圣经预言(英語: 或 )指根据《圣经》中先知的行为、教导等对于未来时间的预示[1]。有关预言的记载在整部《圣经》中广泛存在,尤其多见于《以西结书》、《但以理书》、橄榄山讲论(《马太福音》第24、25章)、分羊的比喻(《马太福音》第25章)以及《启示录》等。圣经预言的信仰者对经文进行了解释,他们认为这些经文包含了对于自然灾害、以色列国未来命运、弥赛亚的到来、上帝的国度以及末世的信息。
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聖經研究 |
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- . [2012-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-25).
- Amerding, Carl E., and W. Ward Gasque, Handbook of Biblical Prophecy, Grand Rapids, Baker, 1977.
- Boyer, Paul, When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1992.
- Cross, F. L., and E. A. Livingstone, eds., The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, "Prophecy", pp. 1132–1133, 2nd ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1974.
- Russell, D. S., Prophecy and the Apocalyptic Dream, Peabury, Massachusetts, Hendrickson, 1994.
- Stoner, Peter, Science Speaks, Chapter 2: Prophetic Accuracy, Chicago, Moody Press, 1963. (online version available)
- Taylor, Hawley O., "Mathematics and Prophecy", Modern Science and Christian Faith, Wheaton,: Van Kampen, 1948, pp. 175–183.
- Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, (Prophecy, p. 1410, Book of Ezekiel, p. 580), Chicago, Moody Bible Press, 1986.
- Witztum, D.; Rips, E.; Rosenberg, Y. . Statistical Science. 1994, 9 (3): 429–438. ISSN 0883-4237. JSTOR 2246356.
- McKay, B.; Bar-Natan, D.; Bar-Hillel, M.; Kalai, G. . Statistical Science. 1999, 14 (2): 150–173. JSTOR 2676736.
- Jeffrey, Grant R., Armageddon:Appointment With Destiny, Bantam (1988)
- Prophecy Charts
- Custance, Arthur, "Prophetic Fulfillments That Are Irrefutable: Or, A Tale of Two Cities"
- Bratcher, Dennis, "Doomsday Prophets: The Difference between Prophetic and Apocalyptic Eschatology" From CRI/Voice, Institute, 2006.
- Pratt, Richard L. Jr. "Historical Contingencies and Biblical Predictions" - An essay on the importance of conditionality in Bible prophecy
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