科纳斯组织(Khronos Group)是一个由成员资助的,专注于制定开放标准(Open standard)的行业协会,重点制定免费的API,使在各种平台和设备上创作或播放的多媒体可以得到硬件加速。所有Khronos成员都能够对Khronos API规范的发展作出贡献,在API公开发布前提出自己的意见,在规范制定初期得到草案并进行平台和应用程序测试。
標語 | Open Standards for Media Authoring and Acceleration |
成立時間 | 2000年 |
類型 | 聯盟 |
目標 | Creating open standard APIs to enable the authoring and playback of rich media on a wide variety of platforms and devices. |
總部 | 美国,俄勒冈州比佛頓市 |
地點 |
坐標 | 45.508407°N 122.834305°W |
服務地區 | 全球 |
主席 | 尼尔·特里维特 |
網站 | Khronos Group |
- COLLADA, a file-format intended to facilitate interchange of 3D assets
- EGL, an interface between Khronos rendering APIs such as OpenGL ES or OpenVG and the underlying native platform window system[4]
- glTF, a file format specification for 3D scenes and models[5]
- OpenCL,跨平台通用计算API。[6]
- OpenGL,跨平台计算机图形API。
- OpenGL ES,OpenGL的衍生产品,用于移动和嵌入式系统,如手机、便携式游戏设备等。
- OpenGL SC, a safety critical profile of OpenGL ES designed to meet the needs of the safety-critical market
- OpenKCam, Advanced Camera Control API
- OpenKODE, an API for providing abstracted, portable access to operating system resources such as file systems, networks and math libraries
- OpenMAX, a layered set of three programming interfaces of various abstraction levels, providing access to multimedia functionality
- OpenML, an API for capturing, transporting, processing, displaying, and synchronizing digital media
- OpenSL ES, an audio API tuned for embedded systems, standardizing access to features such as 3D positional audio and MIDI playback
- OpenVG,二维矢量图形加速API。
- OpenVX, Hardware acceleration API for Computer Vision applications and libraries
- OpenWF, APIs for 2D graphics composition and display control
- OpenXR, an open and royalty-free standard for virtual reality and augmented reality applications and devices
- SPIR, an intermediate compiler target for OpenCL and Vulkan
- StreamInput, an API for consistently handling input devices
- SYCL, a single-source C++ DSEL for heterogeneous computing
- Vulkan, a low-overhead computer graphics API
- WebCL,将浏览器中的JavaScript绑定到OpenCL。
- WebGL,将任意平台上浏览器中的JavaScript绑定到OpenGL ES,支持OpenGL或OpenGL ES图形标准。
- 创始会员 - 拥有完整的工作组参与权和投票权,以及向科纳斯董事会指定董事的权利。
- 贡献者会员 - 拥有完整的工作组参与权和投票权。
- 准会员 - 拥有完整的工作组参与权,但没有投票权。
- 学术会员 - 拥有完整的工作组参与权,但没有投票权。
- ATI(在被AMD收购之前)
- 创新科技
- 愛立信
- id Software
- 卢卡斯影业
- 摩托罗拉
- Oracle/Sun Microsystems
- 科纳斯组织(Khronos Group)注重中国在国际主要技术标准方面的融入
- OpenGL ARB to pass control of OpenGL specification to Khronos Group 的存檔,存档日期2014-12-03., Khronos press release
- OpenGL ARB to Pass Control of OpenGL Specification to Khronos Group, AccessMyLibrary Archive
- . Khronos website. October 15, 2009.
- . Khronos website. September 2, 2016.
- . Khronos press release. June 16, 2008.
- . khronos.org.
- Wawro, Alex. . Gamasutra. September 22, 2015.
- . khronos.org.
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