
在代数学中,胡尔维兹定理(又名“1,2,4,8定理”)是以在1898年证明它的阿道夫·胡尔维兹命名。该定理表明:任何带有单位元的賦範可除代數同构于以下四个代数之一:R,C,H和O,分别代表实数复数四元数八元数[1][2]对实賦範可除代數的分类始于弗洛比纽斯[3] ,发扬于胡尔维兹[4],由佐恩整理为一般形式[5]。一个简短的历史摘要可见Badger[6]





  1. JA Nieto and LN Alejo-Armenta. . Arxiv preprint hep-th/0005184. 2000.
  2. Kevin McCrimmon. . . Springer. 2004: 166. ISBN 0387954473. Only recently was it established that the only finite-dimensional real nonassociative division algebras have dimensions 1,2,4,8; the algebras were not classified, and the proof was topological rather than algebraic.
  3. Georg Frobenius. . J. Reine Angew. Math. 1878, 84: 1–63.
  4. Hurwitz, A. . Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen. 1898: 309–316. Template:JFM (德语).
  5. Max Zorn. . Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg. 1930, 8: 123–147.
  6. Matthew Badger. (PDF). (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011-06-07).
  7. IL Kantor and AS Solodovnikov. . 2nd. Springer-Verlag. 1989: 121. ISBN 0387969802.
  8. Daniel B. Shapiro. . . Walter de Gruyter. 2000: 21 ff. ISBN 311012629X.
  9. Joe Roberts. . . Cambridge University Press. 1992. ISBN 088385502X.


  • John H. Conway, Derek A. Smith On Quaternions and Octonions. A.K. Peters, 2003.
  • John Baez, The Octonions, AMS 2001.
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