绿色新政(Green New Deal,GND)是美国涉及解决全球变暖和貧富差距等问题的一系列立法方案。[1][2][3] [4]綠色新政的名稱來源自罗斯福新政,即富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福为应对大萧条而进行的一系列社会和经济改革及公共工程项目。[5]绿色新政将罗斯福的经济政策与可再生能源和资源效率等现代理念相结合。[6] [7]在20世纪70年代至90年代,环保运动人士就已提倡使美国经济擺脫不可再生能源的经济政策[8]。美國民主黨較支持綠色行政,而美國共和黨較為反對[9]。2008年10月22日,联合国环境署执行主任阿齊姆·施泰納发布了一项 "全球绿色新政 "倡议,旨在为 "绿色 "产业创造就业机会,从而促进世界经济发展,同时遏制气候变化。[10] 第一个以绿色新政为政治纲领的美国政治家是美国绿党黨員霍伊·霍金斯,他在2010年竞选纽约州长时提出這一綱領[11]。
- Whyte, Chelsea. . NewScientist. February 12, 2019 [March 4, 2019].
- Meyer, Robinson. . The Atlantic. [January 31, 2019].
There's not a single, official Green New Deal. Much like "Medicare for All," "Green New Deal" refers more to a few shared goals than to a completed legislative package. (The original New Deal basically worked the same way.) Now a number of environmental groups are trying to make those goals more specific. But they're running into a snag: The bogeymen that haunted old progressive climate policies are suddenly back again. And the fights aren't just about nuclear power.
- Harder, Amy. . Axios (website). December 13, 2019 [December 13, 2018]. (原始内容存档于December 14, 2018).
- Stewart, Andrew. . Counterpunch. Nov 11, 2018 [May 8, 2019].
- Jeremy Lovell (July 21, 2008) "Climate report calls for green 'New Deal'", Reuters.
- A Green New Deal: Discursive Review and Appraisal. Macroeconomics: Aggregative Models eJournal. Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Accessed March 14, 2019.
- Hilary French, Michael Renner and Gary Gardner: Toward a Transatlantic Green New Deal 的存檔,存档日期March 29, 2014,. The authors state: "Support is growing around the world for an integrated response to the current economic and environmental crises, increasingly referred to as the "Green New Deal". The term is a modern-day variation of the U.S. New Deal, an ambitious effort launched by President Franklin Roosevelt to lift the United States out of the Great Depression. The New Deal of that era entailed a strong government role in economic planning and a series of stimulus packages launched between 1933 and 1938 that created jobs through ambitious governmental programs, including the construction of roads, trails, dams, and schools. Today's Green New Deal proposals are also premised on the importance of decisive governmental action, but incorporate policies to respond to pressing environmental challenges through a new paradigm of sustainable economic progress."
- Cobb, David. . 進步 (雜誌). March 23, 2019 [December 14, 2019].
- Gustafson, Abel; Rosenthal, Seth A.; Ballew, Matthew T.; Goldberg, Matthew H.; Bergquist, Parrish; Kotcher, John E.; Maibach, Edward W.; Leiserowitz, Anthony. . Nature Climate Change. November 18, 2019, 9 (12): 940–944. ISSN 1758-6798. doi:10.1038/s41558-019-0621-7 (英语).
- Eccleston, Paul. . 每日电讯报. October 22, 2008. (原始内容存档于September 22, 2012).
- Robert Harding. . auburnpub.com/The Citizen. July 11, 2020.
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