
薩根標準英語:)指的是一句格言,這句格言聲稱「特別的主張要有特別的證據」(extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence)[1]



這句格言,在1980年,在電視節目Cosmos上,因為卡尔·萨根而變得普及。[2]有兩篇1978年的文章也都用了一樣的句子,其中一篇刊載在《美国新闻与世界报道》之上,另一篇則由科內如‧羅摩奎師那‧勞歐所撰寫並刊在《超心理學期刊》(Journal of parapsychology)之上,兩篇皆受之後成為《科學》期刊編輯的物理學家菲力普·艾貝爾森所引用。[3][4]

一些人指出,在更早以前,人們就已有非常類似但表達方式不同的說法了。皮埃尔-西蒙·拉普拉斯就曾說過「對於不尋常主張的證據量,必須與其不尋常度成比例。」[5][6]在1808年,托马斯·杰斐逊曾說道:「每天有成千上萬我們無法解釋的現象出現,但是對於尚待得知的自然法則間缺乏類同的那些被提出的可能真相,驗證其真確性所需要的證據,與驗證的難度成比例。」[註 1][7]在1978年的《論特別:澄清的嘗試》(On the Extraordinary: An Attempt at Clarification)一文中,社會學家馬塞羅·突魯西(Marcello Truzzi)說道:「一項特別的主張,需要特別的證明。」[註 2][8]

在2004年,腳踏車選手藍斯·阿姆斯壯曾以「特別的主張要有特別的證據」(Extraordinary allegations require extraordinary evidence)這段話,以回應記者大衛·華許提出的他使用禁藥的傳聞。[9][註 3][10]阿姆斯壯最終在2013年坦承使用禁藥。[11]


這句格言提升了對於非既有共識主張的證據標準,進而表現出的對「正統」顯著的支持,且對何謂「特別的證據」的判斷,可以是主觀且模稜兩可的,因此一些受到批評。大衛・戴明(David Deming)寫道說:「科學不考慮兩類的證據。將『特別的主張要有特別的證據』濫用於壓制創新及維持正統的狀況,應當要避免,因為這樣做,不可免地會導致科學建立可信知識的目標減緩。」[註 4][12]



  1. 原文:A thousand phenomena present themselves daily which we cannot explain, but where facts are suggested, bearing no analogy with the laws of nature as yet known to us, their verity needs proofs proportioned to their difficulty.
  2. 原文:an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary proof.
  3. 阿姆斯壯之後被問說:「在你身上到底有些什麼,使得平常的證據不足以把你搞倒?對於殺人犯,我們不尋求特別的證明,我們指尋求證明,但你說這些證明必須是特別的,為什麼?」,原文:"What is it about you that makes ordinary proof insufficient to bring you down? For murderers, we're not looking for extraordinary proof, we're looking for proof. But you're saying it must be extraordinary. Why?".
  4. 原文:Science does not contemplate two types of evidence. The misuse of ECREE ["extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"] to suppress innovation and maintain orthodoxy should be avoided as it must inevitably retard the scientific goal of establishing reliable knowledge.


  1. Marc Kaufman, First Contact: Scientific Breakthroughs in the Hunt for Life Beyond Earth, Simon and Schuster, p. 124.
  2. Sagan, Carl. . . 第12集. 01:24 记录于. December 14, 1980. PBS.
  3. . U.S. News & World Report. 1978-07-31: 41–42 [2017-10-14]. Philip H. Abelson, editor of the authoritative journal Science, agrees that parapsychological research has improved markedly, but he is dubious about the results. "These extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence," he contends.
  4. Rao, K.R., 1978, Psi: Its place in nature. Journal of Parapsychology vol 42.
  5. Flournoy, Théodore. . Slatkine. 1899: 344–345.
  6. Flournoy, Théodore. . Daniel D. Vermilye, trans. Cosimo, Inc. 2007: 369–370. ISBN 9781602063570.
  7. Berkes, Anna. . monticello.org. Thomas Jefferson Foundation. 2008-11-14 [2016-10-29]. Letter to Daniel Salmon on 15 February 1808 discusing the nature and origin of meteorites. U.S. Library of Congress image
  8. Marcello Truzzi, "On the Extraordinary: An Attempt at Clarification 页面存档备份,存于", Zetetic Scholar, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 11, 1978.
  9. Fotheringham, William. . 2012-08-24 www.theguardian.com.
  10. Chappell, Matt. . AskMen.
  11. CNN, By Chelsea J. Carter. . CNN.
  12. Deming, D. Philosophia (2016) 44: 1319. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-016-9779-7
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