



背楯類物種包括有海蛞蝓和一種被稱為「假笠貝」的海洋腹足綱軟體動物的分類,直腹足亞綱後生腹足下綱後鰓目的成員。然而,在較新的2005年布歇特和洛克羅伊的腹足類分類,the families Umbraculidae and Tylodinidae belong to the superfamily Umbraculoidea Dall, 1889, part of the clade Umbraculida. Grande et al. (2004) found Umbraculoidea to be a sister clade to the Cephalaspidea (Acteonoidea excluded).[3]

The families Tylodinidae and Umbraculidae have large limpet-like external shells and a small mantle, while the species in the family Pleurobranchidae have a prominent mantle and an internal shell that becomes reduced or is lost in adults.[4] Many species produce mantle secretions as a chemical defense against predators [5]



  • Tylodinidae J.E. Gray, 1847
  • 侧鳃科 Pleurobranchidae Menke, 1828
  • 傘螺科 Umbraculidae Dall, 1889


  1. WoRMS. . World Register of Marine Species. 2014 [2018-03-20].
  2. . www.marinespecies.org. [2018-04-04] (英语).
  3. Grande C.; J. Templado; J.L. Cervera; R. Zardoya. . Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2004, 33 (2): 378–388. PMID 15336672. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2004.06.008.
  4. R. Willan. . Am. Malacol. Bull. 1987, 5: 215–241.
  5. Aldo Spinella; Ernesto Mollo; Enrico Trivellone; Guido Cimino. . Tetrahedron. December 1997, 53 (49): 16891–16896. doi:10.1016/S0040-4020(97)10124-7.


  • . Integrated Taxonomic Information System (英语).
  • Powell A. W. B., New Zealand Mollusca, William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1979 ISBN 0-00-216906-1
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