
气候大罢课瑞典語:),亦称星期五为未来英語:)、青年为气候(Youth for Climate)、气候罢课(Climate Strike/Climatestrike)或青年为气候罢课(Youth Strike for Climate),是在全球范围内举行的罢课行动,目的是要求政界和经济界领导者采取措施缓解气候变化,从使用化石燃料过渡至可再生能源。活动主要在星期五举行,部分国家也有大学生参与。部分地区的活动也属于国际气候争议运动。参与活动的人士大多来自民主国家,组织者多出自草根阶层。





2006年11月,澳大利亚青年气候联盟(Australian Youth Climate Coalition)正式成立,开始组织有关气候变化的活动,吸引青年和学生参与[15]。2010年,气候营在英国多家发动罢课,呼吁民众关注气候变化[16]。2015年11月底,有独立学生团体邀请全球其他学生在巴黎2015年联合国气候变化大会首日罢课。11月30日,会议首日,全球共有100多个国家举行“气候大罢课”,约5万人参与[17]。运动主要有三个诉求:全面使用可持续能源、保留化石燃料、协助环境难民[18]












美国的组织者利用Slack平台进行州层级的匿名交流,用传单和社交媒体传达他们的信息。到2019年2月,相关的地区团体数量已达到134个,包括日出运动350.org、OneMillionOfUs(一百万个我们)、Earth Uprising(地球起义)、未来联盟、Earth Guardians(地球卫士)、Zero Hour(零时刻)和反抗灭绝[37]






5月9日,锡比乌欧盟峰会上,全欧罢课运动的代表会见了欧洲多国领导人,向他们转交得到1.6万名罢课学生及支持者签署的公开信 [48][49][50]




3月15日,《卫报》发表特约社论《觉得我们应该呆在学校?今天的气候罢课是我们最重要的一堂课》,参与罢课的学生通贝里、安娜·泰勒路易莎·纽鲍尔、凯拉·甘托瓦(Kyra Gantois)、阿努娜·代·韦佛阿德莱德·沙利尔、霍莉·吉利布兰德(Holly Gillibrand)和亚丽桑卓拉·比利亚森诺重申了她们罢课原因[55]。其中霍莉于2020年11月入选BBC广播四台女性时刻年度影响力人物榜单[56]







2019年6月21日,“星期五为德国未来”大型气候罢课举行。17个国家的示威者受邀来到亚琛参与罢课,手持“气候正义无分边界——为未来团结”的标语。示威者在亚琛火车总站亚琛西公园亚琛工业大学亚琛工业大学大礼堂瓦爾斯等地集会,代表运动的不同团体.[65]。在多个音乐团体的伴随下,示威者步行或骑自行车通过街道,前往蒂沃利的主舞台,堵塞大型交通基础设施数小时。部分示威者占领房屋、桥梁和几根电线杆集会。参与人数预计达1万到2万人。主办方表示最终人数为4人,是迄今为止德国单个城市规模最大的气候罢课[66][67][68][69][70][71][nb 1]。警方确认了最初的预测人数[72][73]
























2019年4月初,《科学》发表公开信《年轻示威者的担忧是合理的》("Concerns of young protesters are justified"),全球3000名科学家参与联署[114]




The strikes have been both praised and criticised by adults in positions of authority. In the European Union, the movement enjoyed significant support by the pan-European party Volt Europa which, according to a report by Parents for Future before the European Elections 2019, shared all demands published by Fridays For Future in April 2019.[117]

Conservative politicians in the United Kingdom and Australia have described the strikes as truancy; some children have been punished or arrested for striking or demonstrating.[118][119] Then UK Prime Minister Theresa May criticised the strikes as wasting lesson and teaching time.[120] Jeremy Corbyn, former leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition and Sir Vincent Cable, Leader of the Liberal Democrats voiced their support for the strikes,[121][122][123] as did leaders of other UK parties.[124] UK energy minister Claire Perry said that she would have joined the strikes in her younger days.[125] David Reed, director of charity Generation Change, pointed out that "the school leaders seem to have missed the point of efforts over the past decade to raise education standards. For what does excellence in education look like if it’s not pupils being engaged enough on issues such as climate change to do something about them?"[126]

Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison called for "more learning and less activism" following the strikes.[127] Australia's Education Minister Dan Tehan said that if school students think that issues are important, they should take action after school or on weekends.[128]

In New Zealand, there was mixed response from politicians, community leaders, and schools. Students were threatened to be marked as truant by some principals for attending the strike without their parents' or school's permission.[129] Judith Collins, and several other Members of Parliament were dismissive of the impact of the strike,[130] while Climate Change Minister James Shaw expressed support noting that little attention would be paid to marchers protesting on the weekend.[131][132]

On 15 March 2019 the UN General Secretary António Guterres embraced the strikers, admitting that "My generation has failed to respond properly to the dramatic challenge of climate change. This is deeply felt by young people. No wonder they are angry." Guterres invited world leaders to a UN summit in September 2019 with "concrete realistic plans to enhance their nationally determined contributions by 2020".[133]

Many parents, including public figures, have supported the children's climate strikes.[134] A spokesperson for the "Our Kids’ Climate" organization says that "an adult’s presence can help keep strikers safe," and "suggests bringing a sign that will resonate with other parents, for example a sign that says “I’m a concerned mom.”[135] The Moms Clean Air Force recommends contacting school officials, providing snacks for the children, and standing with signs in solidarity.[136]

The Elders Climate Action organization has created T-shirts which feature a grandparent hand in hand with a child, and seeks to mobilize "grandparents, great aunts and great uncles ... while there is still time to protect the well-being of our grandchildren.[137]

Showing a trend of new environment-related dictionary terms, "climate strike" was named Collins Dictionary’s 2019 word of the year.[138] Collins lexicographers had noticed a hundredfold increase in the use of the term in 2019, the largest of any word on their list.[138]



In July 2020, the website of the Indian collective of Fridays for Future groups was blocked by the Government of India. The groups were leading a campaign against a controversial new EIA Draft proposed by the government. [139]


On 7 June 2019, Fridays for Future and Greta Thunberg were honoured with Amnesty International's Ambassador of Conscience Award. Secretary General Kumi Naidoo said:

We are humbled and inspired by the determination with which youth activists across the world are challenging us all to confront the realities of the climate crisis. Every young person taking part in Fridays for Future embodies what it means to act on your conscience. They remind us that we are more powerful than we know and that we all have a role to play in protecting human rights against climate catastrophe.[140]


  • Climate justice
  • Commission on Growth, Structural Change and Employment (Germany)
  • Earth Strike
  • Hilda Flavia Nakabuye
  • Individual action on climate change
  • Individual and political action on climate change
  • List of rallies and protest marches in Washington, D.C.
  • List of school climate strikes
  • March for Our Lives
  • Pulse of Europe[141][142]
  • Regional effects of global warming
  • Youth activism
  • Salsabila Khairunnisa


  1. Except for the "" (English: "Save the forest – Stop coal!") demonstration on 6 October 2018 at the Hambach Forest, which drew some 50000 people, but was more focused on stopping lignite mining and saving the forest rather than preventing climate change in general.


  1. Carrington, Damian. . 2019-03-19 [2019-03-19].
  2. Barclay, Eliza; Resnick, Brian. . Vox.
  3. Taylor, Matthew; Watts, Jonathan; Bartlett, John. . The Guardian. 2019-09-27 [2019-09-28].
  4. Crouch, David. . The Guardian (London, United Kingdom). 2018-09-01 [2018-09-01].
  5. Weyler, Rex. . Greenpeace International. 2019-01-04 [2019-01-22].
  6. Glenza, Jessica; Evans, Alan; Ellis-Petersen, Hannah; Zhou, Naaman. . The Guardian. 2019-03-15 [2019-03-16]. ISSN 0261-3077. (原始内容存档于2019-03-16).
  7. . BBC. 2019-05-24 [2019-05-24]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-24).
  8. Barclay, Eliza. . 2019-03-15 [2019-03-16].
  9. . Al Jazeera. 2019-05-24 [2019-05-24]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-24).
  10. Gerretsen, Isabelle. . CNN. 2019-05-24 [2019-09-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-20).
  11. Haynes, Suyin. . Time. 2019-05-24 [2019-05-27]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-26).
  12. 规模最大的气候罢课:
    • Laville, Sandra; Watts, Jonathan. . The Guardian. 2019-09-21 [2019-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-20).
    • Barclay, Eliza; Resnick, Brian. . Vox. [2019-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-21).
    • . zdf.de. [2019-09-21] (德语).
    • . Stuttgarter Zeitung. [2019-09-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-20).
  13. [Fridays for future, kids in the streets in 180 Italian cities: 'We're more than a million']. la Repubblica. 2019-09-27 [2019-09-27].
  14. Murphy, Jessica. . BBC. 2019-09-27 [2019-09-28].
  15. Munro, Kelsey. . The Sydney Morning Herald. 2009-07-10 [2020-10-26].
  16. . the Guardian. 2011-03-02 [2020-10-26].
  17. . Climate Strike. YouTube. 2016-03-01 [2019-03-14].
  18. . climatestrike.net. [2019-03-14].
  19. John, Tara. . CNN. 2019-02-13 [2019-02-28]. (原始内容存档于2019-02-28).
  20. . CNN. 2018-12-23 [2019-02-10].
  21. . The Guardian. 2019-02-07 [2019-02-11].
  22. . The New Yorker. 2018-10-02.
  23. . The Guardian. 2018-12-04.
  24. Tara Law. "Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Arrives in New York After Sailing Across the Atlantic". TIME. (28 August 2019).
  25. Wilkinson, Bard. . CNN. 2018-11-30. (原始内容存档于2019-02-28).
  26. . [2018-12-29].
  27. Larsen, Karin. . CBC News. 2018-12-07.
  28. . Swissinfo. 2018-12-21.
  29. Gueissaz, Rouven. . RTS Info. 2018-12-22 (法语). ["Climate strike" brings together hundreds of German-speaking students]
  30. . Expressen. 2018-11-30 (瑞典语).
  31. Conley, Julia. . Common Dreams. 2010-01-17.
  32. Rippstein, Julia. . Le Temps. 2019-01-18 (法语). Ce mouvement d’ampleur nationale a vu 22 000 gymnasiens, apprentis et étudiants crier à l’urgence climatique dans les rues de Lausanne, Fribourg ou Saint-Gall au lieu d’aller en classe. [This nationwide movement saw 22000 high-schoolers, apprentices and students shouting at the climatic emergency in the streets of Lausanne, Fribourg or St. Gallen instead of going to class.]
  33. . Radio Télévision Suisse. 2019-01-18 (法语). En tout, une quinzaine de villes participent à cette action. [In all, about fifteen cities participate in this action.]
  34. Hendrischke, Maria. [Pupils strike for climate protection]. Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR). 2019-01-18. (原始内容存档于2019-02-18) (德语). Am Freitag haben Kinder und Jugendliche in mehr als 50 Städten in ganz Deutschland protestiert. Etwa 25.000 junge Menschen sind nach Angaben von Fridays for Future bundesweit auf die Straßen gegangen. Halle war die einzige Stadt in Sachsen-Anhalt, die sich an der Demo beteiligt hat.
  35. . Stern. 2019-01-30 (德语).
  36. . The Independent. 2019-02-14.
  37. Grünjes, Carlotta. . 由Teuma, Nora翻译 . New Federalist. 2019 [2019-06-17].
  38. Boffey, Daniel. . The Guardian (London, United Kingdom). 2019-02-05 [2019-02-05]. ISSN 0261-3077.
  39. . The Guardian. 2019-02-13 [2019-02-13].
  40. Taylor, Matthew. . The Guardian. 2019-02-13 [2019-02-13].
  41. Taylor, Matthew. . The Guardian. 2019-02-08 [2019-02-11].
  42. . BBC News. 2019-02-15 [2019-02-15].
  43. Rahmstorf, Stefan. [#FridaysForFuture—Students fight for climate protection]. KlimaLounge. 2019-02-15 [2019-02-19] (德语). Ich war von den Potsdamer Schülern eingeladen worden, auf der heutigen Demonstration vor dem Landtag ein paar Worte zu sagen. Diese Einladung habe ich gerne angenommen. [I had been invited by the Potsdam school pupils to say a few words at the demonstration today in front of the [Brandenburg] state parliament. I gladly accepted this invitation.]
  44. . Reuters. 2019-02-21 [2019-03-11].
  45. Maier, Jutta. [700 scientists and prominent people support climate strike]. Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin, Germany). 2019-03-05 [2019-03-05]. [Solidarity with student demonstrations: hundreds of researchers believe the protests are justified. In a petition they call for a quick change in climate policy.]
  46. . Scientists for Future. [2019-05-30].
  47. . Scientists for Future. [2019-05-30].
  48. . Het Laatste Nieuws. 2019-05-09 [2019-05-09] (荷兰语).
  49. . Stern. 2019-05-09 [2019-05-09] (德语).
  50. D'Amico, Fortunato. . Meteo Web. 2019-05-09 [2019-05-09] (意大利语).
  51. Global coordination group of the youth-led climate strike. . The Guardian. 2019-03-01 [2019-03-01]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-01).
  52. Seipel, Brooke. . TheHill.com. 2019-03-11 [2019-03-14].
  53. . Yle.fi. [2019-03-14].
  54. . Ts.fi. 2019-03-14 [2019-03-14].
  55. Thunberg, Greta; Taylor, Anna; Neubauer, Luisa; Gantois, Kyra; De Wever, Anuna; Charlier, Adélaïde; Gillibrand, Holly; Villaseñor, Alexandria. . The Guardian. 2019-03-15 [2019-03-15].
  56. . BBC Radio4. [2020-11-16].
  57. Staude, Jens. [300000 at "Fridays for Future" in Germany]. Klimareporter. 2019-03-15 [2019-03-15]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-15) (德语).
  58. [Climate demos from Berlin to Sydney]. Tagesschau. ARD. 2019-03-15 [2019-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-16) (德语). #Fridaysforfuture mobilisierte auch in Deutschland Hunderttausende Menschen. Bundesweit waren 220 Proteste angekündigt, an denen sich laut Veranstaltern rund 300.000 Menschen beteiligten. Die meisten Teilnehmer gab es bei der Demonstration in Berlin, wobei die Angaben über die Teilnehmerzahl schwanken. Die Polizei zählte bis zu 20.000 Menschen, die bei dem Zug mitliefen. In München kamen nach Behördenangaben rund 10.000 Teilnehmer zusammen, 6000 versammelten sich in Frankfurt am Main. Auch in anderen Städten wie Köln, Bremen, Hannover und Nürnberg wurde protestiert. [#Fridaysforfuture also mobilised hundreds of thousands of people in Germany. Nationwide 220 protests were announced, in which, according to organisers, about 300000 people participated. Most participants were at the demonstration in Berlin, for which the information on the number of participants varies. The police counted up to 20000 people walking along the march. In Munich, according to authorities, about 10000 participants came together, 6000 gathered in Frankfurt am Main. Protests also happened in other cities such as Cologne, Bremen, Hanover and Nuremberg.]
  59. Mogensen, Jackie Flynn; Van Pykeren, Sam. . Mother Jones. 2019-03-15 [2019-03-24]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-24).
  60. . AWI Media. 2019-03-15 [2019-03-24]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-24).
  61. . Stuff. [2019-12-11] (英语).
  62. . BBC. 2019-05-24 [2019-05-24].
  63. . www.aljazeera.com. 2019-05-24 [2019-05-24].
  64. Haynes, Suyin. . Time. 2019-05-24 [2019-05-27].
  65. Schayani, Isabel (编). . Tagesschau. ARD. 2019-06-21 [2019-06-21] (德语).
  66. . Zeit Online. 2019-06-21 [2019-06-22]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-22) (德语).
  67. . Deutschlandfunk. 2019-06-21 [2019-06-22] (德语).
  68. . DW – Made for Minds. Deutsche Welle. 2019-06-22 [2019-06-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-22).
  69. Bierwisch, Ulrich. (video). Aachen, Germany. 2019-06-21 [2019-06-25]. [45:35 min]
  70. Balling, Matthias. . Ukulele Einhorn (video). Aachen, Germany. 2019-06-21 [2019-06-29] (德语). [29:37 min]
  71. Der Pilger. (video). Aachen, Germany. 2019-06-21 [2019-06-29] (德语). [2:39:25 min]
  72. jkl/dpa. . Spiegel Online. 2019-06-21 [2019-06-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-21) (德语).
  73. Kasties, Annika; Gombert, Sarah Lena; Grobusch, Michael; Kubat, Ines; Statzner, Kim; Hellmich, Björn. . Aachener Zeitung (AZ). 2019-06-21 [2019-06-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-21) (德语).
  74. Gerich, Simon; Bayer, Lucas; Dumke, Holger; Wolko, Marc. . Berliner Morgenpost. 2019-06-22 [2019-06-22] (德语).
  75. . Leipziger Internet Zeitung. 2019-06-22 [2019-06-22]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-22) (德语).
  76. . Leipziger Internet Zeitung. 2019-06-22 [2019-06-22]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-22) (德语).
  77. dpa. . Barknanger Kreiszeitung. Jüchen. 2019-06-22 [2019-06-22] (德语).
  78. Obertreis, Sarah. [The long train of Aachen]. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). 2019-06-21 [2019-06-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-21) (德语). „Wir erachten zivilen Ungehorsam als legitime Protestform. Er ist zwingend notwendig zum Schutz unserer Zukunft.“ [...] „Fridays for Future wird auf der legalen Seite bleiben.“
  79. . Tagesschau. ARD. 2019-06-21 [2019-06-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-21) (德语).
  80. . Deutschlandfunk. 2019-06-19 [2019-06-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-21) (德语).
  81. Official website of the "SMILE for Future" meeting (page visited on 9 August 2019).
  82. . Swissinfo. 2019-08-09 [2019-08-10] (英语).
  83. . Coventry Climate Action Network. 2019-08-29.
  84. Feller, Madison. . Elle. 2019-09-17 [2019-09-19]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-20) (美国英语).
  85. Milman, Oliver. . The Guardian. 2019-09-20 [2019-09-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-20).
  86. Tollefson, Jeff. . Nature. 2019-09-18 [2019-09-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-19).
  87. . www.zdf.de. [2019-09-21] (德语).
  88. . ABC News. 2019-09-20 [2019-09-21] (澳大利亚英语).
  89. . Deutsche Welle. 2019-11-29 [2019-11-29] (英国英语).
  90. Taylor, Matthew; Pidd, Helen; Murray, Jessica. . The Guardian. 2019-11-29 [2019-11-30]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语).
  91. Carlisle, Madeleine. . Times. 2019-11-29 [2019-12-03].
  92. . Zeit Online. 2019-11-29 [2019-11-30] (德语).
  93. . DW.COM. 2020-09-25 [2020-09-25] (英国英语).
  94. . Global Climate Strike. [2020-09-25] (美国英语).
  95. Harvey, Fiona. . the Guardian. 2020-09-25 [2020-09-25] (英语).
  96. Brandon Pytel. . Earth Day Network. 2020-11-22 (英语).
  97. Emily Witt. . New Yorker. 2020-04-06 [2020-04-12] (英语).
  98. Brandon Pytel. . Earth Day Network. 2020-03-19 (英语).
  99. Hannah Natanson. . Washington Post. 2020-04-10 (英语).
  100. (PDF). 2005. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2013-09-09).
  101. Carbon Brief; Clark, Duncan. . The Guardian. 2012-01-16.
  102. Taylor, Matthew. . The Guardian. 2019-02-27.
  103. Warren, Matthew. . Nature. 2019, 567 (7748): 291–292. Bibcode:2019Natur.567..291W. ISSN 0028-0836. PMID 30890800. doi:10.1038/d41586-019-00861-z. 已忽略未知参数|doi-access= (帮助)
  104. Scientsts4Climate. . 2019-01-31.
  105. . www.vrt.be (vrtnws). 2019-01-31 [2019-01-31].
  106. . DutchNews.nl (DutchNews). 2019-02-07 [2019-02-09].
  107. . Yle.fi. [2019-03-14].
  108. Nehls, Anja. . Deutschlandfunk. 2019-03-12 [2019-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-16) (德语).
  109. Rahmstorf, Stefan. . scilogs.spektrum.de. 2019-03-15 [12 March 2019] [2019-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-16) (德语). Update 15.3.: wir haben noch bis gestern Abend weiter gesammelt – ein paar Tage mehr und jetzt haben schon mehr als 23 000 Forscher unterschrieben!
  110. Hagedorn, Gregor; Göpel, Maja; Quaschning, Volker; Wiltshire, Karen Helen. (PDF). Berlin, Germany. 2019-03-12 [2019-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-16) (德语).
  111. dpa. . Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). 2019-03-15 [2019-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-16) (德语).
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