Encyclopedia Dramatica
Encyclopedia Dramatica(或简称为ED)是一个以戏仿恶搞为主题的基于MediaWiki的网站,于2004年12月10日上线。网站的内容以模仿讽刺百科话题和热点事件为主,尤其是与现代网络文化相关的事件。网站推崇具有破坏性的“钓鱼文化”,并且记录网络迷因、文化和事件,如恶毒的恶作剧,网络霸凌、反对互联网自我审查以及互联网安全漏洞等。
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网站类型 | 恶搞网站 |
语言 | 英语 |
创始人 | Sherrod DeGrippo |
营业额 | 广告和捐赠 |
网址 | https://encyclopediadramatica.fyi https://encyclopediadramatica.wiki |
商业性质 | 是 |
注册 | 可选(编辑需注册) |
推出时间 | 2004年12月10日 |
现状 | 线上 |
2011年4月14日,网站的原网址被重定向到了一个叫做“Oh Internet”的网站,而这个网站和Encyclopedia Dramatica几乎没有相似之处,这一现象在Encyclopedia Dramatica的编辑者社群里引起了不小的轰动。当天晚上,“Oh Internet”的Facebook主页上到处都充斥着Encyclopedia Dramatica的浏览者的仇恨言论[1],Web Ecology Project不得不为Encyclopedia Dramatica制作了一份可下载的网站备份[2][3],在Encyclopedia Dramatica启用现在的域名前,有无数的粉丝为其制作了Torrent种子和镜像网站。
Encyclopedia Dramatica在2004年由网名为“Girlvinyl”的网友“Sherrod DeGrippo”建立,Sherrod DeGrippo于2000年找到了LiveJournal社区,并且很快就成为了社区内其他成员的楷模。对于建立Encyclopedia Dramatica的原因,她解释说:
人与人之间有相互吸引的潜力,而且是双向的,偷窥狂和暴露狂可以用一种正常的方式互动,这就是我为什么建立ED,因为这实在是太疯狂太迷人了 |
她加入了LiveJournal上的一个八卦社区,在社区被LiveJournal封禁之后,社区内的成员建立了自己的网站。2002年,原LiveJournal的两名用户Joshua Williams和Andrewpants开始密切协作互助对方,但两人的关系很快以破裂告终,之后Williams的恶搞照片开始在网络上四处流传。而Williams则认为这是骚扰行为,为了向LiveJournal的运营团队报告这个行为,他来到俄勒冈州的波特兰市,把所谓的骚扰信息提供给了当地的一家电视台[4]。这一出闹剧当然也被ED记录在内,DeGrippo建立Encyclopedia Dramatica是为了收录“来自LiveJournal的信息和黑客西奥·德·若特和Darren Reed之间的故事”。
Oh Internet
随着时间的推移,DeGrippo称她开始逐渐厌恶起了Encyclopedia Dramatica,她希望网站能够回归讨论LiveJournal上的闹剧的初衷。2011年4月14日,网站被重定向到由DeGrippo建立的新站“Oh Internet”,这个新站的内容与原本的ED完全没有任何关系,“Oh Internet”这个名字想要表达的意思是“哦,互联网,你实在是太疯狂了”(Oh, Internet, you are so crazy!)。DeGrippo的这一举动引起了ED用户的不满,这些用户自发组织攻击了“Oh Internet”网站以及该站的Facebook粉丝专页。Oh Internet从2013年起正式下线。
The website received mainstream media attention after Jason Fortuny used Encyclopædia Dramatica to post photographs, e-mails and phone numbers from 176 responses to a Craigslist advertisement he posted in 2006, in which he posed as a woman seeking sexual encounters with dominant men.The incident was addressed in a blog hosted at Wired News, where the blogger proposes that Encyclopædia Dramatica may be the "world's lamest wiki".
In 2006, "a well-known band of trolls" emailed Encyclopædia Dramatica's creator, DeGrippo, demanding edits to the protected (i.e. locked) article describing them. After she refused to do so, the trolls ordered taxis, pizzas, escort services and sent death threats and threats of rape to DeGrippo's apartment.
Encyclopædia Dramatica became a "favourite target for critics, who accuse Anonymous of propagating hate,"for allowing alleged members of the group to sometimes use the website as a platform. Through this association, Encyclopædia Dramatica received incidental coverage when actions by members of Anonymous led to the arrest of an alleged pedophile,when they demonstrated against Scientology in London;when a member of the group broke into the e-mail account of former Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin,and when a member of Anonymous claimed credit for an attack on the virtual Second Life headquarters of former presidential candidate John Edwards.The convergence of Encyclopædia Dramatica with the anti-Scientology campaign of Project Chanology was noted by technology journalist Julian Dibbell.
On December 16, 2008, Encyclopædia Dramatica won the People's Choice Winners category for favorite wiki in Mashable's 2nd Annual Open Web Awards, with wikiHow as the runner-up and Wikipedia coming in 3rd
In December 2008, a message on Encyclopædia Dramatica asked for donations and claimed that the website was under attack and had lost its advertisers.
In January 2010, the Encyclopædia Dramatica article Aboriginal was removed from the search engine results of Google Australia, after a lawyer filed a complaint with the Australian Human Rights Commission saying its content was racist.A search on terms related to the article produced a message that one of the results has been removed after a legal request relating to Australia's Racial Discrimination Act (RDA).The publicity surrounding this served to raise the profile of the site.In March 2010, it was reported that the Australian Human Rights Commission had notified the site by e-mail that according to Australian law, the article Aboriginal could be in breach of Sections 18C and 18D of its RDA