
辉格史(Whig history)是一个历史学派,该学派认为人类文明不可逆转地从落后向先进,从愚昧到开蒙。这个学派得名源自辉格党(Whig),辉格党是目前英国自由党的前身。辉格党得益于1688年光荣革命带来的政治变化,它于1714年之后长期支配英国政治,它也通过捍卫包括有限君主制议会的重要性在内的“1688年原则”而获得不少支持。这个党派的历史学家对历史的解释往往从今天的角度出发,来评判历史事件的价值。在科學史中,這個術語也常用來表示研究得出當今科學觀點的“成功的”理論與實驗的史學史派別[1]。許多人認為辉格史學派與馬克思列寧主義者的歷史理論,在許多地方都很相似,後者預設人性是在不同的歷史階段中,朝向共產主義者渴望的無階級劃分、平等主義的社會前進的[2][3]


英國歷史學家赫伯特·巴特菲爾德於他那有影響力的小本著作 The Whig Interpretation of History (1931) 提出 "Whig history" 詞彙。這是由反對英國托利黨輝格主義(Whiggism)所演變出來的詞。托利黨提倡國王權力,輝格主義則是提倡英國國會的權力。








1970年代中期,越來越多科學史家使用『輝格風』這個辭彙,通常表示著『理想化』、『內在論者』、『必勝主義者』,或甚至『激進論者』,去詆毀科學進步的偉大論述。的確,就某一層面上,這與本世紀初輝格憲法歷史遭受的攻擊,顯然是相當類似的。如同P. B. M. 布拉斯所說明的,...

For, as P. B. M. Blaas has shown, those earlier attacks were part and parcel of a more general onslaught in the name of an autonomous, professional and scientific history, on popular, partisan and moralising historiography. Similarly,... For post-WWII champions of the newly professionalized history of science the targets were quite different. Above all, they were out to establish a critical distance between the history of science and the teaching and promotion of the sciences. In particular, they were suspicious of the grand celebratory and didactic narratives of scientific discovery and progress that had proliferated in the inter-war years.

近年來,有些學者主張輝格史學派對科學史而言是非常重要的。一方面,"科學史本身就隱含著輝格風本身。人們應該了解「科學」一詞在十八、十九世紀的意涵是什麼。在十七世紀,科學一詞有非常不同的意義。例如,化學無可避免地與鍊金術混為一談。在十七世紀前,要將科學這種概念分解為現在各種領域的總和,勢必會嚴重地扭曲其原本的意義"。[9] 科學史家對於輝格風的反對也被一些科學家批評,他們認為這些科學史家無法重視科學研究的時間深度[10]




  1. Ernst Mayr, "When is Historiography Whiggish?" in Journal of the History of Ideas, April 1990, Vol. 51 Issue 2, pp 301–309 in JSTOR
  2. David Parker, Revolutions and the revolutionary tradition in the West, 1560–1991
  3. Stephen J. Lee, Aspects of British political history
  4. C. T. McIntire, Herbert Butterfield: Historian as Dissenter, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004), p. 205.
  5. John A. Schuster,"The Problem of Whig History in the History of Science, Chap 3 of The Scientific Revolution: Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science
  6. "The conventional stories of the past that appear in the introductory chapters of science textbooks are certainly a form of Whiggism. Historians take great delight in exposing the artificially constructed nature of these stories, and some scientists find the results uncomfortable." Peter J. Bowler and Iwan Rhys Morus, Making Modern Science: A Historical Survey, (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pr., 2005) ISBN 0-226-06861-7, p. 2.
  7. "the history of science – as composed by both ex-scientists and general historians – has largely consisted of Whig history, in which the scientific winners write the account in such a way as to make their triumph an inevitable outcome of the righteous logic of their cause." Ken Alder, "The History of Science, or, an Oxymoronic Theory of Relativistic Objectivity", pp. 297–318 in Lloyd Kramer and Sarah Maza, ed., A Companion to Western Historical Thought, (Blackwell,), p. 301.
  8. Nick Jardine, "Whigs and Stories: Herbert Butterfield and the Historiography of Science," .History of Science 存檔,存档日期2007-06-12., 41 (2003): 125–140, at pp. 127–8.
  9. R. Anthony Hyman, "Whiggism in the History of Science and the Study of the Life and Work of Charles Babbage"
  10. Edward Harrison, "Whigs, prigs and historians of science", Nature, 329 (1987): 213–14.


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