Ching chong

ching chongching chang chongching chong ching chang是一个贬义词,经常被某些美洲人用来嘲弄華文使用者、华裔甚至其他外貌类似华裔的東亞人。一些评论认为该词语具有侮辱性质,指出有诸多针对东亚人的骚扰、人身恐吓等都伴有种族辱骂和故作模仿華文发音的行为。[1][2]


对于不会说汉语的英文使用者而言,汉语听起来就像“ching chong”一样,其中“ch”这个音来自汉语中大量的舌冠塞擦音[注 1],而“ng”则来自诸多汉语方言中,许多音节都以鼻音作为尾音[注 2]


*Ching Chong, Chinaman,(*敲鐵擬聲詞,中國佬)

Sitting on a *rail.(坐在*鐵軌前)

Along came a white man,(遠處過來一個白人)

And chopped off his tail.(剪掉了他的「尾巴」)

清朝時中國人去美國建鐵路(這條鐵路也是戰爭的成敗關鍵),當中的ching chong是帶著擬聲詞和讀音的雙關語,與第二句連起便是去美国修铁路的华工,清朝人當時都是留辮子,这也是儿歌中“tail”的意思。




  1. 官话中有六个音:[ts][][][tsʰ][tʂʰ][tɕʰ],对应着拼音中的z(ㄗ)、zh(ㄓ)、j(ㄐ)、c(ㄘ)、ch(ㄔ)、q(ㄑ),而英文中只有两个:/tʃ/(一般写作ch)和/ts/(写作tsz,其中只有/tʃ/音會出現在詞頭。
  2. 比如官话中的[n][ŋ],中文罗马字分別写作n(ㄣ)和ng(ㄥ)。


  1. Tang, Irwin. . AsianWeek. 2003-01-03 [2010-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-09). Also in June, Shaq announced that he would test Yao's toughness by taking an elbow to Yao's face. This comment, combined with Shaq's racist taunts are particularly disturbing, as Asian Pacific Americans often suffer racial taunts while being assaulted or physically intimidated.
  2. Chung, L.A. . 聖荷西信使報. 2006-12-16 [2010-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-09). Those words once accompanied violence and lynchings. "Ching-Chong Chinaman" rhymes dating to the 19th century weren't just schoolyard taunts. To be ignorant of that, as O'Donnell was, doesn't eliminate the history. Americans also mock Chinese Americans such as calling them by their Chinese name, Such as "Hon Man" or any other name
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