長葡萄螺科(學名:)在生物分类学是一個海螺的科,海洋 後鰓類腹足纲软体动物的成員,屬於頭楯目長葡萄螺總科。
長葡萄螺科 | |
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live Haminoea sp. | |
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A shell of Haminoea zelandiae | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 軟體動物門 Mollusca |
纲: | 腹足纲 Gastropoda |
演化支: | 真後鰓類 Euopisthobranchia |
目: | 头楯目 Cephalaspidea |
总科: | 長葡萄螺總科 Haminoeoidea |
科: | 長葡萄螺科 Haminoeidae Pilsbry, 1895[1] |
属 | |
異名[2][3] | |
Their large cephalic shield is rounded at the front, but deeply lobed behind. The 外套膜 protrudes behind the shell. The shell is partially or completely enfolded by lateral parapodial (=fleshy winglike outgrowths) lobes.
Their 螺殼 varies in size according to the species, from 3 mm to 30 mm.
The shell is ovoid, thin and translucent. It may be smooth or have spiral grooves (striae). The umbilical apex is sunken or enclosed and no longer visible. Large body whorl with fine spiral striations. Smooth columella. The thin outer lip of the 殼口 extends beyond the apex of the shell and is thus longer than the body whorl. The aperture narrows posteriorly and is wider anteriorly.
These snails are 食草动物. Their diet consists of various kinds of 綠藻e. They can survive in brackish water.
They are hermophroditic. Their 卵s are deposited in round or oval jellylike strings, attached to 大叶藻属 or sand.
阿地螺及另一同屬阿地螺屬的物種Atys cylindricum皆為本科已知會發出生物荧光的物種。
- 長葡萄螺科 Haminoeidae
- 泥螺科 Bullactidae
- 翡翠螺科 Smaragdinellidae
但Malaquias (2010)將這三個科均併歸長葡萄螺科這一科[2];在2017年底出版的《布歇特等人的腹足類分類》依從[6]。
- Aliculastrum
- 阿地螺屬 Atys Montfort, 1810:又名葡萄螺屬[4][7]
- Austrocylichna Burn, 1974
- 泥螺屬 Bullacta Bergh, 1901:只有泥螺(Bullacta exarata (Philippi, 1849))一個物種,過往屬於獨自的泥螺科。
- Cylichnatys Kuroda & Habe, 1952
- Cylichnium W. H. Dall, 1908
- Cylichnium africanum
- Cylichnium domitum Dall, 1908 - Distribution: Caribbean
- Cylichnium matsumotoi (Habe, 1955) - Distribution: Japan
- 漩阿地螺属 Diniatys Iredale, 1936
- 月華螺屬 Haloa[8]
- Haminoea Turton & Kingston in Carrington, 1830
- Liloa Pilsbry, 1921
- 泥阿地螺屬 LimulatysIredale, 1936[9]
- Micratys Habe, 1952
- MimatysHabe, 1952
- 日本阿地螺 Nipponatys Habe, 1952
- Phanerophthalmus A. Adams, 1850
- Sericohaminoea
- 翡翠螺屬 Smaragdinella A. Adams, 1848
- Sphaeratys
- Weinkauffia Monterosato, 1884
- 異名:
- Atyscaphander Annandale, 1924:被認為是泥螺屬(Bullacta Bergh, 1901)的異名;
- Dinia H. Adams & A. Adams, 1854: synonym of Diniatys Iredale, 1936
- Haminea Gray, 1847: synonym of Haminoea Turton & Kingston in Carrington, 1830
- Sinohaminea Tchang, 1933:也被認為是泥螺屬(Bullacta Bergh, 1901)的異名;
- Genus Haloa
- Haloa binotata (H. A. Pilsbry, 1895)
- Distribution : Indo Pacific
- Haloa constricta A. Adams, 1850
- Distribution : Japan
- Haloa crocata W. H. Pease, 1860
- Distribution : Hawaii
- Haloa flavescens (A. Adams, 1850)
- Distribution : Indo Pacific
- Haloa fusca W. H. Pease, 1863
- Distribution : Indo Pacific
- Haloa japonica H. A. Pilsbry, 1895 Japanese Paper-bubble
- Distribution : Indo Pacific, Japan
- Length : 10 mm
- Description : species with beautiful colors : glassy white background with tiny white spots and dark patches with orange dots.
- Haloa kawamurai T. Habe, 1950
- Distribution : Indo Pacific
- Haloa margaritoides T. Kuroda & T. Habe, 1971
- Distribution : Japan
- Length : 7 mm
- Description : intertidal among seaweeds
- Haloa nigripunctata W. H. Pease, 1868
- Distribution : Japan
- Haloa rotundata A. Adams, 1850
- Distribution : Japan
- Haloa vitrea (A. Adams, 1850)
- Distribution : Japan
- Haloa yamaguchii T. Habe, 1952
- Distribution : Indo Pacific
- Haloa binotata (H. A. Pilsbry, 1895)
- Genus Hamineobulla Habe, 1950 (incertae sedis; may be belong to the family Bullidae)
- Hamineobulla kawamurai Habe, 1950
- Distribution : Okinawa
- Length : 6 mm
- Description : brown animal with short cephalic shield; on the shell there are a few transverse rows with brighter dots
- Hamineobulla kawamurai Habe, 1950
- Genus Liloa Pilsbry, 1921
Since most of these bubble snails were named on the basis of the shell alone, the occurrence of synonyms among the following species is quite possible.
- Liloa brevis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833)
- Distribution : Australia
- Description : elongate body; parapodial flaps cover only the front of the thin, fragile shell
- Liloa curta (A. Adams, 1850)
- Distribution : Western Pacific
- Description : elongate body; the color can vary from a few dark spots on a translucent body, to almost completely dark.
- Liloa incisula Yokoyama, 1928
- Distribution : Japan
- Liloa laeta A. A. Gould, 1859
- Distribution : Indo Pacific
- Liloa nipponensis Nomura & Hatai, 1940
- Distribution : Japan
- Liloa porcellana A. A. Gould, 1859
- Distribution : Japan
- Liloa tomaculum H. A. Pilsbry, 1951
- Distribution : Hawaiian Islands
- Liloa translucens A. Adams, 1862
- Distribution : Japan
- Liloa brevis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833)
- Genus Limulatys Iredale, 1936
- Limulatys constrictus T. Habe, 1952
- Distribution : Indo Pacific
- Length : 16 mm
- Limulatys crassilabris (约翰尼斯·提艾利, 1925)
- Distribution : S.E. Asia, Thailand
- Length : 8 mm
- Limulatys fusiformis T. Habe, 1952
- Distribution : Japan
- Limulatys muscarius A. A. Gould, 1859
- Distribution : Indo Pacific, Philippines
- Limulatys okamotoi T. Habe, 1952
- Distribution : Indo Pacific
- Limulatys ooformis T. Habe, 1964 Egg-shaped Bubble
- Distribution : Indo Pacific, Philippines, Thailand
- Length : 20 mm
- Limulatys okamotoi Habe, 1952
- Distribution : Philippines
- Length : 9 mm
- Limulatys reliquus Iredale, 1936
- Distribution : New Zealand
- Limulatys scobriculatus A. Adams, 1862
- Distribution : Japan
- Limulatys tortuosus A. Adams, 1850
- Distribution : Japan
- Limulatys constrictus T. Habe, 1952
- Genus Micratys Habe, 1952
- Micratys ovum T. Habe, 1952
- Distribution : Japan, Philippines
- Length : 2 mm
- Micratys ovum T. Habe, 1952
- Genus Mimatys Habe, 1952
- Mimatys fukuokaensis T. Habe, 1952
- Distribution : Japan, Philippines
- Length : 2.5 mm
- Mimatys fukuokaensis T. Habe, 1952
- Genus Nipponatys Kurida & Habe, 1952
- Nipponatys amakusaensis T. Habe & Kikuchi, 1960
- Distribution : Japan
- Nipponatys oshimai T. Habe & Kikuchi, 1960
- Nipponatys volvulina A. Adams, 1862
- Distribution : Japan
- Nipponatys amakusaensis T. Habe & Kikuchi, 1960
- Genus Sericohaminoea Habe, 1952
- Genus Sphaeratys F. Nordsieck, 1972 (?)
- Genus Ventomnestia
- Ventomnestia bizona (A. Adams, 1850)
- Ventomnestia colorata Iredale, 1936
- Ventomnestia villica (Gould, 1859) (may be a synonym of Ventomnestia bizona)
- Distribution : Guam
- Length : 5.5 mm
- Description : a bubble snail with a great variation in color, from white to brown, but always with a characteristic pattern; heavy shell; 齒舌 formula : 2.1.2;
- Genus Weinkauffia A. Adams, 1858
- Weinkauffia diaphana A. Aradas & Maggiore, 1839
- Distribution : West Africa
- Description : has similar gizzard plates as Atys multistriatus
- Weinkauffia turgidula Forbes, 1844
- Distribution : Adriatic Sea, Malta, Turkey
- Length : 5 mm
- Description : fossils of this species have been found in sediments of 上新世 age in Italy.
- Weinkauffia diaphana A. Aradas & Maggiore, 1839
- Mnestia H. Adams & A. Adams, 1854 及 Ventomnestia Iredale, 1936:已獨立出來成為一個科,改歸盒螺總科。
- Pilsbry H. A. (1895). Manual of Conchology, structural and systematic, with illustrations of the species. Polyplacophora, (Chitons.) Acanthochitidae, Cryptoplacidae and appendix. Tectibranchiata. 15: page 351.
- Malaquias M. A. E. (2010). "Systematics, phylogeny, and natural history of Bullacta exarata (Philippi, 1849): an endemic cephalaspidean gastropod from the China Sea". Journal of Natural History 44(33 & 34): 2015-2029. doi:10.1080/00222933.2010.487574.
- Malaquias M. A. E., Dodds J. M., Bouchet P. & Reid D. G. (2009). "A molecular phylogeny of the Cephalaspidea sensu lato (Gastropoda: Euthyneura): Architectibranchia redefined and Runcinacea reinstated". Zoologica Scripta 38(1): 23-41. doi:10.1111/j.1463-6409.2008.00354.x.
- 请检查
值 (帮助). 台湾贝类资料库. [2020-04-27] (中文(繁體)). - 中国科学院动物研究所. . 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2017-11-11]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05) (中文(简体)).
- 中国科学院动物研究所. . 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2017-11-11]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
- Vaught, K.C. (1989). A classification of the living Mollusca. American Malacologists: Melbourne, FL (USA). ISBN 0-915826-22-4. XII, 195 pp