故事敘述了一個壓制自由的近未來世界,禁止人們閱讀、擁有書籍,所謂的消防員的工作不是滅火,而是焚書。文中的主人公,蓋·蒙塔格,就是一名負責焚書的消防員。華氏451度(攝氏233度)是雷·布萊伯利给出的紙張的燃點。实际上不同的纸燃点不同,一般在华氏440度 - 470度之间。
華氏451度 | |
![]() 《華氏451度》第一版封面 | |
原名 | Fahrenheit 451 |
作者 | 雷·布萊伯利 |
译者 | 高英哲 |
类型 | 反烏托邦小說[1] |
语言 | 英語 |
故事背景地 | 美國 |
发行情况 | |
插圖 | 约瑟夫·穆尼亚尼(Joseph Mugnaini)[2] |
出版机构 | 巴兰坦图书(Ballantine Books) |
出版日期 | 1953 |
出版地 | 美國 |
页数 | 199頁 |
所获奖项 | 雨果獎最佳長篇小說獎, NPR Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books[*], Prometheus Award - Hall of Fame[*] |
规范控制 | |
ISBN | ISBN 978-986-89342-2-1(電子書) |
OCLC | 346202 |
《華氏451度》改寫自1951年發表的中篇《消防員》(),發表于2月的《星际科幻》()杂志。由()執導的同名電影于1966年上映。另一部同名電影于2018年坎城影展举办首映,是1966年版本的更新版,由迈克尔.B.乔丹与迈克尔.珊农主演。除此之外,BBC Radio 4也以這部小說製作了兩部忠於原著的廣播劇。
《华氏451度》背景设在未知城市(可能是美国中西部),在1960年后某个未知时刻里。[註 1][註 2][10][11]

- 蓋·蒙塔格(Guy Montag)作為本書的主角,他是一位忠於職守的消防員,卻透過自己的雙眼看到一切、產生懷疑,進而尋求自由。姓氏來於造紙公司。
- 克菈瑞瑟·麥克蕾蘭(Clarisse McClellan)是蒙塔格在回家的路上所遇到的17歲美少女。在這個無書的世界中,喜歡自然、好說話的她顯得一支獨秀。她與她的家人保持過去的生活方式,也受到政府監視。
- 繆德莉·蒙塔格(Mildred "Millie" Montag)是蒙塔格的妻子,有著安眠藥上癮症。生活不離科技產品,耳中時常帶著無線收音機,每天都待在電視牆前,蒙塔格書中一直想把她帶離現況。
- 畢堤隊長(Captain Beatty)是蒙塔格的長官,消防隊長。是位博學、豪快卻富有心機的学霸。他明白知曉這世界的運作,卻服膺於規則之下。
- 費伯(Faber)之前是英文教授。小心翼翼在這世界的夾縫中苟且偷生。曾與蒙塔格於私下有一面之緣,後來成為他反抗的導師。名字來自知名的文具製造商Faber-Castell。
- 安·鲍尔斯和克拉拉·菲尔普斯夫人,(Ann Bowles, Clara Phelps)是繆德莉的朋友,代表社会的反智主义和享乐主义。在来家里玩的时候,她们抱怨生活中的不快,对即将到来的战争、她们的丈夫、孩子和政治感到不屑。菲尔普斯夫人的丈夫皮特应征入伍(她认为丈夫过一周就可以回来,这就是她认为战争和快乐大本营差不多),觉得孩子不过是生活中的累赘。鲍尔斯结了三次婚,是位单身母亲。她的第一任丈夫抛弃了她,第二位丈夫出了事故,第三位丈夫自杀。她的两个孩子因疏于管教而十分叛逆:鲍尔斯夫人称自己的孩子打她,又因自己能够还手而感到自豪。当蒙塔格给她们读诗时,菲尔普斯感动落泪,而鲍尔斯夫人觉得这些文字伤了她的面子。
在1949年末,[27]布莱伯利在一天夜行时被警察叫住盘问。[28][29]当问到“你在干什么?”时,布莱伯利俏皮道:“把一只脚放在另一只脚前面。”[28][29]这个事件为布莱伯利创作1951年短篇小说《过路人》提供了灵感。[註 3][28][29]在《过路人》中,伦纳德·米德夜行时被城市里警方遥控的机器盘问骚扰,在此,所有人都呆在家里看电视。由于没有托词,米德因行事古怪而被送入“退化行为心理研究中心”。《华氏451度》也提到了这一主题,描述了利用广播传媒的独裁社会。
当小说最初发行时,人们并没有发现其中的真谛。安东尼·鲍彻和J·弗朗西斯·康那士感到小说无趣无味,指责小说“不过是凑字,偶尔蹦出点有意思的把戏, ...常常闪烁写言辞上的才华[但是]在玩弄文字游戏。”[57]在为《出彩科幻片》做评论时,P·司凯乐·米勒称标题是“布莱伯利另一个苦涩,几乎是歇斯底里的谩骂,”并赞扬其“感情强烈,引人入胜,文字细腻。”[58]类似地,《纽约时报》对小说不感冒,常常指责布莱伯利制造了“对当今世界的恶意仇恨,如畸形的无线电、电视、电影、业余和职业运动、汽车和别的令他感到侮辱人类存在里思维的简洁性。”[59]
2015年,互联网工程指导组(IESG)支持了提案《报告法律障碍的HTTP状态码》(英語:),即现在的RFC 7725。这个提案详述了当用户请求了一个根据相关法律法规与政策禁止显示的页面时,受迫于法律法规而拦截资源的网站应该返回一个451的HTTP状态码。[75][76][77][78]
《摄氏232度》是Robert Calvert写的一首诗,1977年书面出版,2007年专辑首发。这个标题影射了《華氏451度》,因为二者换算之后相等。[79]
- During Captain Beatty's recounting of the history of the firemen to Montag, he says, "Out of the nursery into the college and back to the nursery; there's your intellectual pattern for the past five centuries or more." The text is ambiguous regarding which century he is claiming began this pattern. One interpretation is that he means the 20th century, which would place the novel in at least the 24th century. "The Fireman" novella, which was expanded to become Fahrenheit 451, is set in October 2052.
- In early editions of the book, Montag says, "We've started and won two atomic wars since 1960" in the first pages of The Sieve and the Sand. This sets a lower bound on the time setting. In later decades, some editions have changed this year to 1990 or 2022.
- "The Pedestrian" would go on to be published in The Reporter magazine on August 7, 1951, that is, after the publication in February 1951 of its inspired work "The Fireman".
- Gerall, Alina; Hobby, Blake. . Bloom, Harold; Hobby, Blake (编). . Infobase Publishing. 2010: 148. ISBN 978-1-60413-439-1.
While Fahrenheit 451 begins as a dystopic novel about a totalitarian government that bans reading, the novel ends with Montag relishing the book he has put to memory.
- Crider, Bill. Laughlin, Charlotte; Lee, Billy C. , 编. . Paperback Quarterly. Fall 1980, III (3): 22. ISBN 978-1-4344-0633-0.
The first paperback edition featured illustrations by Joe Mugnaini and contained two stories in addition to the title tale: 'The Playground' and 'And The Rock Cried Out.'
- Boyle Johnston, Amy E. "Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451 Misinterpreted" 的存檔,存档日期2007-07-12., LA Weekly, May 30, 2007.
- Aggelis, Steven L. (编). . Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi. 2004: xxix. ISBN 1-57806-640-9.
...[in 1954 Bradbury received] two other awards—National Institute of Arts and Letters Award in Literature and Commonwealth Club of California Literature Gold Medal Award—for Fahrenheit 451, which is published in three installments in Playboy.
- Davis, Scott A. (PDF). Commonwealth Club of California. [5 March 2014].
- Nolan, William F. . The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (Mercury). May 1963, 24 (5): 20.
Then there was the afternoon at Huston's Irish manor when a telegram arrived to inform Bradbury that his first novel, Fahrenheit 451, a bitterly-satirical story of the book-burning future, had been awarded a grant of $1,000 from the National Institute of Arts and Letters.
- . [August 9, 2013].
- . [August 9, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-07).
- Nielsen Business Media, Inc. . Billboard. January 22, 1976, 89 (3): 110. ISSN 0006-2510.
- Reid, Robin Anne. . Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Writers. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 2000: 53. ISBN 0-313-30901-9.
Fahrenheit 451 is set in an unnamed city in the United States, possibly in the Midwest, in some undated future.
- Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature. Greasley, Philip A. , 编. . 1, The Authors. Indiana University Press. 2001: 78 [5 March 2014]. ISBN 9780253336095.
Fahrenheit 451 is not set in any specific locale...
- de Koster, Katie (编). . Literary Companion Series. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. 2000: 35. ISBN 1-56510-857-4.
Montag does not realize at first that she is gone, or that he misses her; he simply feels that something is the matter.
- de Koster, Katie (编). . Literary Companion Series. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. 2000: 32. ISBN 1-56510-857-4.
The Mechanical Hound is an eight-legged glass and metal contraption that serves as a surveillance tool and programmable killing machine for the firemen, who use it to track down suspected book hoarders and readers.
- Cusatis, John. . Facts on File Library of American Literature 6 New. New York, NY: Infobase Publishing. 2010. ISBN 978-1-4381-3405-5.
He 'wept' when he learned at the age of nine that the ancient library of Alexandria had been burned.
- Westfahl, Gary. 3. Greenwood Publishing Group. 2005: 1029. ISBN 9780313329531.
Inspired by images of book burning by the Nazis and written at the height of Army-McCarthy 'Red Scare' hearings in America, Fahrenheit 451...
- . The Big Read.
Well, we should learn from history about the destruction of books. When I was fifteen years old, Hitler burned books in the streets of Berlin. And it terrified me because I was a librarian and he was touching my life: all those great plays, all that great poetry, all those wonderful essays, all those great philosophers. So, it became very personal, didn't it? Then I found out about Russia burning the books behind the scenes. But they did it in such a way that people didn't know about it. They killed the authors behind the scenes. They burned the authors instead of the books. So I learned then how dangerously[sic] it all was.
- Kelley, Ken. . Playboy. raybradbury.com. May 1996 [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-17).
In the movie business the Hollywood Ten were sent to prison for refusing to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee, and in the Screen Writers Guild Bradbury was one of the lonely voices opposing the loyalty oath imposed on its members.
- Beley, Gene. . Lincoln, NE: iUniverse. 2007. ISBN 978-0-595-37364-2.
'I was angry at Senator Joseph McCarthy and the people before him, like Parnell Thomas and the House Un-American Activities Committee and Bobby Kennedy, who was part of that whole bunch,' Bradbury told Judith Green, San Joe Mercury News theatre critic, in the October 30, 1993, edition. 'I was angry about the blacklisting and the Hollywood 10. I was a $100 a week screenwriter, but I wasn't scared—I was angry.'
- Beley, Gene. . iUniverse. 2006: 130–140. ISBN 9780595373642.
- Eller, Jonathan R.; Touponce, William F. . Kent State University Press. 2004: 164–165. ISBN 9780873387798.
- Hendershot, Cynthia. . Popular Press. 1999: 127. ISBN 9780879727994.
Even if many 1950s sf films seem comic to us today, they register the immediacy of the nuclear threat for their original audiences.
- Reid, Robin Anne. . Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Writers. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 2000: 59. ISBN 0-313-30901-9.
- Bradbury, Ray. . Albright, Donn; Eller, Jon (编). 1st. Colorado Springs, CO: Gauntlet Publications. 2006: 9. ISBN 1-887368-86-8.
For many years I've told people that Fahrenheit 451 was the result of my story 'The Pedestrian' continuing itself in my life. It turns out that this is a misunderstanding of my own past. Long before 'The Pedestrian' I did all the stories that you'll find in this book and forgot about them.
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (Mercury). May 1963, 24 (5): 23.
Ray Bradbury calls this story, the first of the tandem, 'a curiosity. I wrote it [he says] back in 1947–48 and it remained in my files over the years, going out only a few times to quality markets like Harper's Bazaar or The Atlantic Monthly, where it was dismissed. It lay in my files and collected about it many ideas. These ideas grew large and became ... FAHRENHEIT 451.'
为空 (帮助) - Bradbury, Ray. . The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (Mercury). May 1963, 24 (5): 23–29.
- . The Big Read. National Endowment for the Arts. (原始内容存档于2012-05-11).
- Eller, Jon. Albright, Donn; Eller, Jon , 编. . Match to Flame: The Fictional Paths to Fahrenheit 451 1st (Colorado Springs, CO: Gauntlet Publications). 2006: 68. ISBN 1-887368-86-8.
The specific incident that sparked 'The Pedestrian' involved a similar late-night walk with a friend along Wilshire Boulevard near Western Avenue sometime in late 1949.
- . The Big Read.
When I came out of a restaurant when I was thirty years old, and I went walking along Wilshire Boulevard with a friend, and a police car pulled up and the policeman got up and came up to us and said, 'What are you doing?'. I said, 'Putting one foot in front of the other' and that was the wrong answer but he kept saying, you know, 'Look in this direction and that direction: there are no pedestrians' but that give me the idea for the 'The Pedestrian' and 'The Pedestrian' turned into Montag! So the police officer is responsible for the writing of Fahrenheit 451.
- de Koster, Katie (编). . Literary Companion Series. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. 2000: 26. ISBN 1-56510-857-4.
- de Koster, Katie (编). . Literary Companion Series. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. 2000: 158. ISBN 1-56510-857-4.
He writes 'The Phoenix[sic],' which he will later develop into the short story 'The Fireman,' which will eventually become Fahrenheit 451.
- Eller, Jon. Albright, Donn; Eller, Jon , 编. . Match to Flame: The Fictional Paths to Fahrenheit 451 1st (Colorado Springs, CO: Gauntlet Publications). 2006: 68. ISBN 1-887368-86-8.
As Bradbury has often noted, 'The Pedestrian' marks the true flashpoint that exploded into 'The Fireman' and Fahrenheit 451.
- Bradbury, Ray. . Galaxy Science Fiction. 5. February 1951, 15 (1): 4–61.
- de Koster, Katie (编). . Literary Companion Series. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. 2000: 164. ISBN 1-56510-857-4.
The short story which Bradbury later expanded into the novel Fahrenheit 451, was originally published in Galaxy Science Fiction, vol. 1, no. 5(February 1951), under the title 'The Fireman.'
- Eller, Jon. Albright, Donn; Eller, Jon , 编. . Match to Flame: The Fictional Paths to Fahrenheit 451 1st (Colorado Springs, CO: Gauntlet Publications). 2006: 57. ISBN 1-887368-86-8.
In 1950 Ray Bradbury composed his 25,000-word novella 'The Fireman' in just this way, and three years later he returned to the same subterranean typing room for another nine-day stint to expand this cautionary tale into the 50,000-word novel Fahrenheit 451.
- Bradbury, Ray. 50th anniversary. New York, NY: Ballantine Books. 2003: 167–168. ISBN 0-345-34296-8.
- Baxter, John. . Macmillan. 2005: 393. ISBN 9781466839892.
When it published the first edition in 1953, Ballantine also produced 200 signed and numbered copies bound in Johns-Manville Quintera, a form of asbestos.
- Brier, Evan. . University of Pennsylvania Press. 2011: 65. ISBN 9780812201444.
Bradbury closes his 1979 'Coda' to Fahrenheit 451, one of numerous comments on the novel he has published since 1953, ...
- Reid, Robin Anne. . Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Writers. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 2000: 53. ISBN 0-313-30901-9.
In a 1982 afterword...
- Tuck, Donald H. . 1: Who's Who, A–L. Chicago, IL: Advent. March 1974: 62. ISBN 0-911682-20-1. LCCN 73091828.
Special edition bound in asbestos—200 copies ca. 1954, $4.00 [probably Ballantine text]
- . Ray Bradbury Online. spaceagecity.com. [September 4, 2013].
200 copies were signed and numbered and bound in 'Johns-Manville Quinterra,' an asbestos material.
- de Koster, Katie (编). . Literary Companion Series. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. 2000: 164. ISBN 1-56510-857-4.
A special limited-edition version of the book with an asbestos cover was printed in 1953.
- Weller, Sam. . HarperCollins. 2006: 208. ISBN 978-0-06-054584-0.
To fulfill his agreement with Doubleday that the book be a collection rather than a novel, the first edition of Fahrenheit 451 included two additional short stories—'The Playground' and 'And the Rock Cried Out.'(The original plan was to include eight stories plus Fahrenheit 451, but Ray didn't have time to revise all the tales.)'The Playground' and 'And the Rock Cried Out' were removed in much later printings; in the meantime, Ray had met his contractual obligation with the first edition. Fahrenheit 451 was a short novel, but it was also a part of a collection.
- de Koster, Katie (编). . Literary Companion Series. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. 2000: 159. ISBN 1-56510-857-4.
A serialized version of Fahrenheit 451 appears in the March, April, and May 1954 issues of Playboy magazine.
- Crider, Bill. Lee, Billy C.; Laughlin, Charlotte , 编. . Paperback Quarterly. Fall 1980, III (3): 25.
The censorship began with a special 'Bal-Hi' edition in 1967, an edition designed for high school students...
- Karolides, Nicholas J.; Bald, Margaret; Sova, Dawn B. Second. Checkmark Books. 2011: 488. ISBN 978-0-8160-8232-2.
In 1967, Ballantine Books published a special edition of the novel to be sold in high schools. Over 75 passages were modified to eliminate such words as hell, damn, and abortion, and two incidents were eliminated. The original first incident described a drunk man who was changed to a sick man in the expurgated edition. In the second incident, reference is made to cleaning fluff out of the human navel, but the expurgated edition changed the reference to cleaning ears.
- Burress, Lee. . Scarecrow Press. 1989: 104. ISBN 0-8108-2151-6.
- Greene, Bill. . Compass: New Directions at Falvey (Villanova University). February 2007, III (3) [August 3, 2013].
- Karolides, Nicholas J.; Bald, Margaret; Sova, Dawn B. Second. Checkmark Books. 2011: 488. ISBN 978-0-8160-8232-2.
After six years of simultaneous editions, the publisher ceased publication of the adult version, leaving only the expurgated version for sale from 1973 through 1979, during which neither Bradbury nor anyone else suspected the truth.
- Crider, Bill. Lee, Billy C.; Laughlin, Charlotte , 编. . Paperback Quarterly. Fall 1980, III (3): 25.
There is no mention anywhere on the Bal-Hi edition that it has been abridged, but printing histories in later Ballantine editions refer to the 'Revised Bal-Hi Editions.'
- Bradbury, Ray. . Read by Christopher Hurt Unabridged. Ashland, OR: Blackstone Audiobooks. 2005. ISBN 0-7861-7627-X.
- . BBC News. November 30, 2011 [August 24, 2013].
- Flood, Alison. . The Guardian. November 30, 2011 [October 6, 2013].
- Conklin, Groff. . Galaxy Science Fiction. February 1954: 108.
- Derleth, August. . Chicago Sunday Tribune. October 25, 1953.
- Weller, Sam. . Brooklyn, NY: Melville House. 2010: 124.
- McNamee, Gregory. . Kirkus Reviews. September 15, 2010, 78 (18): 882.
- "Recommended Reading," F&SF, December 1953, p. 105.
- "The Reference Library", Astounding Science Fiction, April 1954, pp. 145–46
- . The New York Times. November 14, 1953.
- (Ogg Vorbis). Biography in Sound. Narrated by Norman Rose. NBC Radio News. 27:10–27:57. December 4, 1956 [March 1, 2013]. 外部链接存在于
(帮助) - . [March 1, 2013].
- Quoted by Kingsley Amis in New Maps of Hell: A Survey of Science Fiction(1960). Bradbury directly foretells this incident early in the work: "And in her ears the little Seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and talking coming in." p.12
- Johnston, Amy E. Boyle. . LA Weekly website. May 30, 2007 [August 3, 2013].
Bradbury still has a lot to say, especially about how people do not understand his most famous literary work, Fahrenheit 451, published in 1953 ... Bradbury, a man living in the creative and industrial center of reality TV and one-hour dramas, says it is, in fact, a story about how television destroys interest in reading literature.
- Bradbury, Ray. 50th anniversary. New York, NY: Ballantine Books. 2003: 175–179. ISBN 0-345-34296-8.
- Eller, Jonathan R.; Touponce, William F. . Kent State University Press. 2004: 91. ISBN 9780873387798.
The main target of Fahrenheit 451 is not censorship, as is often supposed, but rather mass culture...
- Reid, Robin Anne. . Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Writers. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 2000: 59–60. ISBN 0-313-30901-9.
- Aggelis, Steven L. (编). . Interview by Shel Dorf. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi. 2004: 99. ISBN 1-57806-640-9.
I am a preventor of futures, not a predictor of them. I wrote Fahrenheit 451 to prevent book-burnings, not to induce that future into happening, or even to say that it was inevitable.
- Aggelis, Steven L. (编). . Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi. 2004: 189. ISBN 1-57806-640-9.
- Weller, Sam. . Brooklyn, NY: Melville House. 2010: 263.
- 互联网电影数据库(IMDb)上《華氏451度》的资料(英文)
- Frey, James N. 1st. Macmillan. 2010: 255 [2014-03-05]. ISBN 978-0-312-57507-6.
FAHRENHEIT 451* (1966); written by François Truffaut from the novel by Ray Bradbury; starring Oskar Werner and Julie Christie; directed by François Truffaut.
- . Box Office Mojo. [2011-10-02] (英语).
- . Hardball with Chris Matthews. 2004-06-29 (英语).
- . MSNBC. 2004-06-29 (英语).
- Nottingham, Mark. . 2015-12-21 [2015-12-21] (英语).
- . Internet Engineering Steering Group. 2015-12-21 [2015-12-21] (英语).
- Tim Bray. . Internet Engineering Task Force. 2016年2月 [2016-11-08] (英语).
Thanks also to Ray Bradbury.
- . Open Rights Group. [2015-12-21] (英语).
- . www.Aural-Innovations.com (英语).
- Bustard, Ned (2004), Fahrenheit 451 Comprehension Guide, Veritas Press.
- McGiveron, R. O. . Extrapolation (Liverpool University Press). 1996, 37 (3): 245–256. ISSN 0014-5483.
- McGiveron, R. O. . Explicator. 1996, 54 (3): 177–180. ISSN 0014-4940. doi:10.1080/00144940.1996.9934107.
- Smolla, Rodney A. (PDF). Michigan Law Review. April 2009, 107 (6): 895–912. ISSN 0026-2234. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2012-03-11).
- Tuck, Donald H. . Chicago: Advent. 1974: 62. ISBN 978-0-911682-20-5.