IEEE電腦先鋒獎 (英語:) 是由IEEE電腦學會理事會於1981年設立,旨在表彰與榮耀那些具有遠見、致力於電腦產業創新,並持續為電腦產業注入活力的人。這個獎項頒發給至少在十五年前就主要貢獻於電腦領域的觀念與發展的傑出個人。電腦學會會特別將榮譽事項刻在銀製的獎章上。[1]
IEEE電腦先鋒獎 IEEE Computer Pioneer Award | |
授予对象 | 在電腦領域的觀念與發展具有傑出貢獻的人 |
国家或地区 | ![]() |
主办单位 | IEEE計算機學會[*] |
首次颁发 | 1981 |
官方网站 | IEEE電腦先鋒獎官網 |
這獎項邀請所有該專業領域的成員來提名他們認為最有資格獲獎的同儕。 提名截止日期為每年的10月15日。
- 電腦先鋒特別獎獲獎人 - 在這個獎項成立典禮時頒發,主要對象是在1981年以前就已獲得IEEE電腦學會獎項,並符合現有電腦先鋒獎獲獎準則的個人。
- 電腦先鋒獎獲獎人 - 從1981年後每年頒發獲獎的個人。
獲獎者 | 主要貢獻 | 參考文獻 |
霍華德·艾肯 | 大型自動化計算 | [2] |
薩繆爾·N·亞歷山大 | SEAC | [2] |
吉恩·阿姆達爾 | 大型電腦架構 | [2] |
約翰·巴科斯 | FORTRAN語言 | [2] |
羅伯特·S·巴頓 | Language-Directed Architecture | [2] |
戈登·貝爾 | 電腦設計 | [2] |
佛瑞德·布魯克斯 | 相容的電腦系統家族/IBM360 | [2] |
韋斯利·A·克拉克 | 第一部個人電腦 | [2] |
費南多·柯巴托 | 分時系統 | [2] |
西摩·R·克雷 | Scientific Computer Systems | [2] |
艾茲赫爾·戴克斯特拉 | Multiprogramming Control | [2] |
約翰·皮斯普·埃克特 | 第一台全電子式電腦: ENIAC | [2] |
傑·萊特·福雷斯特 | First Large-Scale Coincident Current Memory | [2] |
赫曼·戈爾德史泰 | 早期電腦設計的貢獻 | [2] |
理察·衛斯里·漢明 | 糾錯碼 | [2] |
金·赫爾尼 | 平面半導體製造程序 | [2] |
葛麗絲·霍普 | Automatic Programming | [2] |
阿爾斯通·斯科特·胡澤霍爾德 | 數值分析方法 | [2] |
大衛·霍夫曼 | Sequential Circuit Design | [2] |
肯尼斯·艾佛森 | APL語言 | [2] |
湯姆·基爾本 | Paging Computer Design | [2] |
高德納 | Science of Computer Algorithms | [2] |
赫曼·盧考夫 | 早期電子式電腦電路 | [2] |
約翰·莫奇利 | 第一台全電子式電腦 : ENIAC | [2] |
高登·摩爾 | 積體電路製造技術 | [2] |
艾倫·紐厄爾 | 人工智慧的貢獻 | [2] |
羅伯特·諾伊斯 | 積體電路製造技術 | [2] |
勞倫斯·羅伯茲 | 封包交換 | [2] |
喬治·R·斯蒂比茲 | 第一個遠端運算 | [2] |
什穆埃爾·威諾格拉德 | Efficiency of Computational Algorithms | [2] |
莫里斯·威爾克斯 | Microprogramming | [2] |
康拉德·楚澤 | 第一台行程控制電腦 | [2] |
年份 | 獲獎者 | 主要貢獻 | 參考文獻 |
2019 | 勞拉·M·哈斯 | For pioneering innovations in the architecture of federated databases and in the integration of data from multiple, heterogeneous sources. | [2] |
希特德拉·馬利克 | For a leading role in developing Computer Vision into a thriving discipline through pioneering research, leadership, and mentorship. | [2] | |
2018 | 芭芭拉·利斯科夫 | for "pioneering data abstraction, polymorphism, and support for fault tolerance and distributed computing in the programming languages CLU and Argus." | [2] (source页面存档备份,存于) |
比雅尼·史特勞斯特魯普 | For pioneering C++. | [2] | |
2016 | 葛來迪·布區 | For pioneering work in Object Modeling that led to the creation of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). | [2] |
2015 | 邁克爾·J·弗林 | For more than 50 years of leadership including the creation of TCCA and SIGARCH. | [2] |
2015 | 彼得·考格 | For developing algorithms for recurrence, development of the multi-core microprocessor chip and the formalization of methods for designing the control of a computer pipeline. | [2] |
2014 | 林納斯·托瓦茲 | For pioneering development of the Linux kernel using the open-source approach. | [2] |
2013 | 愛德華·費根鮑姆 | For development of the basic principles and methods of knowledge-based systems and their practical applications. | [2] |
2012 | 克里夫·莫勒爾 | For improving the quality of mathematical software, making it more accessible and creating MATLAB. | [2] |
2011 | 大衛·庫克 | For pioneering parallel architectures including the Illiac IV, the Burroughs BSP, and Cedar; and, for revolutionary parallel compiler technology including Parafrase and KAP Tools. | [2] |
2009 | 珍·E·薩姆梅特 | For pioneering work and lifetime achievement as one of the first developers and researchers in programming languages. | [2] |
琳·康維 | For contributions to superscalar architecture, including multiple-issue dynamic instruction scheduling, and for the innovation and widespread teaching of simplified VLSI design methods. | [2] | |
2008 | 珍·巴蒂克 | Programmer including co-leading the first teams of ENIAC programmers, and pioneering work on BINAC and UNIVAC I | [2] |
艾華·J·麥克盧斯基 | sign and synthesis of digital systems over five decades, including the first algorithm for logic synthesis (the Quine-McCluskey method) | [2] | |
卡爾·亞當·佩特里 | Petri net theory (1962) and then parallel and distributed computing | [2] | |
2006 | Mamoru Hosaka | Computing in Japan | [2] |
阿諾德·斯皮爾伯格 | Real-time data acquisition and recording that significantly contributed to the definition of modern feedback and control processes | [2] | |
2004 | 法蘭·艾倫 | Theory and practice of compiler optimization | [2] |
2003 | 馬丁·理察德 | System software portability through the programming language BCPL widely influential and used in academia and industry for a variety of prominent system software | [2] |
2002 | 泊·派克·漢森 | Operating systems and concurrent programming, exemplified by work on the RC 4000 multiprogramming system, monitors, and Concurrent Pascal | [2] |
鮑伯·貝默 | ASCII, ASCII-alternate sets, and escape sequences | [2] | |
2001 | 維儂·沙茨 | Electronic Funds Transfer which made possible computer to computer commercial transactions via the banking system | [2] |
威廉·H·布里奇 | Computer and communications technology in the GE DATANET-30 | [2] | |
2000 | 哈羅德·勞森 | Inventing the pointer variable and introducing this concept into PL/I | [2] |
Gennady Stolyarov | Minsk series computers' software, of the information systems' software | [2] | |
喬吉·洛帕多 | Belarus of the Minsk series computers' hardware, of the multicomputer complexes and of the RV family of mobile computers for heavy field conditions | [2] | |
1999 | 赫爾伯特·弗里曼 | SPEEDAC of Sperry Corporation, and computer graphics and image processing | [2] |
1998 | I·J·古德 | Field of computing as a Cryptologist and statistician during World War II at Bletchley Park, as an early worker and developer of the Colossus at Bletchley Park and on the University of Manchester Mark I, the world's first stored program computer | [2] |
1997 | 巴尼·歐菲爾德 | Banking applications ERMA, and computer manufacturing | [2] |
貝蒂·霍爾伯頓 | Sort-merge generator for the Univac and compilation | [2] | |
1996 | Angel Angelov | Computer science technologies in Bulgaria | [2] |
理查德·克萊平格 | Converted the ENIAC to a stored program at Aberdeen Proving Ground | [2] | |
埃德加·科德 | Abstract model for database management | [2] | |
Norber Fristacky | Digital devices | [2] | |
維克托·米哈伊洛維奇·格盧什科夫 | Digital automation of computer architecture | [2] | |
約瑟夫·格魯斯卡 | Theory of computing and organizational activities | [2][3] | |
Jiri Horejs | Informatics and computer science | [2] | |
盧博米爾·G·伊利耶夫 | Computing in Bulgaria; 1st Bulgarian computers; abstract mathematics and software | [2] | |
羅伯特·卡恩 | TCP/IP protocols and the Internet program | [2] | |
拉斯洛·卡爾馬 | 1956 logical machine and the design of the MIR computer in Hungary | [2] | |
安東尼基·利恩斯基 | First commercial computers and informatics (computer science) curriculum in Poland, | [2] | |
拉斯洛·卡爾馬 | 1930 relay machines, and early computers in post-war Hungary | [2] | |
瑟吉·亞歷塞維奇·列別捷夫 | Computer in the Soviet Union | [2] | |
阿里克謝·利亞普諾夫 | Soviet cybernetics and programming | [2] | |
羅穆亞爾德·W·馬爾琴斯基 | Polish digital computers and computer architecture | [2] | |
格里戈里·C·莫伊西爾 | Polyvalent logic switching circuits | [2] | |
伊萬·普蘭德 | Computer hardware technology into Slovakia and the control computer | [2] | |
阿諾德·雷薩卡斯 | Estonia's computer age | [2] | |
安東寧·斯沃博達 | Computer research in Czechoslovakia and SAPO and EPOS computers | [2] | |
1995 | 傑拉德·埃斯特林 | Early computers | [2] |
大衛·C·埃文斯 | Computer graphics | [2] | |
巴特勒·蘭普森 | Personal Computer | [2] | |
馬文·閔斯基 | Artificial intelligence | [2] | |
肯尼思·奧爾森 | Minicomputers | [2] | |
1994 | 格里特·布勞烏 | IBM System/360 Series | [2] |
哈倫·B·米爾斯 | Structured Programming | [2] | |
丹尼斯·里奇 | Unix | [2] | |
肯·湯普遜 | [2] | ||
1993 | 埃里希·布洛赫 | High speed computing | [2] |
傑克·基爾比 | Co-inventing the integrated circuit | [2] | |
威利斯·韋爾 | Design of IAS and JOHNNIAC computers | [2] | |
1992 | 斯蒂芬·鄧威爾 | Project stretch | [2] |
道格拉斯·恩格爾巴特 | Human computer interaction | [2] | |
1991 | 鮑伯·O·埃文斯 | Compatible computers | [2] |
羅伯特·弗洛伊德 | Compilers | [2] | |
托馬斯·卡茨 | BASIC | [2] | |
1990 | 維爾納·巴克霍爾茲 | Computer architecture | [2] |
東尼·霍爾 | Programming languages definitions | [2] | |
1989 | 約翰·科克 | Instruction pipelining and RISC concepts | [2] |
詹姆斯·A·魏丹罕默 | High speed I/O mechanisms | [2] | |
雷夫·帕爾默 | IBM 604 electronic calculator | [2] | |
米娜·里斯 | ONR Computer R&D development beginning in 1946 | [2] | |
Marshall C. Yovits | [2] | ||
弗里茨·約阿希姆·威爾 | [2] | ||
戈登·D·戈爾茨坦 | [2] | ||
1988 | 弗里德里希·L·鮑爾 | Computer stacks | [2] |
馬辛·霍夫 | Microprocessor on a chip | [2] | |
1987 | 羅伯特·埃弗雷特 | Whirlwind | [2] |
雷諾德·B·約翰遜 | RAMAC | [2] | |
阿圖·薩繆爾 | Adaptive non-numeric processing | [2] | |
尼克勞斯·維爾特 | Pascal | [2] | |
1986 | 庫斯伯特·赫爾德 | Computing | [2] |
彼得·諾爾 | Computer language development | [2] | |
詹姆斯·H·彭梅林內 | IAS and Harvest computers | [2] | |
Adriann van Wijngaarden | ALGOL 68 | [2] | |
1985 | 約翰·凱梅尼 | BASIC | [2] |
約翰·麥卡錫 | LISP and artificial intelligence | [2] | |
艾倫·佩利 | Computer language translation | [2] | |
伊凡·蘇澤蘭 | Graphics Sketchpad | [2] | |
大衛·惠勒 | Assembly language programming | [2] | |
海因茨·澤馬內克 | Computer and computer languages for Mailüfterl | [2] | |
1984 | 約翰·文森特·阿塔納索夫 | Electronic computer with serial memory | [2] |
傑里爾·A·哈達德 | IBM 701 | [2] | |
尼古拉斯·梅特羅波利斯 | Solved atomic energy problems on ENIAC | [2] | |
納撒尼爾·羅切斯特 | Architecture of IBM 702 electronic data processing machines | [2] | |
威廉姆·范·德·波爾 | Serial computer ZEBRA | [2] | |
1982 | 哈里·赫斯基 | Parallel computer SWAC | [2] |
阿圖·布克斯 | Electronic computer logic design | [2] | |
1981 | 朱傳榘 | Electronic computer logic design | [2] |
- IEEE理查德·衛斯里·漢明獎章
- IEEE榮譽獎章
- IEEE愛迪生獎章
- IEEE貝爾獎章
- IEEE/RSE詹姆斯·克拉克·馬克士威獎章
- IEEE約翰·馮·諾伊曼獎章
- IEEE電腦先鋒獎
- IEEE西澤潤一獎
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