道爾頓極小期 (Dalton Minimum) 是大約從1790年至1830年的太陽活動低潮,是依據英國氣象學家約翰·道爾頓的名字命名的[1]。像蒙德極小期和史波勒極小期一樣,道爾頓極小期也與全球性的溫度低於平均溫度的時段相符合。例如,德國Oberlach氣象站的紀錄就有超過20年的溫度低於2.0℃[2]。低的太陽活動似乎與全球寒冷化有強烈的關聯性。

- Komitov and Kaftan. Archibald says 1796 to 1820, p. 32.
- Archibald, p. 32.
- Wagner and Zorita, as well as Wilson.
- Komitov Boris and Vladimir Kaftan (2004) "The Sunspot Activity in the Last Two Millenia on the Basis of Indirect and Instrumental Indexes: Time Series Models and Their Extrapolations for the 21st Century", in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2004, pp. 113-114.
- Wagner, Sebastian and Eduardo Zorita (2005) "The influence of volcanic, solar and CO2 forcing on the temperatures in the Dalton Minimum (1790–1830): a model study", Climate Dynamics v. 25, pp. 205–218, doi 10.1007/s00382-005-0029-0.
- Wilson, Robert M. (nd) "Volcanism, Cold Temperature, and Paucity of Sunspot Observing Days (1818-1858): A Connection?", The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System, accessed February 2009.
Wilfried Schröder, N. N. Shefov在2004年發表在地質物理年報上的論文詳細分析了極光和太陽的資料。
在Wilfried Schröder, Das Phänomen des Polarlichts (The aurora in time)上也可以找到詳細的資料。
達姆斯塔特,Wissenschaftliche Buchgeselllschaft 1984,和科學編輯,不來梅,2000。
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