
- 爱斯基摩-阿留申语系(Eskimo-Aleut)分布于北极地带,包括:
- 萨利希语系(Salishan)分布从加拿大西部到美国西部太平洋沿岸:
- 贝拉库拉语族(Bella Coola)
- 海岸萨利希语族(Coast Salish)
- 内陆萨利希语族(Interior Salish)
- 卡多语系(Caddoan)分布在美国中部大平原地区
- 霍卡语系(Hokan)分布在美国加利福尼亚州
- 克丘亚语系分布在南美洲安第斯山以东北部地区
- 舒阿尔语系(Shuar)分布在亚马逊河上游森林中地区
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- 北美洲
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- Sturtevant, William C. (Ed.). (1978–present). Handbook of North American Indians (Vol. 1–20). Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution. (Vols. 1–3, 16, 18–20 not yet published).
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- Debian North American Indigenous Languages Project 页面存档备份,存于
- 南美洲
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- Catálogo de línguas indígenas sul-americanas 页面存档备份,存于
- Diccionario etnolingüístico y guía bibliográfica de los pueblos indígenas sudamericanos
- Towards a general typology of South American indigenous languages. A bibliographical database
- South American Languages
- Society to Advance Indigenous Vernaculars of the United States 页面存档备份,存于 (SAIVUS)
- Indigenous Peoples Languages: Articles, News, Videos
- Documentation Center of the Linguistic Minorities of Panama
- The Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America
- Indigenous Language Institute 页面存档备份,存于
- The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas 页面存档备份,存于 (SSILA)
- Southern Oregon Digital Archives First Nations Tribal Collection 页面存档备份,存于 (collection of ethnographic, linguistic, & historical material)
- Center for the Study of the Native Languages of the Plains and Southwest
- Project for the Documentation of the Languages of Mesoamerica
- Programa de Formación en Educación Intercultural Bilingüe para los Países Andinos 页面存档备份,存于
- Native American Language Center (University of California at Davis)
- Native Languages of the Americas 页面存档备份,存于
- International Journal of American Linguistics 页面存档备份,存于
- Our Languages (Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre)
- Swadesh Lists of Brazilian Native Languages
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