唐冠螺科 | |
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Lateral view of a shell of Semicassis pyrum | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 軟體動物門 Mollusca |
纲: | 腹足纲 Gastropoda |
演化支: | 直腹足類 Orthogastropoda |
演化支: | 後生腹足類 Apogastropoda |
亚纲: | 新进腹足亚纲 Caenogastropoda |
目: | 玉黍螺目 Littorinimorpha |
总科: | 鶉螺總科 Tonnoidea |
科: | 唐冠螺科 Cassidae |
屬與種 | |
本科現時有約60個物種,例如:万宝螺(Cypraecassis rufa)。
若按唐冠螺屬的學名來命名,本科的學名應作「」,但這樣就會跟另一種甲蟲分類龜金花蟲科 的學名Cassididae Stephens, 1831 (基於Cassida Linnaeus, 1758,金花蟲科物種,但現時已降格成為龜金花蟲亞科)相衝。所以ICZN根據Opinion 1023 (1974, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 31: 127-129),接受了現時的學名,以避免重覆命名的出現[2]。
在布歇特和洛克羅伊的腹足類分類 (2005年),作者依從Riedel (1995),唐冠螺科仍然被列作鶉螺科(Tonnidae Suter, 1913 (1825))之下的一個亞科(Cassinae Latreille, 1825)[3][5],直到Beu (2008)在他的著作《Revision of the deep-water Cassidae》才將本分類提升到科級層次[6][7]。
- 唐冠螺亞科 Cassinae Latreille, 1825 == 卵螺亞科 Oocorythinae P. Fischer, 1885
- 鬘螺亞科 Phaliinae Beu, 1981
- Casmaria H. Adams and A. Adams, 1853
- Echinophoria Sacco, 1890
- 鬘螺属 Phalium Link, 1807 - bonnet shells
- Semicassis Mörch, 1852
- Bathygalea Woodring & Olsson, 1957: synonym of Echinophoria Sacco, 1890
- Benthodolium Verrill & Smith [in Verrill], 1884: synonym of Oocorys P. Fischer, 1884
- Bezoardica Schumacher, 1817: synonym of Phalium Link, 1807
- Bezoardicella Habe, 1961: synonym of Phalium Link, 1807
- Cassidaria Lamarck, 1816: synonym of Galeodea Link, 1807
- Cassidea Bruguière, 1789: synonym of Cassis Scopoli, 1777
- Echinora Schumacher, 1817: synonym of Galeodea Link, 1807
- Euspinacassis Finlay, 1926: synonym of Echinophoria Sacco, 1890
- Hadroocorys Quinn, 1980: synonym of Oocorys P. Fischer, 1884
- Morio Montfort, 1810: synonym of Galeodea Link, 1807
- Taieria Finlay & Marwick, 1937: synonym of Galeodea Link, 1807
- † Trachydolium Howe, 1926: synonym of Echinophoria Sacco, 1890
- Xenogalea Iredale, 1927: synonym of Semicassis Mörch, 1852
- Xenophalium Iredale, 1927: synonym of Semicassis Mörch, 1852
- Galeodea rugosa
- Semicassis granulata
Some helmet shells are carved into cameos, starting in Italy in 1820.
- The king helmet Cassis tuberosa was the first species to be made into cameos.
- The black helmet Cassis madagascariensis, also known as Cassis cameo, has a dark brown or a claret-coloured shell layer under a yellowish outer layer. This gives it an onyx appearance and makes it one of the most useful shells for cameos.
- The red helmet Cypraecassis rufa gives a sardonyx-like appearance because it has sard-coloured bands under its pale outer coating.
- The horned helmet Cassis cornuta produces a white figure on an orange background. It is also used as a trumpet by native Filipinos.
- 賴景陽. . 貓頭鷹出版社. 2005-10. ISBN 986-7415-58-2 (中文(繁體)).
- Gofas, S. . World Register of Marine Species. 2010 [2011-01-19].
- Frýda, J.; Hausdorf, B.; Ponder, W.; Valdés, Á.; Warén, A. Bouchet P.; Rocroi J.-P. , 编. . Malacologia: International Journal of Malacology (Hackenheim, Germany / Ann Arbor, USA: ConchBooks). 2005, 47 (1-2): 397 pp. ISBN 3-925919-72-4. ISSN 0076-2997.
- Hughes, RN; Hughes, HPI. . Malacologia. 1981, 20 (2): 385–402 [2017-08-13]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-29).
- Riedel, F. . Contributions to Tertiary and Quaternary Geology. 1995, 32 (4): 97–132 (英语).
- Beu, Alan G. (PDF). Héros, V.; Cowie, R.H.; Bouchet, P. (编). . Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 196. 2008-12-02: 269–387 [2020-06-10]. ISBN 978-2-85653-614-8. (原始内容存档于2020-10-21) (英语).
- Dance, S. Peter. 2nd. 2008.
- Abbott, R.T. (1968). The Helmet Shells of the World (Cassidae) Part 1. Indo-Pacific Mollusca 2(9): 7-201
- Kreipl K. 1997. Recent Cassidae. Christa Hemmen, Wiesbaden, 151 p
- http://www.biolib.cz/en/taxon/id402143/ 页面存档备份,存于 accessed 8 January 2010
- Checklist of Mollusca
- Steyn, D.G. & Lussi, M. 2005. Offshore Shells of Southern Africa ISBN 0-620-33607-2
- http://www.gastropods.com/Taxon_pages/Family_CASSIDAE.shtml#CASSIDAECASSINAE 页面存档备份,存于
- http://www.taxonomy.nl/Main/Classification/987895.htm%5B%5D