

猎鹰9號FT Block 5[1][2]是猎鹰9号的最新版本,火箭在Block 3 和 Block 5中的最大變化是所有發動機上的更高推力和著陸腿的改進。此外,許多小的變化將有助於簡化恢復和可重用性。第一級助推器改變的重點是提高生產速度和重複使用的效率。SpaceX的目標是每一個Block 5 助推器飛行10次,只有檢查兩次,最多100次翻新。

2018年5月11日,獵鷹9號FT Block 5 的處女航發射了 Bangabandhu-1 衛星。

2018年6月29日,獵鷹9號 Block 4 執飛了該版本的最後一個任務-發射龍飛船 CRS-15 到國際太空站。這也是一個由Block 4 到全 Block 5 執飛的過渡期。


任务编号 时间 (UTC) 型号 发射场 载荷 载荷质量 轨道 用户 结果


Falcon 9 Flight 1 2010年6月4日18:45 v1.0[3] CC LC40 龙飞船认证飞行 LEO 太空探索科技公司 成功 未嘗試
Falcon 9 Flight 2 2010年12月8日15:43[4] v1.0[3] CC LC40 NASA COTS – Demo 1,2立方星[5] LEO NASA商业轨道运输服务美国国家侦察局 成功 未嘗試
Falcon 9 Flight 3 2012年5月22日07:44[6] v1.0[3] CC LC40 NASA COTS – Demo C2+[7] 525
LEO NASA商业轨道运输服务 成功[8] 未嘗試
Falcon 9 Flight 4 2012年10月8日00:34[9] v1.0[3] CC LC40 Primary payload: SpaceX CRS-1[10] 500
LEO NASA商业轨道运输服务 成功 未嘗試
次级载荷: Orbcomm (satellite)[11] 172
LEO Orbcomm 失敗[12][13]
Falcon 9 Flight 5 2013年3月1日15:10[14] v1.0[3] CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-2[15][16] 677
LEO NASA商业轨道运输服务 成功 未嘗試
Falcon 9 Flight 6 2013年9月29日16:00 v1.1[3] VAFB Vandenberg AFB Space Launch Complex 4 CASSIOPE[17] 500
极轨道 MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates 成功 海中(無回收船)
Falcon 9 Flight 7 2013年12月3日22:41[18] v1.1 CC LC40 SES-8[19][20] 3,170
GTO SES S.A. 成功[21] 未嘗試


Falcon 9 Flight 8 2014年1月6日22:06[22] v1.1 CC LC40 Thaicom 6 3,325
GTO Thaicom 成功[23] 未嘗試
Falcon 9 Flight 9 2014年4月18日19:25[24] v1.1 CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-3[15][16] 2,296
LEO NASA商业轨道运输服务 成功 海中(無回收船)
Falcon 9 Flight 10 2014年7月14日15:15 v1.1 CC LC40 Falcon 9 Flight 10
LEO Orbcomm 成功[25] 海中(無回收船)
Falcon 9 Flight 11 2014年8月5日08:00 v1.1 CC LC40 AsiaSat 8[26][27][28] 4,535
GTO 亞洲衛星 成功[29] 未嘗試
Falcon 9 Flight 12 2014年9月7日05:00 v1.1 CC LC40 AsiaSat 6[26][27][30] 4,428
GTO 亞洲衛星 成功[31] 未嘗試
SpaceX CRS-4 2014年9月21日05:52[32][33] v1.1 CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-4[16] 2,216
LEO NASA商业轨道运输服务 成功[34] 海中(無回收船)


Falcon 9 Flight 14 2015年1月10日09:47[35] v1.1 CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-5[26] 2,395
LEO NASA商业轨道运输服务 成功[36] 海上回收
Falcon 9 Flight 15 2015年2月11日23:03[37] v1.1 CC LC40 DSCOVR[38] 570
地-日 L1 美国空军 / 美国国家航空航天局 / 美国国家海洋和大气管理局 成功 海中(無回收船)
16 2015年3月2日03:50[39][40] v1.1 CC LC40 ABS-3A,
Eutelsat 115 West B (ex-Satmex 7)[26]
GTO Asia Broadcast Satellite,
Eutelsat Satmex)
成功 未嘗試
Falcon 9 Flight 17 2015年4月14日20:10[39] v1.1 CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-6[26] 1,898
LEO NASA商业轨道运输服务 成功 海上回收
Falcon 9 Flight 18 2015年4月27日23:03[41] v1.1 CC LC40 TurkmenAlem52E/MonacoSAT [42] 4,707
GTO Turkmenistan National Space Agency[43] 成功 未嘗試
SpaceX CRS-7 2015年6月28日14:21[39][44] v1.1 CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-7[26] 1,952
LEO NASA商业轨道运输服务 失敗[45] 未嘗試
Falcon 9 Flight 20 2015年12月22日01:29[46] 獵鷹9號全推力版 CC LC40 Orbcomm OG-2[46]
11 OG2 satellites
LEO Orbcomm 成功 陆地回收


Falcon 9 Flight 21 2016年1月17日18:42[39] v1.1 VAFB SLC-4E Jason-3[47] 553
LEO 美国国家航空航天局, 美国国家海洋和大气管理局,
成功 海上回收
Falcon 9 Flight 22 2016年3月4日23:35[39] 獵鷹9號全推力版 CC LC40 SES-9[48][49] 5,271
GTO SES S.A. 成功 海上回收
Falcon 9 Flight 23 2016年4月8日20:43[39] 獵鷹9號全推力版 CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-8[49] 3,136
LEO NASA商业轨道运输服务 成功[50] 海上回收
Falcon 9 Flight 24 2016年5月6日05:21[39] 獵鷹9號全推力版 CC LC40 JCSAT-14[51] 4,696
GTO JSAT公司 成功 海上回收
Falcon 9 Flight 25 2016年5月27日21:39[39] 獵鷹9號全推力版 CC LC40 Thaicom 8 3,100
GTO Thaicom 成功 海上回收
Falcon 9 Flight 26 2016年6月15日14:29[39] 獵鷹9號全推力版 CC LC40 ABS 2A,
Eutelsat 117 West B (ex-Satmex 9)
GTO Asia Broadcast Satellite,
Eutelsat (Satmex)
成功 海上回收
Falcon 9 Flight 27 2016年7月18日04:45[39] 獵鷹9號全推力版 CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-9[52]


LEO NASA商业轨道运输服务 成功 陆地回收
Falcon 9 Flight 28 2016年8月14日05:26 獵鷹9號全推力版 CC LC40 JCSAT-16 4,600
GTO SKY Perfect JSAT Group 成功 海上回收
不適用 2016年9月1日13:07 獵鷹9號全推力版 CC LC40 Amos-6[54] 5,500
GTO Spacecom 失败


29 2017年1月14日 17:54 獵鷹9號全推力版 VAFB SLC-4E Iridium NEXT 1-10[56][57][58] 9,600
LEO 銥衛星 成功 海上回收
30 2017年2月19日 14:39 獵鷹9號全推力版 KSC LC-39A SpaceX CRS-10[52] 2,490
LEO NASA商业轨道运输服务 成功 陸地回收
31 2017年3月16日 06:00 獵鷹9號全推力版
KSC LC-39A EchoStar 23 5,600
GTO EchoStar 成功 未嘗試
32 2017年3月30日 22:27 獵鷹9號全推力版
KSC LC-39A SES-10 5,300
GTO SES 成功 海上回收
33 2017年5月1日 11:15 獵鷹9號全推力版
KSC LC-39A NROL-76 机密 LEO 美國國家偵察局 成功 陸地回收
34 2017年5月15日 23:21 獵鷹9號全推力版
KSC LC-39A Inmarsat-5 F4 6,070
GTO 國際海事衛星組織 成功 未嘗試
35 2017年6月3日 21:07 獵鷹9號全推力版
KSC LC-39A SpaceX CRS-11 2,708
LEO NASA商业轨道运输服务 成功 陸地回收
36 2017年6月23日 19:10 獵鷹9號全推力版
KSC LC-39A BulgariaSat-1 3,669
GTO Bulsatcom 成功 海上回收
第二次复用火箭:B1029於2017年1月銥衛星任務後再次用於發射GTO任務,不過降落之後,馬斯克在推特表示B1029「烤過頭了」,因此可能會退役。[66] BulgariaSat-1保加利亞第一顆商業通訊衛星,將會為歐洲東南地區提供電視廣播和其他通訊服務。[66]
37 2017年6月25日 20:25 獵鷹9號全推力版 
VAFB SLC-4E Iridium NEXT 11–20 9,600
LEO 銥衛星 成功 海上回收
38 2017年7月5日 23:38 獵鷹9號全推力版 
KSC LC-39A Intelsat 35e[70] 6,761
GTO Intelsat 成功 未尝试
39 2017年8月14日 16:31 獵鷹9號全推力版/B4
KSC LC-39A SpaceX CRS-12[52] 3,310
近地軌道 NASA (Commercial Resupply Services) 成功 成功
龙飞船携带了2,349(5,179磅)的加压货物与961(2,119磅) 的非加压货物。非加压货物包括CREAM宇宙射线探测器。[73]Block 4的首飞。Block 4升级包括主发动机增推和其他一些小改进。[72]最后一次发射全新的龙飞船加压舱,今后的任务将使用翻新后的回收飞船。[74]
40 2017年8月24日 18:50 獵鷹9號全推力版
VAFB SLC-4E 福爾摩沙衛星五號(FORMOSAT-5)[76][77][78] 475
太陽同步軌道 國家太空中心 成功 成功
福爾摩沙衛星五號是台灣國家太空中心的一颗地球观测卫星Spaceflight Industries的太空拖船SHERPA从该次任务的载荷中被移除。[79]
41 2017年9月7日 14:00 獵鷹9號全推力版/B4
KSC LC-39A Boeing X-37B OTV-5 4,990
(11,000磅) + 未知载荷
近地軌道 美国空军 成功 成功
42 2017年10月9日 12:37 獵鷹9號全推力版/B4
VAFB SLC-4E Iridium NEXT 21–30 9,600
近地軌道 銥衛星 成功 成功
43 2017年10月11日 22:53 獵鷹9號全推力版
KSC LC-39A SES-10 / EchoStar 105 5,200
成功 成功
44 2017年10月30日 19:34 獵鷹9號全推力版
KSC LC-39A Koreasat 5A 3,500
GTO KT公司 成功 成功
45 2017年12月15日 15:36 獵鷹9號全推力版
CC LC40 SpaceX CRS-13 2,205
近地軌道 NASA (Commercial Resupply Services) 成功 成功
46 2017年12月23日 01:27 獵鷹9號全推力版/B4
VAFB SLC-4E Iridium NEXT 31–40 9,600
近地軌道 銥衛星 成功 未嘗試


任务编号 时间 (UTC) 型号 发射场 载荷 载荷质量 轨道 用户 结果
47 2018年1月8日,01:00[80] F9 B4
Zuma (satellite)[81][82][83] Classified LEO 诺斯洛普·格鲁门[lower-alpha 1][81] 成功[84]
(payload status unclear)
48 2018年1月31日,21:25[85] 獵鷹9號全推力版
CCAFS SLC-40 GovSat-1[87] 4,230
GTO SES S.A. 成功 成功[lower-alpha 2]
FH 1 2018年2月6日,20:45[89] Heavy core
KSC LC-39A 伊隆·马斯克的特斯拉Roadster[90][91] ~1,250
SpaceX 成功[93] 失敗[93]
B1023.2[94] (side) ♺ 成功
B1025.2[94] (side) ♺ 成功
49 2018年2月22日,14:17[95] 獵鷹9號全推力版
成功 未嘗試
50 2018年3月6日,05:33[99] F9 B4
CCAFS SLC-40 Hispasat 30W-6[101]
GTO Hispasat[101]
成功 未知[lower-alpha 2]
51 2018年3月30日
F9 B4
VAFB SLC-4E Iridium NEXT 41–50[56] 9,600
LEO 铱卫星 成功 未知[lower-alpha 2]
52 2018年4月2日
F9 B4
CCAFS SLC-40 SpaceX CRS-14[52] 2,647
LEO NASACommercial Resupply Services 成功 未嘗試[107]
The launch used a refurbished booster (from SpaceX CRS-12) and a refurbished capsule (C110 from CRS-8).[106] External payloads include a materials research platform MISSE-FF[108] phase 3 of the Robotic Refueling Mission[109] TSIS,[110] ASIM heliophysics sensor,[73] several crystallization experiments,[111] and the RemoveDEBRIS system aimed at space debris removal.[112] The booster was expended, and SpaceX collected more data on reentry profiles.[107] It also carried the first Costa Rican satellite, Project Irazú,[113] and the first 肯尼亚n satellite, 1KUNS-PF.[114]
53 2018年4月18日 22:51[115] F9 B4
Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)[116] 362
High Earth orbit for P/2 orbit NASA (Launch Services Program) 成功[118] 成功[118]
First NASA high-priority science mission launched by SpaceX. Part of the Explorers program, TESS is space telescope intended for wide-field search of exoplanets transiting nearby stars. It was the first time SpaceX launched a scientific satellite not primarily intended for Earth observations. The second stage placed the spacecraft into a high elliptical Earth orbit, after which the satellite's own booster is scheduled to perform complex maneuvers, including a lunar flyby, such that over the course of two months it will reach a stable 2:1 resonant orbit with the Moon.[119] In January 2018, SpaceX received NASA's Launch Services Program Category 2 certification of its Falcon 9 "Full Thrust", certification which is required for launching "medium-risk" missions like TESS.[120] Last launch of a new Block 4 booster,[121] and the 24th successful recovery of the first stage. An experimental water landing of the launch fairing was performed in order to attempt fairing recovery, primarily as a test of parachute systems.[117][118]
54 2018年5月11日
獵鷹9號 Block 5[123]
Bangabandhu-1[124][125] 3,600
GTO Thales-Alenia/Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission 成功[127] 成功[127]
First Falcon 9 Full Thrust Block 5 launch vehicle booster to fly. Initially planned for an Ariane 5 launch in December 2017,[128] it became the first Bangladeshi commercial satellite,[129] built by Thales-Alenia.[130][131] It is intended to serve telecom services from 119° E with a lifetime of 15 years.[132] It was the 25th successfully recovered first stage booster.[127]
55 2018年5月22日
F9 B4
(14,240英磅)[lower-alpha 3]
极轨道 LEO 成功[141] 未嘗試
Sixth Iridium NEXT mission launching 5 satellites used the refurbished booster from Zuma. GFZ arranged a rideshare of GRACE-FO on a Falcon 9 with Iridium following the cancellation of their Dnepr launch contract in 2015.[136] Iridium CEO Matt Desch disclosed in September 2017 that GRACE-FO would be launched on this mission.[143] The booster reuse turnaround was a record 4.5 months between flights.[144]
56 2018年6月4日
F9 B4
SES-12[146] 5,384
GTO SES S.A. 成功[148] 未嘗試
The communications satellite serving the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region at the same place as SES-8, and was the largest satellite built for SES.[146] The Block 4 first stage was expended,[147] while the second stage was a Block 5 version, delivering more power towards a higher supersynchronous transfer orbit with 58,000(36,000英里) apogee.[149]
57 2018年6月29日
F9 B4
SpaceX CRS-15 2,697
(5,946英磅)[152][lower-alpha 4]
LEO (ISS) NASA (Commercial Resupply Services) 成功[153] 未嘗試
Payload included MISSE-FF 2, ECOSTRESS, and a Latching End Effector. The refurbished booster featured a record 2.5 months period turnaround from its original launch of the TESS satellite — the fastest previous was 4.5 months. This was the last commercial flight of a Block 4 booster, which was expended into the Atlantic without landing legs and grid fins.[154]
58 2018年7月22日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1047.1
Telstar 19V[156] 7,075
GTO[158] Telesat 成功[159] 成功[159]
SSL (company)-manufactured communications satellite intended to be placed at 63° West over the Americas,[160] replacing Telstar 14R.[158] At 7,075 kg, it became the heaviest commercial communications satellite ever launched.[161][162] This necessitated that the satellite be launched into a lower-energy orbit than a usual GTO, with its initial apogee at roughly 17,900 km.[158]
59 2018年7月25日
獵鷹9號 Block 5[164]
Falcon 9 booster B1048.1[165]
Iridium NEXT-7
(10 satellites)[56]
Polar LEO 铱卫星 成功[166] 成功[167]
Seventh Iridium NEXT launch, with 10 communication satellites.[166] The booster landed safely on the drone ship in the worst weather conditions for any landing yet attempted.[167][166] Mr. Steven boat with an upgraded 4x size net was used to attempt fairing recovery but failed due to harsh weather.[167][166]
60 2018年8月7日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1046.2[169]
Merah Putih (satellite) (formerly Telkom 4)[170][171] 5,800
GTO Telkom Indonesia 成功[173] 成功[173]
Indonesian comsat intended to replace the aging Telkom 1 at 108° E.[174] First reflight of a Block 5-version booster.[175]
61 2018年9月10日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Telstar 18V / 亞太衛星-5C[156] 7,060
GTO[176] Telesat 成功[176] 成功[176]
Condosat for 138° East over Asia and Pacific.[177] Delivered to a GTO orbit with apogee close to 18,000 km.[176]
62 2018年10月8日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1048.2[179]
SAOCOM 1A[180][181] 3,000
SSO CONAE 成功[178] 成功[178]
Argentinian Earth-observation satellite was originally intended to be launched in 2012.[182] First landing on the SpaceX Landing Zone 4.[178]
63 2018年11月15日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1047.2[96]
Es'hail 2[184] 5,300
GTO Es'hailSat 成功[186] 成功[186]
Qatari comsat positioned at 26° E.[184] This launch used redesigned Composite overwrapped pressure vessel used to store helium to pressurize the stage’s propellant tanks. SpaceX redesigned those COPVs after the September 2016 pad explosion in order to meet NASA safety requirements for future commercial crew missions.[187]
64 2018年12月3日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1046.3
SSO-A (SmallSat Express) ~4,000
SSO Spaceflight Industries 成功[190] 成功[190]
Rideshare mission[191] where two SHERPA dispensers deployed 64 small satellites,[192][193] including EuCROPIS[194] for the German DLR, HIBER-2 for the Dutch Hiber Global,[195] ITASAT-1 for the Brazilian Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica,[196] two high-resolution SkySat imaging satellites for Planet Labs,[197] and two high school CubeSats part of NASA's Educational Launch of Nanosatellites.[198] Kazakhstan decided to use Falcon 9 to launch their 2 satellites, even with the Baikonur Cosmodrome space launch facility within its own borders. This was the first time a booster was used for a third flight.
65 2018年12月5日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
SpaceX CRS-16 2,500
(5,600英磅)[199][lower-alpha 4]
LEO (ISS) NASA (Commercial Resupply Services) 成功 失败[200]
First CRS mission with the Falcon 9 Block 5. This carried the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation lidar (GEDI) as an external payload.[201] The mission was delayed by one day due to moldy rodent food for one of the experiments on the Space Station. A previously flown Dragon spacecraft was used for the mission. The booster, in use for the first time, experienced a grid fin hydraulic pump stall on reentry, which caused it to spin out of control and touchdown at sea, heavily damaging the interstage section; this was the first failed landing attempt on a ground pad.[200][202]
66 2018年12月23日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
GPS IIIA-01 4,400
MEO U.S. Air Force 成功 [203] 未嘗試
Initially planned for a Delta IV launch,[206] this was SpaceX's first launch of an Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle-class payload.[207] There was no attempt to recover the first-stage booster for reuse [208][204] due to the customer's requirements, including a high inclination orbit of 55°.[209]


任务编号 时间 (UTC) 版本型號 发射场 载荷 载荷质量 轨道 用户 结果 獵鷹9號一級推進器著陸測試
67 January 11, 2019
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1049[211]
Iridium NEXT-8
(10 satellites)[56]
极轨道 近地轨道 铱卫星 成功 成功
(drone ship)
Final launch of the Iridium NEXT contract, launching 10 satellites.
68 February 22, 2019
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1048.3[213]
成功 成功
(drone ship)
Nusantara Satu is a private Indonesian comsat planned to be located at 146° E,[214] with a launch mass of 4100 kg,[217] and featuring electric propulsion for orbit-raising and station-keeping.[218][219] S5, a 60-kg smallsat by the 美国空军研究实验室, was piggybacked on Nusantara Satu, and was deployed near its GEO position to perform a classified space situational awareness mission. This launch opportunity was brokered by Spaceflight Industries as "GTO-1".[216]

The Beresheet Moon lander (initially called Sparrow) was one of the candidates for the Google月球X大奖, whose developers SpaceIL had secured a launch contract with Spaceflight Industries in October 2015.[220] Its launch mass was 585 kg including fuel.[221] After separating into a supersynchronous transfer orbit[222] with an apogee of 69,400 km,[223][221] Beresheet raised its orbit by its own power over two months and flew to the Moon.[222][224] After successfully getting into lunar orbit, Beresheet attempted to land on the Moon on 11 April 2019 but failed.[225]

69 March 2, 2019
獵鷹9號 Block 5
(Dragon C201)
(26,577英磅)[229][lower-alpha 5]
近地轨道 (国际空间站) 美国国家航空航天局Commercial Crew Development 成功 成功
(drone ship)
First flight of the SpaceX 龙飞船2号. This was the first demonstration flight for the Commercial Crew Development which awarded SpaceX a contract in September 2014 with flights hoped as early as 2015.[230] The Dragon performed an autonomous docking to the ISS 27 hours after launch with the hatch being opened roughly 2 hours later.[231] The vehicle spent nearly a week docked to the ISS to test critical functions. It undocked roughly a week later on March 8 and splashed down six hours later at 13:45.[232] The Dragon used on this flight was scheduled to fly on the inflight abort test in mid-2019 but was destroyed during testing.[233] The booster B1051.1 replaced B1050[234] and flew again on June 12.
FH 2 April 11, 2019
B1055 core[235]
Arabsat-6A[236] 6,465
地球同步轉移軌道 阿拉伯卫星通信组织 成功 成功[lower-alpha 6]
(drone ship)
(ground pad)
(ground pad)
Second flight of 獵鷹重型, the first commercial flight, and the first one using Falcon 9 Block 5 boosters. SpaceX successfully landed the side boosters at Landing Zone 1 and LZ2 and reused the side boosters later for the Space Test Program mission. The central core landed on Autonomous spaceport drone ship Of Course I Still Love You, located 967 km downrange, the furthest sea landing so far attempted.[239] Despite the successful landing, due to rough seas the central core was unable to be secured to the deck for recovery and later tipped overboard in transit.[240][241] SpaceX recovered the fairing from this launch and later reused it in the November 2019 星链 launch.[242][243] Arabsat-6A, a 6,465 kg Saudi satellite, is the most advanced commercial communications satellite so far built by 洛克希德·马丁.[244] The Falcon Heavy delivered the Arabsat-6A into a supersynchronous transfer orbit with 90,000(56,000英里) apogee with an inclination of 23 degrees to the equator.[245]
70 May 4, 2019
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1056[234]
CCAFS SLC-40 SpaceX CRS-17[52]
(Dragon C113.2)
(5,501英磅)[246][lower-alpha 4]
近地轨道 (国际空间站) 美国国家航空航天局Commercial Resupply Services 成功 成功
(drone ship)
A Commercial Resupply Services to the 国际空间站 carrying nearly 2.5 tons of cargo including the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 3 as an external payload.[246] Originally planned to land at Landing Zone 1, the landing was moved to the drone ship after a Dragon 2 had an anomaly during testing at LZ-1.[247]
71 May 24, 2019
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1049[248]
CCAFS SLC-40 星链 v0.9
(60 satellites)
近地轨道 SpaceX 成功 成功
(drone ship)
Following the launch of the two Tintin test satellites, this was the first full scale test launch of the Starlink constellation, launching "production design" satellites.[250][251][252] Each Starlink satellite has a mass of 227 kg,[253] and the combined launch mass was 13,620kg the heaviest payload launched by SpaceX at that time.[254] The fairings were recovered[255] and reused for Starlink L5 in March 2020.[256] These are the first commercial satellites to use as fuel for their 离子推力器s, which is cheaper than the usual fuel.[257]
72 June 12, 2019
獵鷹9號 Block 5
RADARSAT Constellation
(3 satellites)
(9,300英磅) [258]
太阳同步轨道 加拿大太空局 成功 成功
(ground pad)
A trio of satellites built for Canada's RADARSAT program were launched that plan to replace the aging RADARSAT-1 and 2. The new satellites contain Automated Identification System (AIS) for locating ships.[258] The mission was originally scheduled to lift off in February but due to the landing failure of booster B1050, this flight was switched to B1051 (used on SpX-DM1) and delayed to allow refurbishment and transport to the West coast.[234] The booster landed safely through fog.[259] A payload cost of roughly $1 billion made this SpaceX's most expensive payload launched[260] and most valuable commercial payload ever put into orbit.[261][260]
FH 3 June 25, 2019
B1057 core[234]
Space Test Program Flight 2 (STP-2) 3,700
近地轨道 / 中地球轨道 美国空军 成功 失败
(drone ship)
(side) ♺
(ground pad)
(side) ♺
(ground pad)
美国空军 Space Test Program Flight 2 (STP-2)[263] carried 24 small satellites,[264] including: 國家太空中心 (中華民國)-7 A/B/C/D/E/F integrated using EELV Secondary Payload Adapter,[265] Demonstration and Science Experiments, Prox-1[266] Green Propellant Infusion Mission,[267] Deep Space Atomic Clock,[268] Innovative Space-based Radar Antenna Technology, SET,[269] 福爾摩沙衛星七號, Oculus-ASR, OBT, NPSat,[270] and several CubeSats including E-TBEx,[271] LightSail 2,[272] TEPCE, PSAT, and three Educational Launch of Nanosatellites CubeSats. Total payload mass was 3,700 kg.[273] The mission lasted six hours during which the second stage ignited four times and went into different orbits to deploy satellites including a "propulsive passivation maneuver".[274][275]

The side boosters from the Arabsat-6A mission just 2.5 months before were reused on this flight and successfully returned to LZ-1 and LZ-2.[234] The center core, in use for the first time, underwent the most energetic reentry attempted by SpaceX, and attempted a landing over 1,200(750英里) downrange, 30% further than any previous landing.[276] This core suffered a thrust vector control failure in the center engine caused by a breach in the engine bay due to the extreme heat. The core thus failed its landing attempt on the drone ship Of Course I Still Love You due to lack of control when the outer engines shut down.[277] For the first time one fairing half was successfully landed on the catch-net of the support ship GO Ms. Tree (ship) (formerly Mr. Steven).[278]

73 July 25, 2019
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1056[280]
CCAFS SLC-40 SpaceX CRS-18[52]
(Dragon C108.3)
(5,000英磅)[279][lower-alpha 4]
近地轨道 (国际空间站) 美国国家航空航天局Commercial Resupply Services 成功 成功
(ground pad)
This launch carried nearly 9,000 individual unique payloads including over one ton of science experiments, the most so far launched on a 龙飞船. The third International Docking Adapter (IDA-3), a replacement for the first IDA lost during the SpaceX CRS-7 launch anomaly, was one of the external payloads on this mission.[281] Along with food and science, the Dragon also carried the Educational Launch of Nanosatellites RFTSat CubeSat[282] and MakerSat-1 which will be used to demonstrate microgravity additive manufacturing. The satellite is expected to be launched by a 天鵝座宇宙飛船 dispenser later in July.

The booster used on this flight was the same used on SpaceX CRS-17 earlier in the year; originally, it was planned to reuse it again for the SpaceX CRS-19 mission later this year[283], but the plan was scrapped. For the first time, the twice flown 龙飞船 spacecraft also made a third flight.[284] Also used for the first time was a gray-band painted where the RP-1 tank is located, to help with thermal conductivity and thus saving fuel during long coasts.[285]

74 August 6, 2019
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1047[287]
CCAFS SLC-40 Amos-17[288] 6,500
地球同步轉移軌道 Spacecom 成功 No attempt[289]
Following the loss of AMOS-6 in September 2016, Spacecom was granted a free launch in compensation for the lost satellite.[290] Due to the free launch, Spacecom was able to expend the booster with no extra cost that comes with expending a booster, and thus could reach final orbit quicker. This booster became the second Block 5 booster to be expended.[289][291] For the second time, Ms. Tree managed to catch a fairing half directly into its net.[292]
75 November 11, 2019
獵鷹9號 Block 5
CCAFS SLC-40 星链 1 v1.0 (60 satellites) 15,600
近地轨道 Spacecom 成功 成功
(drone ship)
Second large batch of Starlink satellites and the first operational mission of the constellation, it launched in a roughly 290(180英里) orbit at an inclination of 53°. At 15,600 kg, it is the heaviest payload so far launched by SpaceX, breaking the record set by the Starlink v0.9 flight earlier that year.[249] This flight marked the first time that a Falcon 9 booster made a fourth flight and landing.[294] This was also the first time that a Falcon 9 re-used fairings (from ArabSat-6A in April 2019).[243] It was planned to recover the fairings with both Ms. Tree and Ms. Chief but the plan was abandoned due to rough seas.[249]
76 December 5, 2019
獵鷹9號 Block 5
CCAFS SLC-40 SpaceX CRS-19[297]
(Dragon C106.3)
(5,769英磅) [lower-alpha 4]
近地轨道 (国际空间站) 美国国家航空航天局Commercial Resupply Services 成功 成功
(drone ship)
Second re-supply flight to use a Cargo Dragon for the third time.[298] This flight carried Robotic Tool Stowage (RiTS), a docking station that allows equipment that looks for leaks on the Space Station be stored on the outside. Also onboard were upgrades for the Cold Atom Laboratory. Onboard experiments include the testing of the spread of fire in space, mating barley in microgravity and experiments to test muscle and bone growth in microgravity.[299] Secondary payloads include the Hyperspectral Imager Suite (HISUI), an experiment to image high resolution across all colours of the light spectrum, allowing for imaging of soil, rocks, vegetation, snow, ice and man-made objects. Additionally, there were three CubeSats from NASA's Educational Launch of Nanosatellites mission,[300] including the AztechSat-1 satellite built by students in Mexico.[299]
77 December 17, 2019
獵鷹9號 Block 5
CCAFS SLC-40 JSAT (satellite constellation) / Kacific 1[302] 6,956
地球同步轉移軌道 SKY Perfect JSAT集團
成功 成功
(drone ship)
Singaporean-Japanese CondoSat that will cover the Asia-Pacific region.[303] Due to the heavy weight of the payload, it was injected into a lower energy sub-synchronous orbit of 20,000 km; the satellite itself will transfer to full GTO. This was the third Falcon 9 launch for JSAT and the previous two were in 2016. SpaceX successfully landed B1056.3 but both fairing halves missed the recovery boats Ms. Tree and Ms. Chief.[304]


任務編號 發射時間(协调世界时) 版本型號 發射場 載荷 載荷質量 軌道 用戶 結果 獵鷹9號一級推進器著陸測試
78 2020年1月7日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
星链 2 v1.0 (60 satellites) 15,600
近地轨道 SpaceX 成功 成功
Starlink星座的第三次大批量飛行和第二次運行飛行。 60顆衛星中的一顆包含測試塗層,以使該衛星具有較低的反射性,因此也不太可能干擾基於地面的天文觀測。[306]
79 2020年1月19日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
龙飞船2号[308] (Dragon C205) 12,050
次軌道太空飛行[309] 美国国家航空航天局 (ISS Crew Transportation Services)[310] 成功 No attempt
An atmospheric test of the 龙飞船2号 abort system after Max Q. The capsule fired its SuperDraco engines, reached an apogee of 40 km(25 mi), deployed parachutes after reentry, and splashdown in the ocean 31 km(19 mi) downrange from the launch site. The test was previously slated to be accomplished with the SpX-DM1 capsule;[311] but that test article exploded during a ground test of SuperDraco engines on April 20, 2019.[233] The abort test used the capsule originally intended for the first crewed flight.[312] As expected, the booster was destroyed by aerodynamic forces after the capsule aborted.[313]
80 2020年1月29日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1051
星链 3 v1.0 (60 satellites) 15,600
近地轨道 SpaceX 成功 成功
部署在290公里圓形軌道上的第三批和第四批Starlink衛星。 一半的整流罩被抓住了,而另一半則被撈出了大海。[315]
81 2020年2月17日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1056
星链 4 v1.0 (60 satellites) 15,600
近地轨道 SpaceX 成功 失败
Fourth operational and fifth large batch of Starlink satellites. Used a new flight profile which deployed into a 212×386 km elliptical orbit instead of launching into a circular orbit and firing the second stage engine twice. The first stage booster failed to land on the drone ship[317] due to incorrect wind data.[318] This was the first time a flight proven booster failed to land.
82 2020年3月7日 04:50[319] 獵鷹9號 Block 5
SpaceX CRS-20
(Dragon C112.3)
(4,359英磅)[320] [lower-alpha 4]
近地轨道 (国际空间站) 美国国家航空航天局 (Commercial Resupply Services) 成功 成功
(ground pad)
Last launch of phase 1 of the CRS contract. Carries Bartolomeo, an 欧洲空间局 platform for hosting external payloads onto ISS.[321] Originally scheduled to launch on March 2, the launch date was pushed back due to a second stage engine failure. SpaceX decided to swap out the second stage instead of replacing the faulty part. It was SpaceX's 50th successful landing of a first stage booster, the third flight of the Dragon C112 and the last launch of the cargo 龙飞船 spacecraft.
83 2020年3月18日 12:16[322] 獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1048
星链 5 v1.0 (60 satellites) 15,600
近地轨道 SpaceX 成功 失败
Fifth operational launch of Starlink satellites. It was the first time a first stage booster flew for a fifth time and the second time the fairings were reused (Starlink flight in May 2019).[323] Towards the end for the first stage burn, the booster suffered premature shut down of an engine, the first of a 默林火箭发动机 variant and first since the CRS-1 mission in October 2012. However, the payload still reached the targeted orbit.[324] This was the second Starlink launch booster landing failure in a row, later revealed to be caused by residual cleaning fluid trapped inside a sensor.[325]
84 2020年4月22日 19:30[326] 獵鷹9號 Block 5
Falcon 9 booster B1051
星链 6 v1.0 (60 satellites) 15,600
近地轨道 SpaceX 成功 成功
Sixth operational launch of Starlink satellites. As the 84th flight of the Falcon 9 rocket, it became the most-flown currently operational US rocket, surpassing 擎天神5號運載火箭's 83 flights flown since 2002.[327]
85 2020年5月30日  19:22[105] 獵鷹9號 Block 5
(Dragon C206/Endeavour)
(26,577英磅)[329][lower-alpha 5]
近地轨道 (国际空间站) 美国国家航空航天局 (Commercial Crew Development) 成功 成功
First crewed orbital spaceflight from American soil since Space Shuttle STS-135 in July 2011. 龙飞船2号 carried its first crew, NASA astronauts Douglas Hurley and Bob Behnken, on a two to three month test mission, during which the astronauts will work as full-time 国际空间站 crew. This flight used a new booster. It is scheduled for a 6-16 week stay at ISS, and was the first NASA flight to use the NASA insignia since 1992. The live event proved immensely popular, amassing 10 million people watching live[330] of which 7.9 million viewers across 3 YouTube streams, with the SpaceX's stream hitting 4.1 million unique viewers at its peak. 唐納·川普 was the third sitting president to watch a crewed launch from Florida, and first since 1988.[331]
86 2020年6月4日 01:25[332] 獵鷹9號 Block 5
星鏈-7 v1.0 (60顆衛星) 15,600
LEO SpaceX 成功 成功
在獵鷹9號首飛10週年之際,第七次發射Starlink衛星。 隨附的“ VisorSat”衛星測試,使用遮光罩以減少反射率[333] First booster to successfully land five times, and first to land on 無人駕駛著陸船 since it was moved to the East Coast.
87 2020年6月13日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
Starlink 8 v1.0 (58顆衛星),[335][336]
LEO SpaceX / Planet Labs 成功 成功
Eighth operational launch of Starlink satellites. Included SkySat as rideshare payloads.[337] One payload fairing half launched on JSAT (satellite constellation) / Kacific Broadband Satellites 1 mission in December 2019. The other payload fairing half flew on Starlink 2 v1.0 in January 2020.[338] For the first time ever, SpaceX did not perform a static fire before launch.
88 2020年6月30日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
GPS卫星-GPS卫星列表 (Columbus)[207] 4,311
MEO 美國太空軍[340] 成功 成功
(drone ship)
Manufacturing contract awarded January 2012,[341] was fully assembled in August 2017,[342][343] and completed thermal vacuum testing in June 2018.[344] The launch contract was awarded to SpaceX for $96.5 million,[345] but later, this price was discounted in exchange for allowing to launch configuration enabling booster recovery.[346] The Columbus GPS III vehicle was transported to Florida in February 2020.[347] The launch was delayed by the customer from April 2020 due to the 2019冠状病毒病 pandemic.[348] This flight was dedicated to the memory of the late commander of the 45th Operations Group, COL Thomas G. Falzarano, who died unexpectedly on 13 May 2020.[349][350]
89 2020年7月20日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
ANASIS-II 5000-6000 kg 地球同步轉移軌道 韓國陸軍 成功 成功
(drone ship)
At 5-6 tonnes, the satellite formerly known as K-Milsat-1 will be South Korea's first dedicated military satellite. Contracted by South Korea's Defense Acquisition Program Administration in 2014.[353] This is the second mission for this Falcon booster, designated B1058, and 57th successful recovery of a Falcon 9 first stage. Both fairing halves were also successfully caught by Ms. Tree (ship).[354] This is also the fastest turnaround time of the a booster, reflight within 51 days. It was the same booster that launched the 载人龙飞船示范2号 spacecraft on May 30.[351] The satellite was delivered to a Super-Synchronous Transfer Orbit of 211 x 45,454 km.
90 2020年8月7日,
獵鷹9號 Block 5
星鏈 9 v1.0 (57顆衛星),[356]
Spaceflight Industries
14,932 kg LEO SpaceX
Spaceflight Industries (BlackSky)
成功 成功
(drone ship)
Ninth operational launch of Starlink satellites. This mission carried 57 Starlink satellites and two Spaceflight Industries satellites as rideshare;[357] first Starlink rideshare contracted with Spaceflight Industries, dubbed internally as "SXRS-1".[358] After previously testing on a single Starlink, the launch will have all 57 satellites include a "VisorSat" to reduce their brightness.[359]
91 2020年8月18日
獵鷹9號 Block 5
星鏈 10 v1.0 (58顆衛星)
SkySat-19, -20, -21
~15,440(34,040英磅) LEO SpaceX
Planet Labs
成功 成功
(drone ship)
Starlink flight including SkySat-19, -20, -21 rideshare.[337] First time a booster made a 6th flight.[360] The fairings previously flew on Starlink 3 v1.0. One fairing half was caught by Go Ms. Tree, the other was scooped out of the ocean.[337]
92 30 August 2020
獵鷹9號Block 5
SAOCOM 1B[363]
GNOMES 1[363]
3,130(6,900英磅)[365] 太阳同步轨道 CONAE
成功 成功
(ground pad)
Deployment of Earth-observing satellites built by Argentina's space agency CONAE. SpaceX was contracted in 2009 for an initial launch as early as 2013.[366] Originally planned for launch from Vandenberg but launched from Cape Canaveral, which made it the first flight from there using the southern corridor to a polar orbit since 1969.[362] The mission included two rideshare payloads, GNOMES 1 and Tyvak-0172.[363]
93 3 September 2020
獵鷹9號 Block 5
星鏈 11 v1.0 (60 satellites) 15,600(34,400英磅)[249] LEO SpaceX 成功 成功
(drone ship)
Eleventh operational launch of Starlink satellites bringing the total to 713 launched Starlink satellites.[369]
94 6 October 2020
獵鷹9號 Block 5
星鏈 12 v1.0 (60顆衛星) 15,600(34,400英磅)[249] LEO SpaceX 成功 成功
(drone ship)
Twelfth operational launch of Starlink satellites, which for the first time used a fairing half on its third launch.[371] Also, the B1058 holds the title for the shortest time a booster reached 3 flights which is 129 days beating B1046 by 77 days.
95 18 October 2020
獵鷹9號 Block 5
獵鷹9號一級推進器列表 [372]
星鏈 13 v1.0 (60顆衛星) 15,600(34,400英磅) [249] LEO SpaceX 成功 成功
(drone ship)
Thirteenth operational launch of Starlink satellites. Second time a booster was flown six times and first time both fairing halves were flown a third time. Both fairing halves landed on their respective ships but one fairing broke the net on Ms Tree.[373]
96 2020年10月24日
獵鷹9號Block 5
星鏈 14 v1.0 (60顆衛星) 15,600(34,400英磅) LEO SpaceX 成功 成功
(drone ship)
Fourteenth operational launch of Starlink satellites and the 100th successful launch of a Falcon vehicle.[374]
97 2020年11月5日
獵鷹9號Block 5
GPS卫星-GPS卫星列表 (萨卡加维亚) [375][376] 4,311 kg (9,504 lb) MEO 美國太空軍 成功 成功
(drone ship)
Manufacturing contract awarded in January 2012,[341] underwent thermal vacuum testing in December 2018,[377] while the launch contract was awarded in March 2018.[378] A launch attempt on 3 October 2020 was aborted two seconds before liftoff due to early start in two engines.[379][380] Following the abort, two engines from B1062 were sent for further testing.[381] The abort also caused delays to the Crew-1 launch to allow time for data review.[382][383]
98 2020年11月16日
獵鷹9號Block 5
獵鷹9號一級推進器列表 [385]
~12,500(27,600英磅) LEO (國際太空站) 美国国家航空航天局 (商業載人計畫) [310] 成功 成功
(drone ship)
First crew rotation of the commercial crew program, following the return in August of the crewed test flight mission 载人龙飞船示范2号. Originally designated "USCV-1" by NASA. Carried astronauts 维克多·格洛弗, Michael S. Hopkins, Shannon Walker and 野口聪一, for a 6 months-long stay aboard the ISS. The 龙飞船2号 was intended to dock while the 波音CST-100星际航线 was still docked from the extended Boeing Crewed Flight Test, to perform a direct handover.[386] However, due to Boeing Orbital Flight Test mishap, the Crew Flight Test was delayed and Boeing re-flight, Orbital Flight Test 2 is expected to dock during Crew-1.[387] The first flight of the crew program was initially expected to launch in 2017,[388][389] and finished final certifications in November 2020.[390]
99 2020年11月21日[391]
獵鷹9號Block 5
Vandenberg Space Launch Complex 4
Copernicus Sentinel-6 1,192(2,628英磅) 近地轨道 美国国家航空航天局 / 美国国家海洋和大气管理局 / 欧洲空间局 / EUMETSAT 成功 成功
(ground pad)
Named after the former director of NASA's Earth science program, it is a radar altimeter satellite part of the 海面地形 constellation located at 1336 km and 66° inclination, and a follow-up to Jason 3 as a partnership between the 美国国旗 (美国国家海洋和大气管理局 and 美国国家航空航天局), 欧洲 (EUMETSAT, 欧洲空间局, 法國國家太空研究中心).[392]
100 25 November 2020
獵鷹9號Block 5獵鷹9號一級推進器列表[394] 卡纳维拉尔角空军基地,
星链 15 v1.0 (60 satellites) 15,600(34,400英磅) 近地轨道 SpaceX 成功 成功
(drone ship)
First time a booster was launched for a seventh time and first time SpaceX completed four launches in a single month.
101 6 December 2020
獵鷹9號Block 5獵鷹9號一級推進器列表[396] 肯尼迪航天中心,
Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A
SpaceX CRS-21 2,972(6,552英磅) 近地轨道 (国际空间站) 美国国家航空航天局 (Commercial Resupply Services) 成功 成功
(drone ship)
First launch of Commercial Resupply Services of six launches awarded in January 2016.[397] It was the first launch of the upgraded version Cargo Dragon 2 spacecraft, with increased payload capacity and autonomous docking to the ISS. Payloads included Will Bishop Airlock Module[398] and CFIG-1 (Cool Flames Investigation with Gases).[399] It's also the 100th successful Falcon 9 launch.
102 13 December 2020
獵鷹9號Block 5獵鷹9號一級推進器列表 卡纳维拉尔角太空军基地,
天狼星XM 7,000(15,000英磅) 地球同步轉移軌道 天狼星XM 成功 成功
(drone ship)
Launched the largest, high-power broadcasting satellite for SiriusXM's 數位音訊無線電衛星 (DARS). SXM 7 was built by Maxar Technologies; intended to operate in the S波段 spectrum, it will replace the SXM-3 satellite. The satellite will deliver the highest power density of any commercial satellite on-orbit,[401] generate more than 20 kW of power, and have a large unfoldable antenna reflector, which enables broadcast to radios without the need for large dish-type antennas on the ground. Due to the heavy weight, the payload was injected into a sub-synchronous orbit of 224 X 19,411 km and the satellite itself will transfer to full GTO.[402] It was the first time a commercial primary payload flew on a booster which had been flown more than 4 times before.[403]
103 19 December 2020
獵鷹9號Block 5獵鷹9號一級推進器列表 肯尼迪航天中心,
Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A
List of NRO launches Classified 近地轨道 美国国家侦察局 成功 成功
(ground pad)
The planned launch was not known by the public until FCC filings appeared in late September followed by confirmation from the NRO on 5 October 2020, likely a relatively light payload that allows the return of the booster to the launch site.[405]




Date and
time (协调世界时)
獵鷹9號一級推進器列表[lower-alpha 7] Launch
Payload Payload mass Orbit Customer Launch
Falcon 9 first-stage landing tests
104 8 January 2021
獵鷹9號Block 5
Türksat 5A[406] 3,500(7,700英磅) 地球同步轉移軌道 Türksat (company) 成功 成功
(drone ship)
A 3,500(7,700英磅) satellite intended to be stationed at 31.0° east.[406] This is the most powerful satellite in Türksat's fleet[407] and will provide Ku波段 television broadcast services over 土耳其, the 中东, 欧洲 and 非洲. The satellite was injected in to a 地球同步轉移軌道 of 286乘55,281(178乘34,350英里) with 17.7° 軌道傾角.
105 20 January 2021
獵鷹9號Block 5
Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A
星链 16 v1.0 (60 satellites) 15,600(34,400英磅) 近地轨道 SpaceX 成功 成功
(drone ship)
The first booster to successfully launch and land eight times. Achieved a record turnaround time between launches of only 38 days, and brought the total of launched Starlink satellites to over 1000.[410] SpaceX stated the landing would occur during higher winds than usual; this test to expand the landing envelope was successfully passed by the booster.[411]
106 24 January 2021,
獵鷹9號Block 5SHERPA (space tug)


Transporter-1 smallsat Rideshare (spaceflight) ~5,000(11,000英磅) 太阳同步轨道 Various 成功 成功
(drone ship)
First dedicated smallsat rideshare launch, targeting a 525(326英里) 地心轨道 orbit.[413] The launch deployed a record 143 satellites consisting of 120 立方衛星s, 11 小型卫星, 10 星链s, and 2 transfer stages. In addition, 2 hosted payloads and 1 non-separating dummy satellite[414] were launched.[415] These include SpaceBEE (x 36), Spire Global (x 8), ICEYE (x 3), UVSQ-SAT,[416] Educational Launch of Nanosatellites (Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator),[417] and multiple Kepler nanosats.[418][419] D-Orbit flew their ION SCV LAURENTIUS, 10 星链 satellites were placed in a polar orbit[420] and 2 of 16 payloads remained attached to SHERPA (space tug). Exolaunch deployed several small satellites and cubesats via their own deployment mechanisms. First flight of a Falcon 9 with a SHERPA (space tug) transfer stage.[421][422]


從2010年6月至2017年10月,猎鹰9号系列运载火箭共发射了44次,其中42次任务完全成功(成功率95.5%),1次部分成功(成功将主载荷送入轨道,但一个次级载荷进入了低于预期的轨道), SpaceX CRS-7(全部损失)。另外,Amos-6于发射前在发射台上为静态点火测试作准备时因爆炸被摧毁。24次火箭回收尝试中有19次成功(成功率79.2%)。







  •   发射前失败
  •   发射中失败
  •   部分成功
  •   成功


  •   地面回收失败
  •   海上驳船回收失败
  •   海面降落失败
  •   降落伞回收失败
  •   陆地回收成功
  •   海上驳船回收成功
  •   海面降落成功
  •   未尝试


  1. 為一個未有指明的美國政府機構行事。
  2. A successful "ocean landing" denotes a controlled atmospheric entry, descent and vertical splashdown on the ocean's surface at zero velocity; for purposes of gathering test data; such boosters were subsequently destroyed at sea.
  3. Payload comprises five Iridium satellites weighing 860 kg each,[138] two GRACE-FO satellites weighing 580 kg each,[139] plus a 1,000-kg dispenser.[140]
  4. In addition, the Dragon capsule has a dry mass of 4,200(9,300英磅)
  5. Total payload mass includes the Crew Dragon capsule, fuel, suited mannequin, instrumentation and 204 kg of cargo.
  6. Despite making a successful landing, de-tanking and heading back home, the stage tipped over at sea. This is still considered a successful landing as the stage damage occurred while in transport.[238]


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  3. Clark, Stephen. . Spaceflight Now. 2012-05-18 [2012-06-29]. The next version of Falcon 9 will be used for everything. The last flight of version 1.0 will be Flight 5. All future missions after Flight 5 will be v1.1.
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