





維基媒體基金會採用了自由文化作品定義[7] 2008年,創用CC姓名標示與姓名標示-相同方式分享授權條款通過認可,條款頁面上也獲得「通過自由文化作品認可」的標記。[8]

於2009年6月,維基百科改採雙授權制度:以創用CC姓名標示-相同方式分享做為主要授權,另同時以原先採用、並已相容該條款[9]GNU自由文件授權條款授權大眾使用。[10] 授權方式更動的主因,是希望能相容於更廣闊的自由內容生態系。[11][12]

2014年10月,開放知識基金會為「開放作品」及「開放授權」所下的開放定義2.0版中,將「開放」一詞視為「自由文化作品」中之「自由」的同義詞(也同於開放源碼定義自由軟體定義)。[13]較為不同之處是開放定義將公眾領域、存取(開放近用)及讀取能力(開放格式)都列入考量。該定義針對開放內容同樣推薦採用三組創用CC授權條款(姓名標示姓名標示-相同方式授權CC0[14][15][16])授權作品,並且另外針對開放資料則推薦採用開放資料公眾領域貢獻與授權條款(PDDL)、開放資料公眾姓名標示授權條款 (ODC-BY)或開放資料庫授權條款(ODbL)授權。



  1. TrueLogo contest on freedomdefined.org (2006)
  2. OpenContent is officially closed. And that's just fine. on opencontent.org (30 June 2003, archived)
  3. Creative Commons Welcomes David Wiley as Educational Use License Project Lead by matt (June 23rd, 2003)
  4. . Freedomdefined.org. [2012-11-14].
  5. . Freedomdefined.org. [2012-11-14].
  6. . Freedomdefined.org. 2008-12-01 [2012-11-14].
  7. . Wikimedia Foundation. [2012-11-14].
  8. . Creative Commons. 2009-07-24 [2012-11-14].
  9. . Gnu.org. [2011-11-07].
  10. .
  11. Wikipedia + CC BY-SA = Free Culture Win! on creativecommons.org by Mike Linksvayer, June 22nd, 2009
  12. Licensing update rolled out in all Wikimedia wikis on wikimedia.org by Erik Moeller on June 30th, 2009 "Perhaps the most significant reason to choose CC-BY-SA as our primary content license was to be compatible with many of the other admirable endeavors out there to share and develop free knowledge"
  13. Open Definition 2.1 on opendefinition.org
  14. licenses on opendefinition.com
  15. Creative Commons 4.0 BY and BY-SA licenses approved conformant with the Open Definition by Timothy Vollmer on creativecommons.org (December 27th, 2013)
  16. Open Definition 2.0 released by Timothy Vollmer on creativecommons.org (October 7th, 2014)
  17. licenses on freedomdefined.org


  • 2006年freedomdefined.org的公告
This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.