
Android Nougat設備接通LTE-A的標誌

2G, 3G, 4G共構基地台


第一個版本的LTE格式是由日本電信商NTT DoCoMo所提出的,並且被承認為國際標準,最初於2009年12月在瑞典和挪威提供服務。以1GB影片需要的下載時間來說,3G頻寬需要約10分鐘,但若是採用4G LTE,不到1分鐘即可完成下載。同時高頻寬在電話語音時將語音資料切割成封包來傳送,能達到更佳的音質,稱為「VoLTE(Voice over LTE)」。
同時機器類型通訊(Machine-Type Communications,簡稱MTC)協定讓4G有跨入物聯網的重要能力,這是一個適合低資料量、低功耗及低成本設計的通訊機制。MTC未來使用的頻寬會以1.4MHz為主並運作在LTE雙工模式中(例如全雙工/半雙工FDD或TDD)。而裝置對裝置通訊(Device-to-Device,簡稱D2D)協定讓手機裝置間在無基地台情況下短距互聯,第一線急難救助人員在資訊傳輸、溝通互動與訊息交換的災區需求上此一功能可以發揮效果。[2]
- 非授權頻段(LTE in unlicensed spectrum,簡稱LTE-U)
- 载波聚合(Carrier Aggregation,簡稱CA):载波聚合技术是传统多载波技术的发展。其核心思想是把至多5个连续或离散频谱划分为多个成员载波(Component Carrier,CC),允许终端在多个子频带上同时进行数据收发。
- 高阶MIMO(Elevation Beamforming / Full-Dimension MIMO,簡稱EB/FD MIMO)
- 干扰协调(Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Coordination, 簡稱eICIC)
- 機器類型通訊(Machine-Type Communications,簡稱MTC)
- 裝置對裝置通訊(Device-to-Device,簡稱D2D)
- 多人傳輸技術(multi-user transmission techniques)
- 室內定位(Indoor positioning)
- 小區群播服務(Single-cell Point-to-Multipoint,簡稱SC-PTM)
- Stefan Parkvall, Erik Dahlman, Anders Furuskär et al; Ericsson, Robert Syputa, Maravedis; ITU global standard for international mobile telecommunications ´IMT-Advanced´; LTE-Advanced - Evolving LTE towards IMT-Advanced 页面存档备份,存于; Vehicular Technology Conference, 2008. VTC 2008-Fall. IEEE 68th 21-24 Sept. 2008 Page(s):1 - 5.
- . [2017-10-03]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-03).
- Qualcomm
- Harri Holma, Antti Toskala, LTE for UMTS - OFDMA and SC-FDMA Based Radio Access, John Wiley & Sons 2009, ISBN 978-0-470-99401-6 Chapter 2.6: LTE Advanced for IMT-advanced, pp 19–21.
- Moray Rumney (editor), LTE and the Evolution to 4G Wireless: Design and Measurement Challenges, Agilent Technologies Publication 2009, ISBN 978-0-470-68261-6, Chapter 8.7: Proving LTE Advanced, p 425
- Preben E. Mogensen, Tommi Koivisto, Klaus I. Pedersen 1, et al.; Nokia Siemens Networks;LTE Advanced: The Path towards Gigabit/s in Wireless Mobile Communications, Wireless VITAE'09.
- ITU-R Confers IMT-Advanced (4G) Status to 3GPP LTE – LTE-Advanced is officially 4G
- The LTE / LTE-Advanced Guide – a semi-annual publication on LTE / LTE-Advanced, May and November 2010 publications are now available
- LTE-Advanced Technology Introduction - This white paper summarizes necessary improvements, which are known as LTE-Advanced
- Introducing LTE-Advanced - Application Note
- LTE Bitstream Verification - Application Note about verification of baseband data of LTE/LTE-A-ready products.
- LTE Transmission Modes and Beamforming - This white paper discusses the basics of beamforming and explains the eight MIMO transmission modes in LTE Release 9.
- LTE-Advanced page on Qualcomm site
- 3GPP Official 3GPP Standardisation Page on LTE-Advanced
- LTE-Advanced overview
- Future use of LTE A femtocells
- LTE Portal 页面存档备份,存于 – 3GPP LTE / LTE-Advanced Technology, dedicated portal created for information sharing, collaboration, and networking
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