
非官方补丁(unofficial patch)是由用户社区而非原始开发者为一款软件创作的非商业修補程式。与普通的官方补丁一样,非官方补丁一般也是为修复软件缺陷或劣势制作,而通常不会改变软件的预期用法,这不同于第三方的软件适配(例如遊戲模組破解补丁)。

非官方补丁是一种通常经过万维网传播的用户生成内容,可以被视作Web 2.0重组文化的一部分。



  • 软件产品已达预定的产品寿命并/或被其他产品取代(计划报废[1]
  • 软件最初是为另一个不同的环境设计,并且可以被改进/优化(移植
  • 开发者已经停产(老软件[2]
  • 官方支持所要求的经济成本过高(例如对小市场的本地化)
  • 对紧迫问题的快速解决方案(例如安全漏洞),如果官方响应过缓[3][4][5]
  • 官方开发人员无法解决此问题


电脑游戏领域中,非官方补丁最为常见,它们有时也被称为爱好者补丁(Fan patches),尤其是如果为一人独自完成。社区中多名作者共同完成则一般称为社区补丁(Community Patch)。这些补丁着眼典型程序流程中的关键错误,进行崩溃和兼容性方面的修复,例如适配新版操作系统、增加分辨率等。















Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura缺陷修复补丁[31]、爱好者翻译
終極動員令 (1995年遊戲)缺陷修复补丁、分辨率修复,添加语言包支持[40][41][42]
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut分辨率修复[45]
Ecco the Dolphin修复缺陷,为新版系统移植[46][47]
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial修复缺陷[48][49]
辐射2缺陷修复补丁[50] 、分辨率修复
Galactic Civilizations II脚本更正,数据库错误更正,引擎修复[55]
Gothic 3缺陷修复补丁[56][28][57]
Jagged Alliance 2(现为JA2-Stracciatella)缺陷修复补丁, 分辨率修复,移植[59][60][61][62][63][64]
Legacy of Kain系列缺陷修复补丁[65][66][67]
Master of Magic爱好者补丁[69][70][71]
Master of Orion 3爱好者翻译[72]、修复缺陷
MVP Baseball 2005修复,继续支持[76][77][78]
Nuclear Throne合作模式修复与增强[79][80]
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim缺陷修复补丁[81][82]、翻译修正[83]
Silent Hunter II / 驱逐舰指挥官缺陷修复补丁(Ubisoft源代码协助)[85][86][87][88]
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords修复缺陷[89][90]、恢复内容、[91]支持宽屏[92]
Dark Engine (神偷:暗黑计划神偷II:金属时代System Shock 2)缺陷修复补丁[13][14][97]
Ultima series缺陷修复补丁[100]、爱好者翻译
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines缺陷修复补丁,恢复内容,宽屏和现代操作系统支持[103][104][105]


3dfx Interactive驱动程序驱动程序修复,继续支持[108][109]
Adobe Acrobat快速安全修复[110]
Socket 7 主板Award BIOS支持超过32GB的硬盘、支持AMD K6-2/3+[111][112][113]
Windows 7Windows 8解锁硬件支持[115]
Windows 98Slipstream补丁、缺陷修复补丁[116][117]、支持超过137GB的硬盘、[118]支持2k API[119][120][121]
Windows XP更新包[122][123]
Internet Explorer快速安全修复[124]
英伟达 NVIDIA nForce 芯片组 驱动程序在较新Windows操作系统上支持旧款芯片组[125][126][127]
Palm Pre功能扩展[128]
Windows URI问题快速安全修复[129]
MacOS 10.3夏时制补丁[130]


  1. Cassia, Fernando. . theinquirer.net. 2007-03-28 [2012-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-03).
  2. g4tv staff. . g4tv.com. 2011-05-30 [2012-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2018-01-25). Looking Glass Studios closed in 2000, a year after System Shock 2's release, and the copyright to the series went into the hands of an insurance company. That left EA with only the System Shock name, but no actual development rights.
  3. Naraine, Ryan. . eweek.com. 2006-01-04 [2012-01-07]. Security vendor ESET, makers of the NOD32 anti-virus program, on Wednesday shipped an interim patch for the bug, almost a week before Microsoft Corp. is scheduled to release a properly tested security update.
  4. Espiner, Tom. . ZDNet.co.uk. 2006-01-06 [2012-01-29].
  5. CNN Staff. . CNNmoney. 2006-01-03 [2012-01-29]. Because of the severity of the threat, the SANS Institute, a computer security group, has released a patch for the vulnerability until Microsoft's fix is available next week.
  6. . romhacking.net. [2014-08-13].
  7. Parkin, Simon. . gamasutra.com. 2008-12-26 [2011-04-03].
  8. Szczepaniak, John. . Retro Gamer. June 2006, 25: 102–105 [2017-11-25]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-18).
  9. Bertolone, Giorgio. . Cleared-To-Engage. 2011-03-12 [2014-08-31]. (原始内容存档于2011-03-18). [C2E] In 2000 the source code of Falcon 4.0 leaked out and after that groups of volunteers were able to make fixes and enhancements that assured the longevity of this sim. Do you see the source code leak as a good or bad event? [Klemmick] "Absolutely a good event. In fact I wish I’d known who did it so I could thank them. I honestly think this should be standard procedure for companies that decide not to continue to support a code base."
  10. xray 页面存档备份,存于 on github.com (August 2014)
  11. xray-16 页面存档备份,存于 on github.com
  12. Smith, Quintin. . Rock, Paper, Shotgun. 2010-12-14 [2011-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-13). As of this weekend, Christmas has come early for the Through the Looking Glass community. A CD’s been discovered containing the source code for the Dark Engine, aka the engine used by Thief, Thief II and System Shock 2 (not to mention Irrational and Looking Glass’ cancelled cold war spy game Deep Cover).
  13. Grayson, Nathan. . Rock, Paper, Shotgun. 2012-09-26 [2012-11-16]. Double Fine’s Chris Remo (via Kotaku) tweeted out word of the abruptly unearthed hunks of unofficial patching gold, pointing the way to a French forum called Ariane4ever.
  14. "Le Corbeau". . ttlg.com. 2012-09-25 [2012-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2018-01-03). This is an unofficial patch for Thief II: The Metal Age (T2) which updates the game from v1.18 to v1.19, providing improved support for modern hardware and correcting many known bugs.
  15. . Dune Dynasty is a continuation of the classic real-time strategy game Dune II by Westwood Studios. It is not a remake. It builds upon the original game engine as reverse-engineered by the OpenDUNE project.
  16. 《生与死》裸体补丁诉讼案告终[多图]
  17. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/17/117
  18. softwarelaw 页面存档备份,存于 on cr.yp.to
  19. MODIFYING COPYRIGHTED SOFTWARE: ADJUSTING COPYRIGHT DOCTRINE TO ACCOMMODATE A TECHNOLOGY by Pamela Samuelson, Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh School of Law (1988)
  20. Reviewing the Questionable Legality of Fan-Made Translations of Video Games on helbraunlaw.com (accessed May 07, 2017)
  21. Löding, Torge. . heise.de. 2003-09-09 [2011-04-03] (德语).
  22. Boulette, Bryan. . rpgamer.com. 2007-12-07 [2011-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2011年5月25日). […]we told Mr. Sakamoto that a fan translation had been done some years ago for Front Mission 1, and asked how he felt about such efforts. The producer replied that he actually found them very encouraging -- it's something the developers should be doing, but because they're not, the fans are doing it instead. He stated that he'd like to be able to give something back to the fans, and would like to thank personally each of the fans that worked on the translation.
  23. . chronocompendium.com. 2009-05-09 [2011-04-03]. As of May 9, 2009, the patch is no longer hosted due to a cease & desist letter from Square Enix.
  24. Adamczewski, David. . heise.de. 2001-11-21 [2011-04-03] (德语).
  25. Wen, Howard. . linuxdevcenter.com. 2004-06-10 [2012-12-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-06). [...]fans of the Myth trilogy have taken this idea a step further: they have official access to the source code for the Myth games. Organized under the name MythDevelopers, this all-volunteer group of programmers, artists, and other talented people devote their time to improving and supporting further development of the Myth game series.
  26. Largent, Andy. . insidemacgames.com. 2003-10-08 [2012-11-24]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-12). With the release of Homeworld 2 for the PC, Relic Entertainment has decided to give back to their impressive fan community by releasing the source code to the original Homeworld.
  27. Bell, John. . Technology Innovation Management Review. 2009-10-01 [2012-12-30]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-30). [...]that no further patches to the title would be forthcoming. The community was predictably upset. Instead of giving up on the game, users decided that if Activision wasn't going to fix the bugs, they would. They wanted to save the game by getting Activision to open the source so it could be kept alive beyond the point where Activision lost interest. With some help from members of the development team that were active on fan forums, they were eventually able to convince Activision to release Call to Power II's source code in October of 2003.
  28. Schramm, Peter. . madvulture.de. 2010 [2011-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2011-03-26). Being part of the “Community Patch Team” formed to fix the great but bug-baiten “Gothic 3″ game, Mad Vulture Games was taking care of major coordination work, 3D model fixing and lots of other work for the Gothic 3 Addon “Forsaken Gods” Enhanced Edition, also being the producing company.
  29. Blue Saga's Source Code Has Been Released by Matt Chelen on mmos.com (July 30, 2016)
  30. . pcgames.de. 2003-05-27 [2011-04-03] (德语).
  31. . gamebanshee.com. 2009-12-27 [2011-01-10].
  32. Battlezone Magazine Volume 1 Issue#5, p. 3 (online copy 存檔,存档日期2012-03-21.)
  33. battlezone-ii-its-alive-er-still on Rock, Paper, Shotgun (2009/09/08)
  34. matesfamily.org/bz2
  35. Civ4: Better AI 页面存档备份,存于 on sourceforge.net "Major improvements to AI naval and air unit handling [...] Well over 100 bug fixes"
  36. Product_2K_Games_Firaxis_Release_Civ_IV_SDK 页面存档备份,存于 on Gamasutra
  37. civ4 downloads 页面存档备份,存于 on 2kgames.com
  38. Kosak, Dave 'Fargo'. . GameSpy: 1–3. 27 October 2005 [24 October 2009]. 662218. (原始内容存档于6 December 2013).
  39. Charisius, Manuel. . manuloewe.de. 2010-07-20 [2011-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-06) (德语).
  40. Sebayang, Andreas. . Golem.de. 2008-05-27 [2011-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-05) (德语).
  41. Smith, James E. . www.mygaming.co.za. 2010-02-22 [2011-04-12]. Special Operations was unique to the Nintendo 64 and Playstation versions of the game, but the maps have since been extracted and included in unofficial fan patches.
  42. . Nyerguds. 2014-07-08 [2016-12-22].
  43. theelderscrolls.wiwiland.net. . [2011-02-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-14).
  44. Klepek, Patrick. . Kotaku. There’s no excuse for the durability bug to be part of Scholar of the First Sin. It’s not limited to the PC version, either. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions run at 60 frames-per-second. From Software and Bandai Namco have not yet responded to my request for comment. You might not be surprised to learn that fans have decided to rescue the game again, however. DS2fix removes the durability bug from the game, in addition to addressing a few other issues.
  45. Moore, Bo. . Wired. 2013-11-19 [2014-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-25). Thoman had uploaded “DPfix 0.1 alpha,” a patch that allowed Deadly Premonition players to manually adjust the game’s resolution. [...] The most recent DPfix release fixed pixel offset errors that occurred at higher resolutions, fixed anti-aliasing when it was not being correctly applied, added improved depth-of-field effects, and added an option for screen space ambient occlusion.
  46. Ecco PC - Fixed and Enhanced Edition 页面存档备份,存于 on orcaserver.de
  47. True Fan Hack Stories: Ecco PC Fixed & Enhanced Edition on radiosega.net (August 2014)
  48. Baumgärtel, Tilman. . Die Zeit. 2013-11-14 [2013-11-14] (德语). Beim Internet Archive ist nun nicht nur das Originalspiel [E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial] von 1982 zu finden, sondern auch eine Version, die seine schlimmsten Programmierfehler korrigiert.
  49. . Neocomputer. 2013-02-01 [2013-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-08).
  50. Sines, Shawn. . gamefront.com. 2008-01-08 [2011-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-13).
  51. Fallout 4's unofficial patch nukes dozens of bugs by Christopher Livingston on PC Gamer (April 24, 2016)
  52. Fallout 4's Unofficial Patch Tries To Fix Everything Bethesda Can't on Kotaku.au by Alex Walker (Apr 26, 2016)
  53. Chalk, Andy. . PC Gamer. 2016-07-11 [2017-06-06].
  54. Reindl, Walter. . gamestar.de. 2004-06-29 [2011-04-03] (德语).
  55. Community-based update to GalCiv 2 Ultimate Edition by MarvinKosh on September 25, 2014
  56. Sebayang, Andreas. . Golem.de. 2009-03-23 [2011-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-22) (德语).
  57. Zandr. . worldofplayers.de. 2014-04-20 [2014-09-02]. a new Gothic 3 Enhanced Edition v1.75 Update Pack (International)
  58. Bradshaw, Dave. . gibberlings3.net. 2011-11-25 [2012-02-03]. The BG2 Fixpack is a WeiDU compilation of fixes for Baldur's Gate II. […] This collaborative effort, including the work of modders from several different modding communities and assistance from BG2 lead writer David Gaider, has resulted in a fixpack that currently includes all of the fixes addressed by Baldurdash (including the Game Text Update) and several hundred new bugfixes. The project is ongoing, and we're working through a substantial list of bugs culled from various sites, the old Baldurdash forums, and our own research.
  59. Ancheta, Justin. . Inside Mac Games. 2012-06-01 [2014-03-29]. Jagged Alliance 2 [...] and maintains both a tutorial for getting GOG games to run on Mac OS X, and a list of games he has personally tested to work on Mac OS X through CrossOver, Wineskin, and open source ports.
  60. Mac Friendly GOG Games 页面存档备份,存于 Jagged Alliance 2 [...] Source ports available at: http://ja2.monkeyphysics.com/home/osx 页面存档备份,存于, and at https://bitbucket.org/gennady/ja2-stracciatella/downloads
  61. . [2017-11-25]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-06).
  62. JA2 Stracciatella Feedback » Jagged Alliance 2 Android Stracciatella Port RC2 Release - please test 存檔,存档日期2012-10-23. on the Bear's Pit Forum, October 3, 2011
  63. ja2-stracciatella on bitbucket.org
  64. Gennady. . www.ja-galaxy-forum.com. 2013-03-04 [2013-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-06). Update 2013-03-13: Added support for high video resolutions. For example, game can be started in 1024x768 mode like this: ja2.exe -res 1024x768. Any reasonable resolution should work. Some bugfixes from this forum have been integrated. [...]
  65. . pcgames.de. 2004-02-12 [2011-07-17] (德语).
  66. Raul, Cuban. . comcast.net. 2009-11-29 [2011-07-17]. (原始内容存档于2011-09-04).
  67. wrace. . nosgothica.org. 2010-12-03 [2011-07-17]. […]now you can play in BO1 under Windows-7 without any problems with video.
  68. Gantner, Michael. . la-patches.gandimann.de. 2010-12-23 [2011-05-28] (德语).
  69. Robert Stiehl. . gamersglobal.de. June 8, 2010 [2016-07-15].
  70. kyrub. . realmsbeyond.net. 2011-10-24 [2012-07-14]. What the Insecticide patch is all about? to make the MoM game as bug-free and as AI-challenging and as user-friendly as possible without modifying the content. The patch now features more than 200 bug-fixes, AI improvements and interface changes.
  71. New year, New Master of Magic! v1.5 fan patch on realmsbeyond.net
  72. Wiesner, Thorsten. . golem.de. 2003-09-10 [2011-04-03] (德语).
  73. .
  74. .
  75. .
  76. Nine Years Later, Latin America's Leagues Keep MVP Baseball Alive on Kotaku by Owen Good (12/22/13)
  77. Lindbergh, Ben. . Grantland.com. April 14, 2015. Another factor in MVP’s favor: The game allows greater access to its innards than most titles. [...] 2K’s failure to match MVP’s approval rating despite several years of running unopposed on the PC market, made MVP the go-to game for modders even as it lost its looks relative to 2K and The Show. The community’s support peaked from 2005 through the first PC edition of 2K in 2009, tailed off for a time, and then ramped up again once Take-Two abandoned the PC market in 2013 and canceled 2K entirely last year. A decade of EA development made MVP the best baseball game on the PC market in 2005, and a decade of amateur development has helped it keep that title in 2015.
  78. Open-Source-Breathes-New-Life-Into-MVP-Baseball-2005-Video-Game on protecode.com by Sara Purdon (on Sep 15, 2015)
  79. O'Connor, Alice. . Rock, Paper, Shotgun. 2016-06-25 [2017-01-05].
  80. Fenlon, Wes. . PC Gamer. 2016-06-27 [2017-01-05].
  81. Sharkey, Mike. . gamespy.com. 2012-03-14 [2012-12-22]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-19).
  82. Quarn and Kivan. . nexumods.com. 2013-08-20 [2013-10-03]. [...]the goal of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch (aka USKP) is to eventually fix every bug with Skyrim not officially resolved by the developers [...]Hundreds of gameplay, quest, NPC, object, item, text and placement bugs fixed already
  83. . scharesoft.de. [2012-12-22]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-13) (德语). Die Erweiterung Skyrim - Director's Cut hat es sich zum Ziel gemacht, die deutsche Version von The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim so gut es geht zu verbessern. Vorrangig geht es darum, fehlende Übersetzungen nachzuholen und Texte und Begriffe so anzupassen, dass sie auch zu den vorherigen Teilen der Reihe passen. Mit dem beiliegenden inoffiziellen Skyrim-Patch werden zudem eine Vielzahl Fehler des eigentlichen Spiels, die die offiziellen Patches noch nicht korrigiert haben, behoben. Mit der Erweiterung könnt ihr außerdem alle englischsprachigen Texturen nun in deutscher Sprache vorfinden.
  84. Luke Reilly. . ign.com. 2015-11-30. former Attention to Detail programmer Robert Baker, who also still had a candle burning for Rollcage. Baker had been contacted by hardcore Rollcage fans asking for his help to keep Rollcage running on drastically newer PC hardware, 15 years down the track. “I can’t speak for other developers, but for myself, I’ve worked on a dozen games and Rollcage is the only game that I’ve personally supported after release,” says Baker. “I don’t hold the source code to many games as that belongs to the company that develops these games of course, but Rollcage was a bit different.”
  85. Trotter, William. . PC Gamer. May 1, 2003 [2017-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-10). gave source code to subsim.com [...] a fund raising drive netted more than $7000 to jump-start Project Messerwetzer [...] Skilled volunteers and playtesters rallied to the call [...] a free 5MB to 6MB patch that will be finally polished and playtested. The original crippling flaw, multiplayer instability, has been dramatically minimized
  86. Scott Parrino. . The Wargamer. 24 May 2003 [2017-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2005年11月30日). Subsim Review served as the gathering place for Projekt Messerwetzer, the project that brought Silent Hunter II - Destroyer Command computability to full fruition
  87. Projekt Messerwetzer "Silent Hunter II/Destroyer Command DirectPlay, Conversion and Multiplayer Upgrade, THIS UNOFFICIAL PATCH IS AUTHORIZED BY UBISOFT, HOWEVER, UBISOFT OFFERS NO SUPPORT." on subsim.com
  88. PM_Readme on subsim
  89. Thompson, Michael. . Ars Technica. 2009-10-06 [2013-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-22). After years of development, the cut content has been finally restored and the most of the bugs have been fixed, thanks to a project known as known as the "Restored Content Mod.
  90. Grayson, Nathan. . Rock, Paper, Shotgun. 2012-08-24 [2013-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-25). On top of that, the mod fixes “over 500″ bugs, because Obsidian, basically.
  91. Wilde, Tyler. . PC Gamer. 2012-07-26 [2012-09-26].
  92. Tsai, Andrew. . Rock, Paper, Shotgun. 2013-01-03 [2013-01-28]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-06).
  93. GPGNet Services Update 2 (GPGnet has been shutdown) 存檔,存档日期2014-12-19. on gaspowered.com
  94. . [2013-08-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-03).
  95. Hafer, T.J. . PC Gamer. 2012-11-19 [2014-08-28]. (原始内容存档于2014-09-03). The official multiplayer servers for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance have been decommissioned for a while now, but fortunately [...] the community-driven Forged Alliance Forever has emerged. The self-patching multiplayer client allows players of the epic real-time strategy title to continue blowing things up in massive quantities. It even adds new units, a new faction, and some game modes that weren't available on the official servers, such as 6v6.
  96. You're in charge! - From vital patches to game cancellations, players are often intimately involved. 页面存档备份,存于 by Christian Donlan on Eurogamer "The same thing happened at the end of last year, actually, when Supreme Commander fans released Forged Alliance Forever and gave the game the online client it could otherwise only dream of. I haven't played it much, but I still got a tear in my eye when I read about the extents these coders had gone to. There's nothing quite so wonderful to witness as love, and this is surely love of the very purest order." (2013-11-02)
  97. fans-rework-homeworld-2-system-shock-and-thief-2 on Eurogamer (2012-09-26)
  98. yerkyerk. . titanquest.net. 2009-06-03 [2012-07-27]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-06).
  99. spectre. . titanquest.net. 2012-02-06 [2014-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-01).
  100. Voyager. . reconstruction.voyd.net. 2007-04-08 [2011-05-28]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-11).
  101. Ultima IV Remastered v2.2.1 by Per Olofsson (29 May 2015)
  102. u4remastered on GitHub
  103. Neuhaus, Hanno. . gamestar.de. 2010-11-12 [2011-04-03] (德语).
  104. Meer, Alec. . rockpapershotgun.com. 2011-07-15 [2011-08-02]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-12). Bloodlines […] was essentially abandoned by its publisher after its developer closed a few months after release, but the fans have just kept on going, fixing things, improving things, digging up locked away extra content […]
  105. Haas, Pete. . GAMING BLEND. 2009-07-03 [2012-01-07].
  106. . goldhawkinteractive. [2015-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-10).
  107. . goldhawkinteractive.com. [2015-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-10).
  108. Treiber-Quellcode von 3dfx im Netz aufgetaucht - Von Nvidia offenbar geduldet by Christian Klaß on Golem.de (7 May 2003, in German)
  109. NuAngel.net Drivers on nuangel.net
  110. Leyden, John. . The Register. 2009-02-24 [2013-07-09]. Updated Security researchers have developed an unofficial patch for a zero-day Adobe Acrobat and Reader vulnerability that's become the subject of hacker attacks. Adobe acknowledged the vulnerability last week but said an official patch wouldn't be available until 11 March.
  111. These BIOSes are fixed to support HDDs over 32GB (up to 64GB) or over 64GB (up to 128GB) and are tested to work. by Ondrej Zary on rainbow-software.org
  112. Award BIOS Modifications by Petr Soucek on ryston.cz
  113. K6plus by Jan Steunebrink on inter.nl.net
  114. Kaplan, Dan. . scmagazine.com. 2012-08-27 [2013-07-09].
  115. DLL patch unlocks Windows 7, 8.1 updates on Ryzen, Kaby Lake by Gareth Halfacree on bit-tech.com (19th April 2017)
  116. Dirscherl, Hans-Christian. . PCWelt.de. 2005-11-29 [2011-04-06]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-12) (德语).
  117. Kuhbach, Sebastian. . winfuture.de. 2005-08-04 [2011-04-06]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-02) (德语).
  118. . fryeware.com. 2005 [2011-04-06]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-09). Win98: Enable 48-bit LBA patch for Windows 98 posted on MSFN.ORG - Implements 48-bit LBA support into Windows 98's default IDE driver to support hard drives larger than 137GB.
  119. Turner, Neil. . Neil Turner's blog. 2010-05-17 [2011-04-06]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-30).
  120. KernelEx by xeno86 SourceForge.net
  121. Tiensivu, Aaron. . Aaron Tiensivu's Blog. tiensivu.com. 2009-04-09 [2011-04-06]. (原始内容存档于2010-12-10). This is a fascinating project from a technical standpoint. They are implementing missing API calls used by newer applications that are missing from Windows 98 and Windows ME.
  122. Vahldiek, Axel. . heise online. 2007-03-20 [2011-04-06] (德语).
  123. . Golem.de. 2005-11-10 [2011-04-06] (德语).
  124. . Computer Weekly. 2006-03-30 [2013-07-09]. Another unofficial patch has been released to counter a critical flaw in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser.
  125. Abazovic, Fuad. . www.theinquirer.net. 2006-11-17 [2011-05-28].
  126. Fernando. . 2011-02-07 [2011-05-28]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-23). Many users with an nForce chipset mainboard, who are running or going to install Windows XP (32/64bit), are searching for actual nForce chipset drivers, which are suitable for their special chipset and will give them the best possible performance and stability of their system. NVIDIA itself doesn't offer them.
  127. AdvModDev. . 2008-01-13 [2011-05-28].
  128. Unofficial patch lets you hang up Palm Pre calls by closing the slider on Engadget by Donald Melanson (10.19.09)
  129. Barwise, Mike. . The H Security. 2007-10-16 [2012-01-29].
  130. Kennedy, Erik. . Ars Technica. 2007-01-28 [2012-01-29].
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