《協同書》(亦稱協和書;德語:)是路德會的一部教典,包含自16世紀被該會確認為權威的十條信經。[1] 這部典籍最早在1580年6月25日於德累斯頓用德語出版,當時正逢《奧斯堡信條》發表五十週年。官方的拉丁語版本在稍後的1584年於萊比錫出版。[2]
協同書 | |
![]() 1580年德語版扉頁 | |
副标题 | Chriſtliche, Widerholete einmütige Bekentnuͤs nachbenanter Churfuͤrſten, Fuͤrsten vnd Stende Augſpurgiſcher Confeſſion, vnd derſelben Theologen Lere vnd glaubens: Mit angeheffter, in Gottes wort, als der einigen Richtſchnur, wohlgegruͤndter erklerung etlicher Artickel, bey welchen nach D. Martin Luthers ſeligen abſterben, diſputation vnd ſtreit vorgefallen. Aus einhelliger Vergleichung vnd beuehl obgedachter Churfuͤrſten, Fuͤrsten vñ Stenden, derſelben Landen, Kirchen, Schulen vnd Nachkommen, zum vnderricht vnd warnung in Druck vorfertiget |
作者 | 雅各布·安德烈埃和馬丁·開姆尼茨 |
语言 | 德語 |
作品主题 | 路德會 路德會教義 |
发行情况 | |
出版日期 | 1580 |
出版地 | 德國 |
系列作品 | |
使徒信經, Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed[*], 亞他拿修信經, 奧斯堡信條, Apology of the Augsburg Confession[*], 基督信仰小问答[*], 路德大教義問答[*], 施馬卡得信綱[*], Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope[*], 協和信條 |
1969年,香港路德會文字部出版了首個《協同書》漢譯本,由李天德(Erhardt Riedel)漢譯,曾森、李志傑和古志薇校譯,2001年4月又出版修訂版初版。
- F. Bente, ed. and trans., Concordia Triglotta, (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921), p. i
- F. Bente, ed. and trans., Concordia Triglotta, (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921), p. 5.
- Formula of Concord, Epitome, Rule and Norm, 1 (Bente, op. cit., 777)
- 《我們所信》:「1580年協同書中的三個大公信經(即使徒信經、尼西亞信經、亞他那修信經)及路德宗信條,均表達真確的聖經教義。這是因為它們認信的教義唯獨根據聖經,它們規範了我們所信及我們生命的各項。所以我們教會及學校所傳講和教導的,定要跟這些信經和諧一致。它們所拒絕的,我們也同樣拒絕。」
- Bente, Friedrich. Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (1921). New reprint edition. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1995. ISBN 0-570-03262-8.
- Cook, Martin L. The Open Circle: Confessional Method in Theology. Minneapolis, Minn.: Fortress Press, 1991. xiv, 130 p. N.B.: Discusses the place of Confessionalism in Lutheranism and in other Protestant thought. ISBN 0-8006-2482-3
- Fagerberg, Holsten. A New Look at the Lutheran Confessions (1529–1537). Translated by Gene Lund. Paperback Edition. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1988. ISBN 0-570-04499-5.
- Forell, George W. The Augsburg Confession: A Contemporary Commentary. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1968. LOC 68-25798.
- Formula of Concord, The: Quadricentennial Essays. The Sixteenth Century Journal 8 (1977) no. 4. ISSN 0361-0160.
- Grane, Lief. The Augsburg Confession: A Commentary. Translated by John H. Rasmussen. Minneapolis, Augsburg Publishing House, 1986. ISBN 0-8066-2252-0.
- Kolb, Robert and Charles P. Arand. The Genius of Luther's Theology: A Wittenberg Way of Thinking for the Contemporary Church. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2008. ISBN 978-0-8010-3180-9.
- Kolb, Robert and James A. Nestingen, eds. Sources and Contexts of The Book of Concord. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001. ISBN 0-8006-3290-7.
- Robert Kolb: Die Konkordienformel. Eine Einführung in ihre Geschichte und Theologie, Oberursler Hefte Ergänzungsband 8, Edition Ruprecht, Göttingen 2011, ISBN 978-3-7675-7145-7
- Preus, Jacob A.O. The Second Martin: The Life and Theology of Martin Chemnitz. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2004.
- Preus, Robert D. and Wilbert H. Rosin, eds. A Contemporary Look at the Formula of Concord. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1978. ISBN 0-570-03271-7.
- Preus, Robert D. Getting Into the Theology of Concord. Reprint. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2004.
- Preus, Robert D. Theology of Post-Reformation Lutheranism: Volume I. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1972. ISBN 0-570-04545-2.
- Reu, Johann Michael. The Augsburg Confession. Reprint. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1995.
- Schlink, Edmund. Theology of the Lutheran Confessions. Translated by P. Koehneke and H. Bouman. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1961. Reprint, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2004.
- Schmauk, Theodore. The Confessional Principle and the Confessions of the Lutheran Church. Translated by C. Theodore Benze. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, Reprint 2005.
- The Sixteenth Century Journal 11 (June 25, 1980) no. 3: 450th Anniversary Augsburg Confession. ISSN 0361-0160.
- Wengert, Timothy J. A Formula for Parish Practice: Using the Formula of Concord in Congregations. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing, 2006. ISBN 0-8028-3026-9.
- Ziegler, Roland F., "The New Translation of the Book of Concord: Closing the barn door after ...," Concordia Theological Quarterly 66 (April 2002) 2:145-165 (Available online: .
- 《我們所信》
- 路德宗信條 页面存档备份,存于,基督教百科全書 (英文)
- 《協同書》學術論文集,威斯康辛路德宗神學院 (英文)
- Why Bible-Believing Lutherans Subscribe to the Book of Concord,威斯康辛路德宗神學院 (英文)
- Concordia Triglotta 页面存档备份,存于 (Theodore Graebner 編著),《神學月刊》,1921年十月號 (英文)
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