

Shell of Margarya melanioides, the type species of Margarya
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 軟體動物門 Mollusca
纲: 腹足纲 Gastropoda
目: 主扭舌目 Architaenioglossa
科: 田螺科 Viviparidae
亚科: 环棱螺亚科 Bellamyinae
属: 螺蛳属 Margarya
Nevill, 1877[1]
8 species[2]
  • Margarya (Mabillemargarya) He, 2013
  • Margarya (Margarya) G. Nevill, 1877


螺蛳属的學名源於本屬模式種Margarya melanioides樣本的採集者A.R. Margary:他在中國雲南洱海採集了本物種的標本,然後再由Nevill (1877) 描述[1]。基於螺殼及螺肋的形態,张玺齊鍾彥於1949年首度修訂本屬,本辨識出本屬有七個不同的物種[5]。在這次修訂裡,張璽建立了兩個螺螄屬的亞屬,即:玺螺蛳亚属Tchangmargarya)及Mabillemargarya亞屬[6]





  • (extant) Margarya francheti (Mabille, 1886)[8]
  • (extant)螺蛳 Margarya melanioides Nevill, 1877:模式种[1]
  • (extant) Margarya monodi (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1905)[9]
  • (extant) Margarya oxytropoides (Heude, 1889)[10]
  • (fossil) Margarya spinicostata Li, 1987[11]
  • (fossil) Margarya angulata Li, 1987[11]
  • (fossil) Margarya nana Huang, 1986[12]
  • (fossil) Margarya nanningensis Tian, Fuersich & Schneider 2013[13]


  1. Nevill G. (1877). "List of the Mollusca brought back by Dr. Anderson from Yunnan and Upper Burma, with descriptions of new species". Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 46(2): 14-41. page 30.
  2. Zhang, L. J.; Chen, S. C.; Yang, L. T.; Jin, L.; Köhler, F. . Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2015, 174 (4): 760–800. doi:10.1111/zoj.12260 (英语).
  3. Frýda, J.; Hausdorf, B.; Ponder, W.; Valdés, Á.; Warén, A. Bouchet P.; Rocroi J.-P. , 编. . Malacologia: International Journal of Malacology (Hackenheim, Germany / Ann Arbor, USA: ConchBooks). 2005, 47 (1-2): 397 pp. ISBN 3-925919-72-4. ISSN 0076-2997.
  4. Bouchet, P. . World Register of Marine Species. [2014-12-10].
  5. Tchang, X.; Tsi, Z. Y. . Contributions from the Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Peiping. 1949, 5: 1–26.
  6. He, J. . Shell Discoveries. 2013, 2: 2–15.
  7. 太平洋岛. . 果壳网. 2018-03-27 (中文(简体)‎).
  8. Mabille, J. [大理湖新的田螺科物種的描述]. Bulletins de la Société malacologique de France. 1886, 3: 65–76 (法语).
  9. Dautzenberg; Fischer. . Journal de Conchyliologie. 1905, 53: 343–471.
  10. Heude P. M. (1882–1890). Notes sur les mollusques terrestres de la Vallée du Fleuve Bleu. Mémoires concernant l′histoire naturelle de l′Empire chinois 1: 1–188.
  11. Li. . Professional Papers of Straigraphy and Palaeontology. 1987, 22: 159–166.
  12. Huang, B.Y.; Wang, H. J.; Zhang, L. . Transactions of the Chinese Society of Malacology. 1986, 2: 128–135.
  13. Tian, Y.; Fürsich, F. T.; Schneider. . Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen. 2013, 267: 75–87.


  • 維基物種中有關螺蛳属的數據
  • Photo of Margarya melanoides with background of the lake
  • (德文) Wilhelm Kobelt (1909). "Die Gattung Paludina Lam. (Vivipara Montfort) (Neue Folge). In Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen". Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz, Nürnberg, 1(21a): pp. 97-430, plates 15-77., page 187-193, table 37-39.
  • Tchang, X.; Tsi, Z. Y. . Contributions from the Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Peiping. 1949, 5: 1–26.
  • Yen T. C. (1943). "A preliminary revision of the Recent species of Chinese Viviparidae". The Nautilus (journal) 56: 124-130.
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