了一个类似的句子(“John where Jack...”),給讀者作為練習,以说明语言的不同层次,例如目標語言元語言,其用意是让读者为句子添加所需的标点符号,使之具有语法意义。[9]

在說明人們如何理解環境中不同信息的意義是,这个句子被用来证明看似随意的决定能极大地改变其意义。类似于句子中标点符号的变化如何使老師時而喜欢詹姆斯的作品,時而喜歡约翰的作品。例子:「James, while John had had "had," had...」與「James, while John had had "had had,"...」。[10]



""Okay," said the Bellman, whose head was in danger of falling apart like a chocolate orange, "let me get this straight: David Copperfield, unlike Pilgrim’s Progress, which had had 'had', had had 'had had'. Had 'had had' had TGC’s approval?""



  1. Magonet, Jonathan. 2nd. SCM-Canterbury Press. 2004: 19 [2009-04-30]. ISBN 9780334029526. You may remember an old classroom test in English language. What punctuation marks do you have to add to this sentence so as to make sense of it?
  2. Dundes, Alan; Carl R. Pagter. Illustrated. Wayne State University Press. 1987: 135 [2009-04-30]. ISBN 0814318673. The object of this and similar tests is to make sense of a series of words by figuring out the correct intonation pattern.
  3. Hudson, Grover. . Wiley-Blackwell. 1999: 372 [2009-04-30]. ISBN 0631203044. Writing is secondary to speech, in history and in the fact that speech and not writing is fundamental to the human species.
  4. van de Velde, Roger G. Illustrated. Walter de Gruyter. 1992: 43 [2009-04-30]. ISBN 3110132508. (原始内容存档于2020-05-06). In scanning across lines, readers also make use of the information parts carried along with the punctuatuion markes: a period, a dash, a colon, a semicolon or a comma may signal different degrees of integration/separation between the groupings.
  5. "Problem C: Operator Jumble" 页面存档备份,存于. 31st ACM International Collegiate Programming Conference, 2006–2007.
  6. Amon, Mike. . Financial Times. 2004-01-28 [2009-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-22). HAD up to here? So were readers of last week's column, invited to punctuate "Smith where Jones had had had had had had had had had had had the examiners approval."
  7. Jackson, Howard. . Routledge. 2002: 123 [2009-04-30]. ISBN 0415231701. Finally, verbal humour is often an ingredient of puzzles. As part of an advertising campaign for its educational website , the Guardian (for 3 january 2001) included the following familiar grammatical puzzle.
  8. . [2012-01-07]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-13).
  9. Reichenbach, Hans (1947) Elements of symbolic logic. London: Collier-MacMillan. Exercise 3-4, p.405; solution p.417.
  10. Weick, Karl E. 8th. Wiley-Blackwell. 2005: 186–187 [2009-04-30]. ISBN 0631223193. (原始内容存档于2020-10-31). Once a person has generated/bracketed part of the stream, then the activities of punctuation and connection (parsing) can occur in an effort to transform the raw data into information.
  11. Lecercle, Jean-Jacques. Illustrated. Routledge. 1990: 86 [2009-04-30]. ISBN 0415034310. (原始内容存档于2020-05-07). Suppose I decide that I wish to make up a sentence containing eleven occurrences of the word 'had' in a row ...
  12. Hollin, Clive R. Illustrated. Routledge. 1995: 34 [2009-04-30]. ISBN 0748401911. Do readers make use of the ways in which sentences are structured?
  13. Fforde, Jasper. . Hodder & Stoughton. 2003 [2012-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-04).
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